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Everything posted by Origami_Princess

  1. What are your stats? Maybe look into American and Austrlian schools?
  2. Has anyone applied to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)?
  3. Has anyone applied to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship?
  4. Did anyone here also apply to the graduate diploma in Applied Health Sciences at Western?
  5. For those who didn't get in, how are you improving your application for the next cycle?
  6. I took it I found it extremely easy! I recommend it!
  7. Hi, Can I ask you what your stats were? (pm me)
  8. Anybody here considering doing American online SLP programs ?
  9. Was Janet able to give you constructive feedback?
  10. For those who applied more than once and got in, Could you please pm me how you improved your application? This was my second time applying.
  11. Did you email Janet asking her what your weaknesses were? just curious.
  12. Has anyone here gotten into any SLP Canadian schools with a subgpa of 3.4-3.5? I applied two times and received all rejections; it's frustrating! Western says they typically accept those with a sub-gpa of 3.3-3.5 and higher, but I think this is too good to be true.
  13. Just curious, I am thinking of the same thing as well. Did you already apply to a CDA program?
  14. ubc is just an estimation. they say that 120-150 applicants apply to slp and audiology so just to be safe, i assumed 50:50
  15. Does anyone know what the subgpa cutoff for Uoft last year?
  16. mcmaster: 2019: 32 accepted /453 applicants 2018: 32 accepted/483 applicants uoft: 2018 & 2019: 60 accepted/289 applicants western: 2019:51 accepted/401 applicants 2018: 50 accepted/426 applicants ubc: ~36 accepted/75 applicants
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