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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Sociology, Criminology

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  1. If anyone needs me I'll be at work AKA refreshing the results page all day!!!
  2. Nope, I haven't heard anything about funding yet either! On the financial aid tab of the status portal it says check back in 2 weeks? Not sure if that's related to funding or they're just processing my FAFSA?? I wonder when we'll hear
  3. Has anyone heard from CUNY?
  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you getting funding!!! I'm gonna be pessimistic and assume that if I haven't been contacted yet it's probably a no, that way I don't set myself up for further disappointment lol
  5. Have any american students that applied to rutgers heard anything yet? I know a few international students have been contacted for interviews but otherwise it seems like nothing has been released!
  6. University of Washington acceptances starting to go out? Saw one on the results page
  7. Hi all! I got a call last night inviting me to UC irvine's interview weekend (AHH!!), does anyone know what to expect?? How many people do they invite to the weekend and how many do they accept after?
  8. For the Minnesota psychology PhD app, they have a page about what "format" the CV should be in but I can't tell if they just are specifying the information they want or if they want the CV formatted a specific way?? For others applying, did you add a separate page to your CV or redo the whole thing? Or just leave it if you already included the listed info? Thanks!
  9. I am beginning to draft my emails to professors that I am interested in working with for PhD programs beginning in Fall 2019, but I'm not sure if it is bad to email multiple people in the same department at one school?
  10. Hi! I know versions of this post have been made in the past but I thought I would go ahead and make it for the 2019 application season. Everywhere I look, I cannot find examples for sociology SOPs and personal statements. I can find them for almost every other social science, but not sociology! As someone who doesn't know any current soc PhD students who can help guide me or edit my writing, I am floundering with where to even begin. Would previously accepted students be willing to post their SOPs? It doesn't even need to contain and identifying university info, if redacting that would make people more comfortable. I really just need a good example of where to even begin! I'm struggling to balance the level of academic writing, while also adding my personality so it doesn't sound too dry but everything I write sounds like nonsense. Please help! Any examples or resources will be greatly appreciated!
  11. Hi! I graduated in 2017 with my B.A. in Neuroscience from a top 20 university. I've decided to pivot and pursue a PhD in sociology (going to apply for Fall 2019 admission), but I have a few questions about the application process. I was originally planning to apply for Clinical Psychology programs, meaning I was going to be applying to specific faculty whose research interests aligned with mine. Is sociology similar to this? Should I be contacting faculty within schools/departments I am interested in? Does prior contact with faculty of a specific department, even if it's just via email, weigh into acceptances at all? Thanks so much!
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