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  • Location
    outside USA
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Studio Art

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Just correcting this, lot of false information here. Interdisciplinary Studio and New Genres are not the same thing. Andrea Fraser definitely still teaches grad ID. She is also the chair of the Art Department. There is no such thing as a 'program director' at UCLA. Also the open studios always have hundreds of attendees - have you been?
  2. Lol. Dude. Don't trash the school cause you didn't get in. If you applied to the wrong school that's on you.
  3. I know Stanford interviewed a couple of weeks ago... has anyone heard anything? I would love to know as I am hoping to apply again next year
  4. @Marlonk I am dying to hear back from UCLA too - by any chance do you know if your friend received good funding from UCLA? tuition covered or anything like that?
  5. @Pulsar no I haven't - Have you heard anything?
  6. Rejected from Northwestern - the department sent an email which was nice.
  7. I got hits from Stanford today, according to Google Analytics. Less than 30 seconds though - can't tell if that's a bad sign or still a good sign
  8. I am struggling with the waiting today! I just keep checking my analytics, this forum and my applications, even though I know it’s completely useless. Also I keep getting voicemails from spammers, a big increase since putting my number in MFA applications - has anyone else found that?
  9. @peachgray Congratulations! One step closer, i'm sure you will do so well. And first interview for the forum
  10. Can we presume that you got an interview @peachgray?
  11. Looking at past forums the first/second week of February seemed to be the busy period of people receiving interview notifications. Of course not all schools are the same, but I think it's safe to say in around 3 weeks lots of people will have heard something! What schools did everyone apply to? I love hearing peoples top choices and reasons.
  12. Pretty much sums it up for me too! In about 3 weeks we should start to hear.. Best of wishes to everyone
  13. Two more applications to finish off for me! It's so hard to know how much detail to go into with the personal history, statement of purpose AND artist statement. I am trying to get that nice balance of all three together telling a nice story of my practice. How is everyone else going?
  14. Is anyone applying to Stanford? Doing the GRE?
  15. Good job getting your applications in early @amberf95 I wonder if faculty start looking at applications before the due date?
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