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Everything posted by Dryad

  1. Hello everyone, Anyone else applying for this upcoming cycle? Tips/advice?
  2. Hi there I honestly think that it matters a lot less at the graduate level, so long as you can demonstrate your research productivity. I agree with Sandmaster. I think your GPA is just a box to check off and to be used for initial cuts.
  3. I didn't make it past our departmental round the first time I applied because I had no publications (I wasn't even considered at the university-level). Published a couple items and overhauled my application, and ended up getting a top CGS-D ranking. I think having 2-3 publications will improve your chances drastically. I have my fingers crossed for you. Regarding the application itself, I recommend making sure that your research/application is aligned with their strategic plan and 16 Future Global Challenges (https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/merit_review-evaluation_du_merite/index-eng.aspx). Position yourself as someone who's on the beat about what challenges Canadians face, and clearly articulate how you're going to be a scholar that will help them meet these long-term goals through your specific brand of research. I also don't agree with the idea of partitioning the discussion about the significance of proposed research into the 3rd or 4th paragraph (typically second page). In the successful applications I've seen, we've added that commentary into every single paragraph. They've also updated their selection criteria, as to include service activities/volunteerism as a consideration to evaluate relevant experience and achievements. I recommend taking part in academic service activities, such as organizing a conference panel, putting together a symposium, or serve in your university's governance. Best of luck, and feel free to DM me if you want more pointers .
  4. I hope they have safeguards in place so your application will be reviewed once again when large discrepancies exist. I think so too. I got CGS-D as an masters entering PhD, but I kept getting told by faculty how that rarely happens.
  5. I'm about to board a plane with no idea whether they will still accept my visa by the time I land...
  6. Picking up my limited edition switch today. Not sure when I'll get to use it but excited nonetheless!
  7. Mmhmms see you next year, haha.
  8. No notice. I think it's safe to assume that they've finished making their selections.
  9. I think it would depend on the importance of published conference abstracts in your field. Best to contact the specific grad program admins to see if they would allow amendments to your application.
  10. Congratulations, by the way!
  11. http://citystudiovancouver.com/ Please let us know when you receive your notice as well
  12. Yeah, I'm sure all of the successful applicants believe that their work is impactful too. If you look at last year's cohort, it certainly seems like they're making progressive changes in their selection criteria. They must have a killer pool of applicants.
  13. I suspect that they've already made their primary selections. Fingers-crossed, I'm hoping that my application was strong enough to make the waitlist. I'm going to be optimistic and pack extra clothes for my conference in case I need to change my flights afterwards!
  14. My application is also listed as being reviewed. I just noticed that my university's nomination letter can be viewed. ?
  15. Congratulations!
  16. I highly recommend reading "the professor is in". I don't recommend it. Have you considered Canada? Grad school tuition tends to be much cheaper, even for international students.
  17. Konmari is legit. I also vacuum sealed all my stuff (ziplock works just as well) so it'd all fit in one suitcase. They're are also some companies that offer flat rate pricing for a given box dimension. In Canada, they have country wide options with Canada Post. Best of luck!
  18. Congratulations! I heard that there's an awkward group project where they observe you.
  19. PhD, similar discipline. One department flew me out from Canada to the states and involved an interview, campus tour, and dinner. Another only involved a phone interview. Most of them didn't interview at all (even when they accepted).
  20. Nothing from my institution yet. I've got a conference presentation out of the country, so I really hope they'll let us know before that so I can change my flights. I will have to fly straight there after my presentation and hope I've packed enough clothes in my tiny carry-on, haha.
  21. Hasn't been an issue.
  22. That's rough. I recommend reading "the professor is in". Pretty good book with practical tips for those pursuing a career in academia.
  23. Late to the thread but maybe this will help others. Imo, 1. I'd like to think that it's merit-based. Many places my friend and I applied to gave us varying offers. In my program, some students have to complete a lab-based component for their research. Seems fair that they'd get more to cover costs for research materials. 2. Yup. You should always leverage your acceptance packages to set yourself up for success.
  24. Congrats!
  25. Thanks!
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