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  1. I interviewed with LS and haven't gotten accepted nor rejected. Do you know for sure someone accepted?
  2. If I haven't received a rejection email for Fordham's PhD Counseling program (but they seem to have been sent out) could this mean I am being considered for their Masters program instead? Radio silence is killin me
  3. At least after my group interview, the faculty acknowledged it was their first year trying something like that and that they empathized it was not an easy task / not conducive to group collaboration. I wouldn't worry too much about it I feel like the individual faculty interviews will hold more weight. Hopefully we hear back soon!
  4. School Name: George Washington University Program: Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Date invite received: 1/2/19 School Name: Brooklyn College Program: Masters in Mental Health Counseling Date invite received: 2/6/19 School Name: Northwestern University Program: Masters in Counseling Date invite received: 1/9/19 School Name: Northeastern University Program: Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Date invite received: 2/1/19
  5. Excitement: I got an interview to my top choice school and it's a competitive school. I let my hard work and preparation shine during my interview while also showing my personality and really clicking with the faculty member. I can't tell if she loved me or if that's just her expertise with interpersonal skills.
  6. Worries: I have 5 masters interviews and 2 doctoral interviews. One of the doctoral interviews is my top top top choice and the interview made me fall even MORE in love with the school and the work of my selected faculty. I want doctoral so bad, but applied to masters as well for counseling because either way it's what I want to do with my life. If I have adequate research, clinical, and academic experience and competency and felt like my top choice doctoral interview went AMAZING, do I even stand a chance if I'm up against current masters students who go to the same school as that doctoral program?
  7. Roosevelt University PsyD Clinical Psych Interview Feb 15th Personalized email from Program Director
  8. You're right! Thanks. Anyone looking at doctoral UMassBoston counseling, I've heard from multiple sources they don't consider anyone without a masters degree. So if you're like me and have a bachelor and didn't get an interview, don't feel too bad!! It's one of those programs that allows non-masters applicants to apply, but states it makes you less likely to get in.
  9. Thank you for the help. I'm excited to hear back!! UMassBoston doesn't have any submissions on the results page for interviews. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find that out?
  10. Columbia University - Interview Feb 7th Fordham- Haven't heard back NYU- Haven't heard back UMassBoston- Haven't heard back Anyone know anything about these?
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