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Everything posted by Mickey26

  1. Was just about to say that! It's good etiquette to NOT hold multiple offers. Because realistically, you are deciding between TWO choices/schools, not between 3+. It's a stressful time for everyone so please let go of one of your offers so your spot can be given to someone else who is just as anxious. Thank you!
  2. No idea. The way they phrased it is if you didn't do interviews already, assume rejection.
  3. UManitoba just FYI from the commitee: Faculty in our program have short-listed applications who they are interested in considering for admission, and we have a meeting set for this Friday to make admissions decisions.
  4. You can ask "how many grad students do you plan on taking for 2019/2020?" I would not ask about other offers specifically.
  5. In terms of acceptance #2, POI hinted I'd be given an offer Monday. I basically just sat at my desk all day, checking my email and was notified around 4pm.
  6. You can call the grad program coordinator to check on your status/inquire about what part of the selection process they're in. Good luck!
  7. Yup. Ask your POI, they'll either pay for you completely or give a stipend.
  8. Most of campus is connected fyi!! You can more or less avoid the chilly outdoors haha (I'd be down but I have an event tonight sorry!)
  9. Haha it's ok! You'll be a champ compared to me haha I've been doing physio for my wrist, so coupled with my horrid bowling skills, we'll see if I can manage to even hit a pin (let alone hold a bowling ball) ???
  10. Its very idiosyncratic honestly. I've been accepted into 2 programs--for one, I was notified via the graduate coordinator, the other via POI. So if its POIs doing the acceptance notifications, then it's kinda up in the air as to when they notify people. I'd wait a few more days before following up--the POI might just be busy.
  11. What is your question exactly? If your POIs mentioned specific scholarship by name, you can look those up and see how the selection process for those work. Some you must be nominated by your school, others you apply to yourself. If you need help with a certain application, you can always ask your POI or the awards office. Also, check out the schools awards database--there are many that you can narrow down via criteria (first-generation PhD, etc). From my understanding, I think your first step should be to determine specific scholarships you do qualify for--speak to the POIs that mentioned it.
  12. From my personal experience (Canadian schools), it depends on when the committee meets. For example, one school took 1.5 weeks to get back to me since I was interviewed early, and the committee didn't meet until a week later. Whereas another school I was interviewed on Wednesday, and by Friday I was given a heads-up by my POI to look out for my offer on Monday (as that's when the committee meets). So my piece of advice is, if you do get an interview, ask them about the selection process after the interviews (e.g., "what is the selection process like after the interviews?". If you can, see if they can give you a date for when the committee meets. It's much easier to gauge the timeline that way. Good luck
  13. (I'm in Canada) but generally speaking, no. It's too early to hear about awards/scholarships. For example, for one school I was accepted in December. I won't be notified about awards/scholarships until mid-to-late Feb
  14. Hey and welcome! This is the correct thread as that program has been mentioned before. I personally cannot answer your question as I did not apply to that program--hopefully someone can answer that shortly
  15. Heyy, first off, I've heard USask is a fantastic school! Congrats on the interview! Given that Feb 1st was Friday...they might just be bogged down right now. I would give the program coordinator a call tomorrow and inquire about your status/ask whether offers have been extended. Best of luck
  16. Hey, it's definitely not over till its over!! For example, I will be declining at least one offer, so there is definitely still hope for anyone waitlisted. Waitlisted people do get in--it's not impossible. Keep your chin up and know this is NOT a testament of your worth. I find that keeping busy is the best thing for me personally. Be it (attempting to) finish an honours thesis, doing course work, or just cleaning (Kondo mari method, woot!), it helps keep the mind off things. Good luck and sending you good vibes! ❤️
  17. Thank you for the heads-up!! Hehe thanks for your support ❤️ !
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