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Everything posted by sgaw10

  1. Yeah, UVA. It's funny because we've been going back and forth about talking for, like, four days now. But I think we will chat tomorrow, so no biggie. I'm more concerned about my other schools at this point
  2. Yeah, most bio-related disciplines interview before admitting people to the program, so that unfortunately is not the case
  3. A bit overdramatic but this is this month's mood
  4. Think February will be more crickets chirping since pretty much everywhere I applied already sent out interviews
  5. Feeling the same about bioengineering programs this year. I don't know if programs are running behind, or if I really should just give up hope on any more interviews. With each day the silence is more and more painful I know it's bad to correlate self-worth with admissions for anything, but it's hard. February doesn't feel good since it seems like most interview weekends are during this month... and it's worse not being able to trust last year's results anymore
  6. I also applied to Columbia's MS to PhD track. I'm not sure if the interviews Columbia sent out earlier this month were for this path or for those who already hold master's degrees, but my hopes are not high anymore If you could tell Penn to send me an interview invite, that would be nice In all seriousness, Penn and Columbia are my top choices, so this month has been quite discouraging
  7. UCSD rejection sent to me at 2 AM. I figured it was only a matter of time.
  8. I would also recommend following up interviewers with a thank you email if you are very passionate about the program. It probably doesn't affect the decision, but it's a nice gesture and hopefully ensures that they don't forget about you. I sent a few today and have received positive responses, although these were for in-person interviews.
  9. February scares me. I really think I am going to be ghosted until March/April, since it's starting to seem like all interview invites have been sent out. Trying to keep myself occupied with work and school. But everything is going to be closed tomorrow because of brutally cold weather, so I get to stay at home and refresh my emails all day ?
  10. I think they're on-site. But I also dont think it is unheard of for them to accept outrightly based on previous years, so if your Skype interview went well then that could be the case. But for those of us without any prior contact, I don't feel hopeful
  11. I think given the interview invites already sent out, these will be rejections...
  12. I wouldn't worry about funding in your case. I didn't apply to UC Davis, but I believe UT Austin does the same thing. Maybe it is easier to get the acceptances out first and deal with funding for those who are seriously considering when meeting in-person. I could be wrong, but UC Davis does not strike me as an institution that would not fund their PhD students! I would just wait and see at the visit. I wish UCSD would say something though /:
  13. I am not sure about the amount. I also applied, so I figured maybe that would be mentioned in the interview. Maybe I'll see you at a visit!
  14. Congrats! I was only asked for availability for phone/Skype, so I wasn't sure what to expect. That doesn't sound too bad. Did you apply for their fellowship as well?
  15. Thanks for the words. Yeah, stuff can still happen within the next 5-6 weeks for sure. But most places have already sent out interview invites, which would be necessary for acceptance. So I have a strong feeling I will be ghosted until the last minute. Of course I'm quite grateful to have had some requests so far! But you know, having options, especially with dream schools, would be nice ? I'm not too interested in taking time off and going through the application cycle again, admittedly. So I'm just hanging on by a thread to see what happens. You're right that I should stop worrying so much though, since there isn't much I can do about it now. I hope that with your perseverance you get offers this year!
  16. Skype interview request from UVA this morning. Crossing my fingers as hard as possible for a Penn interview invite this week ?
  17. But when most of my schools have already sent out at least some interview invites, it starts seeming like I will be ghosted until March rejections...
  18. I'm going to lose hope in a few weeks. Most of my schools have not said anything to me, and it's saddening.
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