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Mr. Jameson

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Mr. Jameson last won the day on September 29 2021

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About Mr. Jameson

  • Birthday 05/13/1997

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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Medical Decision-Making, Health Economics
  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Operations Management

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  1. So it turns out I was competitive in the health policy space with operations focus but couldnt crack operations programs with a healthcare focus. Goodluck with your remaining schools everyone-- my biggest takeaway from this cycle is that it is damn hard to break into top B schools so be stoked on wherever you can get in! It is still unclear to me what these top programs are even looking for!
  2. It looks like all of the Harvard Health Policy decisions have come out (except maybe management track and nobody posted). Very stoked on it!
  3. If research is what you lacked and can definitely be a good option. I know past Yale Tobin fellows who were able to first author papers published in very good Econ journals. Also depending on the predoc, there is a fair amount of mentorship that is useful for planning your future. And being at name brand predoc definitely helps as well-- I know several predocs at UChicago that I have seen over the last two years place really well because of who was writing their letters. I think long term goals matter too-- do you want to be a professor or do you want to work in industry? Tier 2 university likely means Tier 3 placement for a professor, but industry options can be quite good non-Tier 1 schools.
  4. A year ago I would have said yes. Though my gf is at Yale so there is that added benefit of being there for me. But this year I decided not to apply to predocs too just because I just spent too much time and money on my masters, I have solid research experience, and my letters of rec were very good. I told myself that if I didn't get in anywhere this year I would just give up on a PhD and do something else. I think a predoc is a very good option if you think the thing that is lacking in your profile is a strong letter and research experience. Frankly I felt like I had those things and if there was anything lacking in my profile it was going to be the things I couldn't really remedy with a predoc (bad math grades freshman year, B+ in real analysis, etc.). Now I could have retaken something like real analysis (and frankly it seems kinda silly to think im only as good as the grade I got in some math classes ~8 years ago), but I sort of had a principle that I did not want to go anywhere that was going to waste my time by expecting me to do something like that. So I guess it comes down to, do you think this would really add to your profile and is delaying a 4-6 year PhD by 1-2 years feel like something you're prepared to do?
  5. LOL my bad-- wishing you the bet of luck. Regardless of what happens I think there is an element of fate to this whole thing and whichever places end up choosing you is where you're meant to be
  6. Congrats on UNC! That's awesome! Also I know you mentioned the stipend being a bit lower but its definitely an affordable place to live so thats definitlely a plus!
  7. Yale rejection. Only business school i havent heard from is Columbia DRO, but im guessing based on previous years they already sent out interviews and just nobody reported it on results. Looks like it was not my year for business schools. Best of luck everyone
  8. NYU Stern rejection. RIP. I ranked it behind both Yale and Columbia Ops so I dont really care other than it makes me feel like my odds for those programs are not as good.
  9. Thanks! Unfortunately I have not heard anything from SES. And I can no longer view my application either. I didnt know you applied to SES-- have you heard anything? I saw one interview on the results page
  10. Got notified late last night for a 10 minute informal Skype call for Yale SOM Operations. Thank god! It seems based on previous years they interview ~5x more than they accept-- but im hopeful!
  11. Anyone here from Yale, Columbia, or NYU OM programs?
  12. It was an email with a link to check portal update
  13. Brown HSR decision posted
  14. Is anyone else in this thread waiting for Ops programs?
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