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Everything posted by amyjw

  1. Here is the group for Indiana University https://www.facebook.com/groups/967545003410657/
  2. Hi y'all! I just accepted my offer to IU! I made a FB group, if you're coming here too, feel free to join! I'm currently an undergrad at IU so feel free to ask any q's about the school or Bloomington as a whole https://www.facebook.com/groups/967545003410657/?source=create_flow&ref=group_browse Let me know if there's already a group, I couldn't find one!
  3. My top two choices (which I'm lucky enough to be able to choose between) are Rush and IU. Now I have to choose! Rush: $$$, closer to home, impressive reputation and faculty, exciting location IU: $ (I get in-state since I went to HS & undergrad here), further away (~4.5 hrs), I know the town and school very well. Thoughts?
  4. Hey y'all, I'm scheduled to have a FaceTime interview with Iowa tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone who went to the visit day over the last weekend or who has already had their virtual interview could maybe give me some insights as to the kinds of questions they'll be asking? This is my first interview and I'm pretty nervous. General interviewing tips also very welcome. Will a nice blouse and blazer be acceptable? Thanks!
  5. I just got an email saying I was placed on the waitlist! Really excited about my admissions to IU and Rush though!
  6. I'm applying to 11, I really just want to get in somewhere so I figured the more the better chances.
  7. Turned in my applications 11/09, got the email this morning (11/21) that they were verified!
  8. Hi everybody! I've just applied to SLP programs, and now everyone in my family keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I don't really *need* anything so I was wondering if any of you current grad students (or more informed applicants than I am) out there had suggestions for things to ask for that will be useful in grad school this coming fall (hoping I get in- fingers crossed!) Thanks!
  9. Where are you from? Indiana! Which programs are you applying to? Indiana, Illinois, Northwestern, St. Xavier, Rush, Purdue, Nebraska, Texas-Dallas, Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Iowa (11...yikes..why) What are your biggest concerns about applications? My GPA is a little low. I'm also worried I'm going to forget something or miss something and not submit a transcript or something since I'm applying to so many programs (thank god 6 of them are on CSDCAS!)
  10. Hi all, I'm a little neurotic/anxious so I just submitted all of my applications (after working on them since they opened in August, again, anxiety). I'm wondering if any of you have advice on how to deal with the wait? February/March seems so far away and I know I should just relax and focus on finishing this semester strong, but I have this constant nagging feeling that "oh, you should be working on your apps" or "oh, you're not gonna get in anywhere". This isn't helped by the fact that the personal statement I submitted to Indiana refers to the school as "the Indiana University", which it is not, and I should know better, since that's currently where I'm studying. I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance or some strategies to deal with the wait. I applied to 11 schools (is that crazy? I don't know) and as long as I get in somewhere I'll be happy. IU is my top choice but I honestly have no clue if that's gonna happen (3.7 GPA, 321 combined GRE, undergrad research experience). Also it'd be nice to know if any of y'all applied to the same places I did, so here's my list: Indiana, Illinois, Northwestern, St. Xavier, Rush, Purdue, Nebraska, Texas-Dallas, Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Iowa Sorry for the rambling post I'm new here!
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