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Everything posted by loffire

  1. McRae, tenBrinke and Chiew Sounds fun! Hahahah who were your POIs there? Mine is Gasper and Adams
  2. I applied to denver and penn state too! On my end U toronto, texas and northeastern have begun review.
  3. oooh we have a huge overlap of schools! i applied to all the same except columbia hahah care to share POIs?
  4. Ive applied to ucla and uci! keep me updated if you hear anything hahah
  5. Agreed! They know how busy/forgetful faculty members can be. Hope you get dem invites so this will be just funny on hindsight
  6. different PIs tend to work at slightly different pace. if you're applying to the same dept as @DevelopingThoughts (eg. clinical) then you probably expect it within a week or 2 from whenevre that PI contacted him/her for the same dept. If its a different department it might be weeks before you hear back. I might be completely wrong but that seemed to be the trend last year.
  7. Hope for the best man. Because so many documents come in, they may not get matched on time even if they receive it at all. Fingers crossed, the grad adm team is willing to look at unofficial stuff for review in good faith Otherwise is there anyway you can send proof to them that you sent it ages ago? There's usually a receipt for these things sent to your email. With electronic transcripts you get a notification stating who opened it when and received it.
  8. I spelt her name as Karen instead of Kristen. My brain somehow saw first and last letters and just went with Karen. good job brain. you had one job
  9. This thread needs to be revived! On my end I just realized that I had gotten the first name of my POI in both the application and SOP completely wrong (apart from first and last letter of the name). I emailed the grad adm team and they said they cant change it, but the dept let me resubmit my SOP. So i've got that going for me which is kinda nice
  10. This is literally what I wrote, and I sent it too all who replied me. Even if it was just a "you should apply". Cos I contacted them in Oct and to busy faculty that might be a lifetime ago. Dear Dr. OOO, I am writing to let you know that I decided to apply to University of BBB and have submitted my application indicating my interest in working with you. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to correspond with me and I look forward to a decision on my application. Best Regards, ZZZ
  11. sending you good vibes man. Hope your LoR writer comes through! Thankfully I had my last one on FB and i just FB msged him checking in. He submitted all my letters in time
  12. From my understanding when they give page limits, they expect single spaced unless they specify otherwise
  13. I think it is a good move. I didn't plan for plan b last year and was stuck in a limbo this year. Id recommend doing something that'll preferably give you money and experience to beef your cv should you not make it this cycle. I ended up doing odd jobs working in a country club and as a bartender while I did an unpaid research internship. My bank and sleep account aren't doing well
  14. I think you've done all you can. If the portal still accepted your application you might have squeezed in within the window. Otherwise; a lesson to learn from (probably a really painful one), but let's hope for the best, prepare for the worst
  15. Not a Pol Sci maj, but I would actually pick the 2nd. 5.5 AWA is super impressive writing score and though 167 and 162 is lower, it is by no means not a solid score.
  16. Being an international student, my name doesn't always fit naming conventions so there are slight variations to my name on different platforms (more like special characters missing on some). So some grad schools don't match my application to my scores. I knew that cos I applied last year and just waited for them to receive my scores but they didnt and many of my applications probably got tossed out for being incomplete. This year I emailed the schools within 2-5 days (depending on deadlines and what they mentioned in they FAQs) of submitting application if it wasn't matched. Most of them replied within the day or two. Usually if you can prove you sent your scores out early and you didn't mess up the codes (1 school had me send screenshots) I think you'll be fine. They tend to not meet on the deadline day itself so as long as you act quickly you should be able to salvage the situation! all the best!
  17. yayyy someone to commiserate. 2 of my 3 LORs will be in only on 1st dec hahah i'm not crying you are hahaha
  18. of my 3 LOR writers, only one has submitted them all. 1 got back not long from a trip overseas and now her whole family is down with some bug (they suspect dengue) and my other 1 just let me know he knows the deadline is dec 1st. adrenal glands? what are those?
  19. now we gotta talk about neo-ffi hahah i've been checking the portals everyday to make sure all my stuff are paired up and have emailed schools. i keep worrying that they'll think i'm a nuisance for adding to the flood of emails theyll be getting. but i'd rather that then an incomplete application
  20. hahah i feel ya. i'll DM u instead and we can commiserate
  21. I'm more interested in regulation of emotions, perception of emotional stimuli and expression of emotions. Stems from my prev research exp in microexpressions. Ive applied to Stanford, ucla, unc, u texas at austin, upitt, penn state, uci, dartmouth, neu and denver. everything above uci is progressively more of a reach for me hahah. at toronto i'm looking at inzlicht, stellar and cunningham. how bout you?
  22. portal! oh I do recommend this war of mine
  23. I had oregon and wustl in my initial list but dropped them eventually. I've applied to toronto as well cos i'm interested in affective neuroscience!
  24. oooh how strange. sending good vibes to everyone. Hope all your stuff get found before the deadline ikr. It'll get way more active over the next week. die off a bit towards the new year then explode again hahahah
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