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Everything posted by historygeek

  1. Excitement: I got my second acceptance today! I was accepted to the MA to PhD program at SLU! Worries: Now I'll have to choose between two programs, and I'm not sure if I can transfer into early modern history at SLU versus American.
  2. I meant to post this earlier, but I got the notification while on my way to see Hamilton.... I got my second acceptance! I was accepted into the MA to PhD program in American history at SLU. I emailed the program director to see if a switch into the early modern history program was possible and will probably ask my current faculty mentor (who does some very interesting work) about possibly working with me for a masters. I honestly didn't expect to have to weigh two options, but I'm so glad I have to!
  3. It's presumed, by the post as well as the lack of any communication.
  4. I had expected to be rejected from NYU, so I'm not too upset! Congrats to all the admits!
  5. Has anyone heard from NYU?
  6. I got rejected from Columbia through the portal, without an email being sent.
  7. I went ahead and entered some history data. Great idea, @Ternwild!
  8. A somewhat pleasing end to the saga.
  9. Oof, looks like decision season is leaving McGill linguistics candidates on edge.
  10. How exciting! Congrats! What a way to start your Saturday.
  11. Just got my official Harvard rejection on my birthday. Oof.
  12. Whomp, there it is from Harvard.
  13. If any of the WUSTL admits are here and have question about STL, let me know!
  14. I'm wondering if I should just call it at Rutgers as well.
  15. I noticed that Rutgers sent out a couple of decisions. Does anyone know if they've sent out all of the decisions, or if they're staggering?
  16. I'm ready for the annual Harvard Valentine's Day Massacre! Good luck today, everyone!
  17. I'm not sure about physics apps, but I know most history apps ask if you'd like to be considered for a terminal masters.
  18. Yeah, as a native Ohioan, probably shouldn't have surprised me coming from them!
  19. Just got the official rejection from Michigan. The subject line said "Hello from the University of Michigan History Department," so I was hopeful for a second.
  20. I just got it. I looked into it and the fellowship consideration deadline was in January.
  21. Congrats! How exciting.
  22. OH NO.
  23. Excitement: The more I learn about the program I got into and will likely attend, I love it more! Worries: I'm not sure about funding just yet, and probably won't for a couple of weeks. I applied for departmental funding, a graduate assistantship in the Grad Office, and sent a letter to financial aid. If I do get a stipend, I would have to pay for the first bit of rent, which is scary to me.
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