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Posts posted by ashley623

  1. 5 minutes ago, Wooshkuh said:

    UTK told me that I would have a different deadline besides April 15 (at least a week or two) if I got accepted off of the wait list at this point. I don't think I could sign up for 5+ years without visiting. 

    Luckily I'd only be 2/3 years, but I'm still a super indecisive person and couldn't commit to living anywhere without visiting. My one school I've been accepted to very graciously extended my deadline to the 20th after I visited and explained I already had travel plans to see another school, so this looks like it will be a stressful week! 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Elisajoy90 said:

    Accepted into MA, but on the waitlist for TA. Sorry, should've made that clear. 

    Bummer, was hoping I could give you good news! What position are you on the list, if you don't mind me asking? (Or more specifically, what was your original position?) I'm debating emailing to see where I am now, but probably won't bother if there hasn't been much movement on the waitlist. PM me if you'd like. :)

  3. 9 minutes ago, Elisajoy90 said:

    I am at the top of UTK's and Ole Miss's waitlist for the M.A. program. Waiting to hear back! Both of these schools are the top of my list. Just wondering if the person(s) ahead of me is considering either. If I got a call from either UTK or Ole Miss, I would accept!

    When you say you're on UTK's waitlist for the MA, are you talking about a TA position or just being accepted to the MA in general? I ask because I was accepted to the MA but waitlisted for a TA. I don't think I'm getting off the TA waitlist, in which case I will be declining my MA spot. 

  4. 4 hours ago, melian517 said:

    Have you tried asking if they will reimburse your expenses if you visit? All but one of the schools I visited were able to cover all of my expenses, so I feel like it's a reasonable question to ask, especially if you explain that you're not comfortable accepting until you see the environment and the culture of a place. Fingers crossed that you'll hear about funding soon!

    I only applied to MA programs, so unfortunately I don't think they would offer to cover any funding. :( Thank you, though! I hope to hear soon as well...

  5. I'm on the waitlist for funding at three schools, and don't plan to attend without funding. I'm high on the waitlist at two, low on the waitlist at another. I really don't want to commit to a school until I'm able to see it in person, but don't want the expense of visiting the school if I'm not positive I'll have funding. One of the higher waitlist schools has the standard April 15 accept/reject deadline, while another's isn't until the summer. Any advice on this predicament? Can a school tell you on April 15 that you've come off the waitlist, but you need to make a decision by the end of that day/without seeing the school in person?

  6. I've been accepted to Louisville and "top 10" waitlisted for funding, am #4 on the fully-funded waitlist at Oklahoma, and accepted to Tennessee but on the non-ranked waitlist for funding. Does anyone know what the likelihood is of actually coming off of the waitlist? Louisville and Oklahoma but stated that often times, waitlisted candidates were ultimately given funding, but this is a bit stressful. 

  7. 4 hours ago, renea said:

    I didn't attend, but I was accepted for an MA 2 years ago. Their campus is beautiful and their program was well funded from what I remember. You should totally reach out to Roxanne Mountford if you haven't already about visiting. I know they didn't fund visits for MAs when I went, but since it's so close I went on my own. She took me to lunch and showed me around campus, it was a very positive experience. There's someone on here who did their MA there, but at the moment I cant remember who. 

    Thank you very much! I might just do that. I'm close enough I could visit on my own dime (I'm in North Texas) so if I move off the waitlist, I'll likely do that. They said that the number of spots they could offer this year was greatly reduced...not sure if they're saying that just to make me feel better haha, but we'll see what happens. 

  8. I received two lovely emails from the Louisville grad assistant and director of the graduate English program stating that they would love for me to attend (I have been waitlisted for funded so emailed back last week saying I really admire the program but can't attend without funding) and will keep me updated immediately of changes on the funding waitlist, so I feel pretty encouraged. Program director even asked if I'd like to set up a time to talk on the phone more about the program and so he can answer any questions I may have. No matter what happens, the graduate faculty at Louisville has been so extremely kind this entire process and I'm very impressed by that. 

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