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Posts posted by Wabbajack

  1. 2 hours ago, Isocrates2.o said:

    CLEMSON VS. NC STATE. I'm torn. My research interests are in rhetorical theory, digital media and web social activism. My far-too-simple analysis of these two programs, which are my finalists and are both offering similar funding packages, is that Clemson RCID focuses more on rhetorical theory, while NC State CRDM focuses more on communication, media theory and social media. I can't really go wrong with either-- both boast nearly 100% job placement rates. 

    For anyone with inside knowledge of the programs, could you perhaps give me some advice on how they differ/which better sets up someone who'd like to one day publish in Kairos, Computers & Composition, and Philosphy & Rhetoric? 

    My gut inclination as of now is to head to Raleigh and commit to NC State based on the faculty, the cohort, the awesome city, the location, the focus on media theory (which attracts me), and the overall level of comfortability. I haven't visited Clemson, so I haven't a clue what life would be like there. But they have big-name faculty and a history of excellence. 

    Anyone have any inside knowledge on these programs? Thanks in advance!

    Have fun reading my super long PM. If you still want more info, @mk-8 is a wealth of knowledge who helped me out a lot!

  2. 6 hours ago, Warelin said:

    I think it's important that you're happy with where ever you're at in order to produce your best work. I turned down a few offers with a better placement rate because I couldn't see myself being happy with living there. If you're stressing about funding, you won't produce your best possible work.

    Yeah, I definitely want to second this. I thought UMN would be my pick before I visited the Twin Cities. UMN has a fantastic program and very talented people, but I was struggling in their "unusually warm" weather with borrowed Northern gear. I quickly realized how much of an adjustment that weather would be. I couldn't picture myself being happy there, and I didn't want to make my adjustment into a PhD program that much more difficult. Happiness matters for your quality of life AND your quality of work.

    Disclaimer: Everyone is different. I hope someone who doesn't mind the cold takes my spot and appreciates that program for how awesome it is! 

  3. 3 hours ago, WildeThing said:

    I actually called myself and was told that “most but not all” decisions have been made and that we should be hearing back in one week or two. I asked if some acceptancs were pending and was told that some decisions have not been finalized. Personally I take this to mean that acceptances are out and they’re waiting on responses before finalizing rejections but who knows.

    Thanks for the update. I think you're probably right. I wish they wouldn't be so hush hush about it.

  4. 15 hours ago, hotpotato said:

    It's mostly, as a couple people have touched on in this thread, a fear that I don't know who I am as a scholar, won't be prepared for a PhD (I was not super impressive in undergrad), and may be inadvertently walking myself into a 5-year commitment to a place that isn't actually the best fit because I applied to the wrong places. 

    I don't have any advice for you, but I would to add to this sentiment.

    When I went into my MA program I had a certain plan, but by the end of the first semester I realized that I, yet again, hadn't quite figured out what I wanted to do or study. I finally feel secure about my career goals, but it has taken some time and a lot of unique experiences to learn what they are and why I have lasting interest in them. I switched emphasis, went to some very influential workshops, produced work for non-profits, worked in finance after graduation, and then switched back to academia to teach as a lecturer. It has taken all of that to figure out what I want to do as a scholar and to truly be sure about it. 

    Of course, some people figure out what they want to do and who they are as a scholar much more easily, and boy am I jealous of that kind of internal intuition. I just don't have it. But I don't feel bad about not having it, and I don't feel bad about trying my hand at different things to figure who I am and where I want to be in academia. If you feel like you might need to zigzag a little bit more before you commit your whole career to one specific path, that's freaking okay.

  5. 11 hours ago, la_mod said:

    4. Suggestions on whether or not to bring my boyfriend? Obviously he can’t come to meetings / departmental stuff, but I’d like him to be able to weigh in. I don’t currently have plans for him to join me, but I’m wondering what you all have done.

    Hmm, I guess it depends on why you want him there are how long you'll stay. I'll be going to two visit days in March. The first one is for Minnesota, and I'm choosing to bring my husband. Neither one of us have ever been to (much less lived in) the midwest. I think it's important for him to see what it's like and help decide what neighborhood we'd like to live in if we do move there. Thankfully, there is a lot to do in Minneapolis, so he'll keep himself busy on the visit day. We're also taking a few extra days to explore the Twin Cites. My second visit day is for USF (in Tampa), and I don't think my husband will be joining me. He is originally from Miami FL and is familiar with Tampa. He doesn't need to revisit the area to get an idea for what it's like, and I'm not taking any extra days to explore. He doesn't have much of a reason to tag along, and we wouldn't interact much if he did anyway. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

    Yes, I’m also an extrovert. My problem is my mind is going 100000 miles a minute and I’m asking another question when they’re still answering the first one. 

    Yes. This so much. Not to derail this to a Myers Briggs discussion, but I'm an ENTP and this is definitely one of flaws. My mind is on to the next idea and the next question a little too soon.

  7. I applied to U of M's Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication program (which is in the Writing Studies department), so I don't know anything about CSCL there. BUT I'm going to visit the campus during the first week of March and will report back with impressions of the Twin Cities. People here have a lot of positive things to say about the Twin Cities and MN in general. Hopefully I join the choir in singing their praises! UMN is my top pick, the best offer, and (I think) the best fit, but I want make sure all I still think that after I see it in person and meet people.

  8. 8 hours ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

    All that green in your signature suggests they either didn't catch it, didn't care, or...enjoyed it! ;) 

    I've been avoiding admitting this one, but I had recently added a signature to my email that includes the name of the university where I work (which also happens to be the university where I got my MA), and only realized I had switched some letters in the middle after, you know, extensive email exchanges with my POIs. Praying that no one noticed, but oh my god. 

    Haha, I realllllyyyy doubt they noticed. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I certainly don't pay that much attention to email signatures. 

    I'm unsuccessfully trying not to imagine each admission committee pronouncing "Brititsh" and laughing at me in a circle of judgement. But like you said, they ultimately didn't mind too much...or kinda dug it--even if they did laugh at me. Take heart fellow typoer! 

  9. 1 hour ago, M(allthevowels)H said:

    That...is...hilarious. On the upside, three acceptances means they're into it ;)

    Hahaha, just remember me when it goes main stream.

    54 minutes ago, EspritHabile said:

    Oh my god. I would have been mortitified. 


    Really though, typos like that often go unnoticed. Remember this? https://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/people/matt.davis/cmabridge/

    Yessss. I seriously have no idea how I my brain ignored the squiggly read line during my countless proof readings. I blame never adding my weird name or academics word to Word's dictionary. I think I've just learn to ignore the red squiggle.

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