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About Loujoelou

  • Birthday 01/29/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Virginia, United States of America
  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    Liberty University

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  1. I honestly forgot I started this forum and was pleasantly surprised to see these posts! I wish you all the best with your application processes. A lot of you seem hesitant due to the time needed. However, it's all about the mindset. If you push yourself and stay focused, I am sure you can finish your applications by the October deadline. However, the time to start is now if you are thinking about it! Regarding the Slack group, can anyone send me an invite if you happen to receive the link / invite? I would love to join it as well! Similar to @SportPhD, I emailed the person I really wanted to research with in Australia in 2017, and had the opportunity to do research in Australia that summer. I am using these same affiliations for the Fulbright application this cycle. An email can go a long way and make that affiliate connection you need if you are applying for a research grant!
  2. Hello everyone! The Fulbright 2020-21 application cycle for this year has been open since April and most applicants from last year's forum were already notified of their results. Congratulations to everyone on the forums that became a finalist last cycle! This can be a great place to ask questions, understand the process, get to know other Fulbright applicants, and endure the long notification waiting period ?. A little bit about myself: I was a semifinalist in the 2018-19 cycle for Australia, and am re-applying this year! I wish you all the best in making it, and let the annual Fulbright application forum begin! 
  3. I would love to talk about the first topic since I have been facing this myself and have been applying to many grants/scholarships, dealing with applications and everything that comes with it!
  4. Hey! I have no idea, but am glad to see a fellow potential Australian Fulbrighter! Congratulations on being a semifinalist. I am a semifinalist for the open study/research award myself. What university/city would you be affiliated with?
  5. Hey! Semi-finalist for Australia on here and I noticed on the Google Doc spreadsheet for Fulbright 2018-19, there's also another semifinalist. If anyone knows, have the interview dates been passed out? Also, in case anyone hasn't put their application statuses on there or seen the document, here is a link to the Google Doc. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cd86U9AreH9k_-WKLKnLCLn_C5MC3FKvZZ9RhlqSAq4/edit#gid=1535702113
  6. Hey everyone, I don't know if any of you would know this but I've been wondering. Does anyone know what the youngest or some of the younger Fulbrighter ages have been? I'm curious because I'm 19/graduating senior and got notified today that I am a semifinalist for Australia.
  7. My best friend and I were bowling to get rid of our nerves while waiting, and half way through our game we got our emails. I am a semifinalist for Australia and she is a semifinalist to Senegal! I received mine at 6:01 & she received her email at 5:59 EST.
  8. oh! I had never thought of it that way haha. I figured they meant 2017-2018 application cycle for the following 2018-2019 year. Maybe it was just my eagerness to get the news but you're right! But yeah... okay so that's the applicants the year before us got it haha.
  9. I believe they've already known since November since if you check on their Instagram account. They had a video announcing the colleges who had their very first Fulbright finalists ever and tagged those colleges in the video. I'll take a screenshot of it! Since I'm assuming they've known since then who'd the finalists be because they did a video in that regard, I wonder why we have to wait so long for our application status.
  10. Hey everyone! I wish you all the best with your applications and I liked the thread so I figured I'd join in and talk about my applications too haha. So far, I'm only applying for two schools and they are both abroad. The first is for a PhD program in Australia, and I'd be doing interdisciplinary research in fashion/microbiology . Also applied for the Fulbright so I'm waiting to hear back within the next few weeks about the status of both of those applications since the Fulbright would fund my studies there! It's been a bit excruciating to wait for the Fulbright status because on their Instagram account, they announced colleges with their first ever finalists in November for this application cycle. . . which means they've probably known for three months about whose in and whose not haha. The second program is in China, and I would be doing a Master's in Textile Engineering. Working on my application now and plan to submit it by the end of this month, although it's due in April. Once I submit it, I should find out in a few weeks whether or not I get the funding (another grant application) I am applying for as well.
  11. Loujoelou


    I would also be interested about blogging!
  12. Just answered the PhD focus part up above in the previous post, but if you have any further questions feel free to ask me! As for your topic that sound really cool haha ! You might get this often, but it sounds like it could be from the Godfather.
  13. Since I asked the question, I may as well answer my own question too. I am applying for an Open Study award to go to Brisbane, Australia and complete a PhD. (last year 6 out of 63 applicants received awards.. haha) I'm about to finish my bachelor's in fashion design with minors in business & Chinese, and I research a leather-like material made with water, sugar, and tea. Thus, for my PhD I'd be developing bacterial cellulose as a sustainable leather alternative! i'm currently in the process of working on my senior design collection incorporating the material so we'll see how that goes.
  14. So we can almost be next door neighbors if we both get the Fulbright haha . Haha, even though you say yours might be boring, I can certainly see the relevancy that can have in New Zealand. That sounds awesome! Wish you the best~ and ah! Interesting. I can't believe they make us wait for so long. My birthday is coming up on the 29th xD Sooo. let's hope that the notification is a good one lol, and hopefully we don't have to wait till the 30th.
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