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About Zimmy64

  • Birthday 07/16/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Monticello, MN
  • Interests
    Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Economics, PPE Studies, Moral Philosophy, Classical Liberalism, Anarchism, Philosophy of Property, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Politics and Religion
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
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  1. I've accepted Georgia State University's (M.A.) offer. I've declined offers from Northern Illinois University (M.A.), Tulane University (Ph.D.), Bowling Green State University (Ph.D.). I also took myself off the waitlist at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (M.A.).
  2. It's a matter of AOIs, faculty, and the chance to apply again in two years. My AOIs are political philosophy, philosophy of economics, classical liberalism, and business ethics (among others). There really isn't anyone at UNC I'm interested in while GSU has both Andrew Cohens who do work I'm very much interested in (Toleration and Business Ethics for J Cohen, reparations and public policy for I Cohen, and classical liberalism for both), Eric Wilson who works on Kant and Hume, and Tim O'Keefe (I'm not the biggest fan of Greek Philosophy but O'Keefe's work on Epicurus seems interesting). Furthermore, going to GSU gives me the chance to reapply in two years with better odds for Arizona, Brown, and Georgetown (with GSU having great placement rates for those programs). It also helps that I received the liberalism scholarship at GSU and the program was recommended by my undergraduate mentor (who is friends with both Andrew Cohens who I have been told are very interested in me).
  3. My old undergraduate institution said something similar. The often end up throwing away applications from Yale, Princeton, Harvard, etc because those applicants often think the prestige of their graduate school will do all the work for them. The prestige helps but you also need to be able to teach (as you said).
  4. I'm waiting on Virginia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Milwaukee (M.A. Program). I'm pretty sure I was rejected from Virginia, North Carolina, and Arizona (I'm not sure about Milwaukee it could go either way) but I'd like to get official notification.
  5. I was just accepted to (and declined) Tulane University. I'm waiting to hear from Arizona, Virginia, Milwaukee, and North Carolina but only Arizona can stop me from heading to Atlanta this fall.
  6. I was just accepted to and declined Tulane University.
  7. I wish the University of Arizona would hurry up. I'm pretty sure I'm rejected but I'd like to know for sure so I can tell Professor O'Keefe I can commit to GSU.
  8. I'd say much less important but still relevant. NIU's placement record in general is better than GSU's but it also depends on what Ph.D. programs your looking to apply to two years from now. For example, I'm looking at Arizona, Georgetown, Brown, and Virginia. NIU's Arizona placement rate is slightly better than GSU's but GSU's placement rate for Georgetown, Brown, and Virginia are much better than NIU's. Another factor is that although fit is much less important for M.A. programs going to a program where you have a better fit might led to developing deeper connections with professors which in turn might lead to better letters of recommendations for Ph.D. programs. It would also depend on what the other factors pulling you towards NIU are. Better funding, for example, would trump better fit for me.
  9. I just declined an offer at Bowling Green State University.
  10. No doubt that "liberal" can refer to more than just classical liberal. As you mentioned I would definitely consider both Petit and Rawls "liberals" even though they are not "classical liberals." Interestingly their is a debate within classical liberal circles over whether Kant is a classical liberal. I used to think that he was not a classical liberal though I have heard arguments that he does belong right in the middle of the classical liberal canon and is often excluded because he wrote in German rather than English. Certainty there are a number of classical liberals and libertarians who have been influenced by Kant like Robert Nozick and Mark LeBar. As you said it depends how one conceptualizes the often nebulous concept of "liberty." Its a topic I have dedicated a significant amount of time to and the diversity of views within liberalism can be very intellectually stimulating. Even though I don't often agree with Rawls or Petit they present interesting, plausible views that need to be wrestled with and considered.
  11. What are your AOIs? I'm interested in GSU's strength in Political, Social, and Legal Philosophy. I am also obviously interested in GSU's strength in (Classical) Liberalism. On a side note I've repeatedly had to explain to my friends and parents that us Americans mangled the good word "liberal" and that in philosophy and (for the most part) still in Europe liberal means more or less Libertarian (It covers a wide swath from Classical Liberals who see a limited role for Government like Hume and Smith all the way to Anarcho-Capitalists.
  12. No, which also makes it an easy decision (My funding at GSU is $15,000/year + tuition waiver). Professor Clapp did mention that those who don't get funding in the philosophy department often get it in other departments. Given my background in Political Science I was going to see if I could get one there but I was waiting to hear back from GSU since it would have made the point moot and it looks like that was the right decision.
  13. In at Georgia State University (off the waitlist) + I got their liberalism scholarship. My post on the previous page looks kinda silly now. Just goes to show you never lose hope. I'm absolutely thrilled. Also this means I'll be declining Northern Illinois University for those on NIU's waitlist best of luck
  14. Declining Northern Illinois University and 99% sure I'm declining Bowling Green State University.
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