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    New York
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Electrical Engineering

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  1. ITS UP!!! (maintenance)
  2. honestly i have a feeling it's going to be next week, but we've waited this long at this point one more week isn't too bad hahah
  3. well here we go again... so close guys, so close ?
  4. i agree with you on all of that 100%
  5. i mean i completely agree about the trades aspect. i am the daughter of an electrician and i see the value of it very clearly, especially with it dying out in america. however, there are people who want a PhD for other reasons then to become a professor- such as getting certain jobs in industrial fields. just a thought because academic isn't the only option.
  6. where are you getting the numbers to back this? it really depends on your field of study. if we're talking about finding jobs, in engineering and science such results were found (here): "A special analysis of the 2010 SDR data found that only 2.1% of Ph.D. scientists and engineers were unemployed 2 years after earning their degrees. And that number drops to 1.9% for those 3 to 5 years beyond their degree." this is super unrelated to the original thread obviously, but i think that claim you're making is bold especially on this particular thread
  7. I'm still waiting for 2 schools, but they were basically my "safety" schools. I had gotten into 3 others, and rejected from another. I got into one of my top choices and decided to accept after my visit because it's an amazing school, program, and they provided me with tremendous funding. In a weird way my intuition really pulled through for making my choice. Guess I'll see how it pans out! I was definitely freaking out when I wasn't sure where I was going to end up. I had a lot of self doubt and thought that maybe I'd make the wrong choice, but ultimately there are plenty of options out there regardless of the outcome. I think that's what comforted me the most through this- knowing that I could always find something out there for me if I didn't like where I was.
  8. thanks so much for sharing this!
  9. I haven't heard of many people negotiating, mainly because there are other people usually in the same boat as you with the same funding offers. however, it wouldn't hurt to reach out to cornell and ask if they have any internal fellowships or research assistant/teaching assistant positions that you could possible qualify for. if you have a specific professor is mind at cornell, reach out to them and see if they have any funding. obviously you really have to have research interests that align with a given professor to be seriously considered but it definitely gives you an edge (especially since you've already been accepted)! i would be careful when mentioning other offers and mention these other things beforehand. a big help in making my decision was reaching out to current and past grad students from the programs i got into. they gave me insight on the pros and cons, professors and classes to avoid, basically the entire low down on the stuff that you can't see on a visit or the college's website. if possible, a visit can really help make your mind up as well so try to make it out to them. i hope this helped somewhat. best of luck in your decision!!
  10. on the NSF award announcement page from the previous years (they break down several stats about the people who won) https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=191361 https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=138123
  11. oh my bad! i see what you mean and i do agree- i genuinely think it's just based on the strength of the applications and there's not a necessarily a different standard from year to year. i mean after all, there's undergrads with multiple applications and significant accomplishments. last year there was 726 senior undergrads and 627 senior undergrads in 2016- so i guess not!
  12. I'm pretty sure it's been 2k every year (google grfp winners for 201x and you'll see they have posted about it officially on their website- 2015-2017 have been 2k winners) the $$ amounts have varied through the years because the budget changed and a few years ago there was a significant increase to the budget. however i feel that for this year the budget won't affect the amount of people accepted and the reward they had mentioned (but i suspect that the years to follow might be affected as a result of any budget changes)
  13. are you guys gonna move off campus or do graduate housing?
  14. wooo! so excited to join in the fall
  15. maannnn the anxiety of finding out is real... hoping for this friday tho!
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