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Everything posted by sgaw10

  1. I'm with you on Duke, though I feel that nothing at this point is a bad sign. Oh well
  2. I don't think anyone is trying to doubt your ability as a student. However, everyone else here has applied to BME programs -- not biomedical sciences. While they are similar, the fields are also different. There's likely another thread on here for biomedical sciences programs, where other applicants may be better able to answer your questions. I think the other commenters were suggesting that, given how competitive admissions are today, mixing up BME and the biomedical sciences on an application, especially in a statement of purpose, may be a good reason for rejection rather than one's qualifications otherwise. But since no one here has read your application, it is only a possible explanation.
  3. So, like many people, I am waitlisted at a school I would be thrilled to attend. The department is small, and I was waitlisted in early January for an interview, so I remain a teensy bit optimistic. But I don't want to get my hopes up too high, of course. I have already emailed the head of the department (but not of admissions), asking how the waitlist works. It is subdivided by AOI. In ~2 weeks I plan to provide the admissions chair with an updated transcript (my GPA is my weak point but has been steadily increasing) and reaffirm my interest in attending, but I don't want to seem desperate since I already sent an email back in January. Is it too aggressive if I state that this school is my top choice and/or email a POI? I feel like there is a very fine line between helping and hurting myself in this situation. Any tips?
  4. March makes me nervous. I hope all of the universities ghosting me will at least send some rejections so that I can have some closure. Still anxiously crossing fingers to get off the Rice waitlist...
  5. Can these places get their rejections out already so I can finally move on lol
  6. I was rejected earlier this month. I have a feeling that they're holding onto applicants who checked the box if they are interested in being considered for master's, which I was not. But it also seems like their funding hasn't been as great this year because a few people in the results page said they would be granted admission IF they win NSF. Of course, it is highly competitive regardless of funding. But I think if you haven't heard anything yet, that could be a reason why.
  7. So it looks like I should be expecting rejections from Northwestern and Utah anytime soon. Seriously, if anyone reading is iffy about Rice now or after the interview weekend, please, please, please reject the offer ?
  8. Being waitlisted at a school I really, really like is testing my patience more than desired...
  9. Congrats! I'm jealous! RIVS seems like a more professional Skype setting of sorts. I wouldn't freak too much. You got this!
  10. I've come to the point where I no longer refresh my emails all of the time because I don't expect news anymore
  11. At this point I don't know why it catches me off guard every week, but I always flip out when I see an email from Penn. then I read that it's for their applied student chat. Stop playing games with my heart ?
  12. This is what their email said: "Thank you for applying to the Rice Bioengineering Ph.D. program. Our faculty are impressed with your prior accomplishments, and believe you have excellent potential to succeed in our program. However, admissions is extremely competitive this year, and we have added you to our waitlist. We will inform you as soon as possible whether we will be able to proceed with an interview, or if we will not be able to offer you a position." I did not interview. Their weekend is not until the end of this month, unfortunately. But from this it sounds like although I am waitlisted, I would still have to do an interview if a spot opens up. This was sent to me exactly a month ago, which is early to me. I know their department is small, too. I should probably not get my hopes up though
  13. I feel you. I am waitlisted for an interview at Rice, and it's driving me crazy!
  14. Has anyone here heard from Duke and or have any idea if they're done sending interview invites?
  15. Thank you so much! I hope I end up having options, though. But it only takes one, after all, so the first acceptance feels relieving. Sending good vibes your way. You got this!
  16. Boston seems like a super likable city. I would love to live there. Hopefully the department and faculty are on point, too.
  17. Lol my LinkedIn profile had 14 views this week. Could just be random coincidence but that's an all time high for me.
  18. Thank you! Honestly, I'm really hoping something turns around this month so that I actually have options, you know?But having that first acceptance is such a relief. Hope good news also comes your way.
  19. I'm going to grad school!!!!!!!!!
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