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Posts posted by Chugwater2020

  1. 51 minutes ago, EyelandPychePhD said:

    Hey, thanks Chugwater2020- That's some good news, right?? No need to be freaking out quite yet, based on that response ?. I really hope they change the from 2/5 to a little later, giving us all a little more time to prepare....

    (Tagging anairakk below so that they see this:)


    52 minutes ago, EyelandPychePhD said:

    Hey, thanks Chugwater2020- That's some good news, right?? No need to be freaking out quite yet, based on that response ?. I really hope they change the from 2/5 to a little later, giving us all a little more time to prepare....

    (Tagging anairakk below so that they see this:)

    I take it as good insight, for sure!  Now we just need to keep in touch with each other if we do hear anything.  :)

  2. 3 hours ago, EyelandPychePhD said:

    Hey- Thank you, That does help! The fact that the interview invite date says 2/5 is making me nervous because it's getting to be short notice if that date is correct! However, since interviews are virtual, maybe short notice is the norm because applicants aren't flying in from other locations.... 

    I also emailed CSU and received this response last night: 

    The Admissions Committee should be sending out invitations for interviews in the next week.  They have not confirmed if that (Feb.5th) will be the official interview date yet.  Due to Covid, everything has been on a different time frame this year as it takes a little longer to get things done remotely.

  3. 4 hours ago, PyschMama said:

    I was wondering if there is a specific threat about interviews on this forum (as in advice, experiences, prep etc.)? I only have one interview lined up so far so want to make sure I do really well (no pressure lol) Thanks!

    Hi PsychMama!  There is a Slack group for all of us applicants that has incredible resources for interview prep.  Join us!  https://join.slack.com/t/psychinout/shared_invite/zt-kmiz8qlh-XLNYySgujTzZcMIzKBJhpg

    Alll are welcome to join.  It is an incredibly supportive, abundant environment. :)


  4. On 1/22/2021 at 8:38 PM, texaspsych21 said:

    Applying to these graduate programs has been an eye-opening experience. It seems that the training of future psychologists is governed by the narrow needs and interests of a few faculty members, rather than the pressing mental health needs of the communities. So many dedicated people, eager to devote their lives to clinical psychology, are not able to gain access to the profession because entrance is so tightly regulated. If medical school admissions were run this way, there would be almost no physicians. I think the APA should reconsider the academic model for training and licensing of clinical psychologists, for this system fails to serve interests of future practitioners and patients alike.

    I would love to re-tweet this and tag a number of like-minded folks so they can share if you feel comfortable tweeting.


  5. 4 hours ago, FingersCrossed58 said:

    I follow all of my POIs on twitter (and then some). Some have followed me back, funnily enough.  It has been a nice way to get insight into their personalities or politics without having to ask. I don't think that they'd think much of it. If anything, it shows more interest. I'd just make sure to be careful about what you tweet and like on the platform. 

    My answer is the same as @FingersCrossed58!  Any opportunity to organically connect is a good thing!

  6. 20 hours ago, clinical09878 said:

    Hi does anyone elses U of Denver page say "your application is complete. You will be emailed about a decision"?


    Also, got this email today:



    School: U of Kansas, Clinical Child

    Type: PhD

    Date of invite: 1/13/21

    Type of invite: Mass email

    Interview date(s): 2/22/21

    My DU application portal says the same. :) I am a Counseling Psych app and had a great relationship with my admissions counselor so I emailed her to check in. She shared that all formal invites have gone out and I am waitlisted for an interview. I hope this is helpful!

  7. 3 hours ago, lizardlipps01 said:

    This does not follow the proper thread format, but there were a few schools not listed which I have received interview invites from to keep everyone updated (I'll list all): 

    University of Kentucky, Mississippi State University, Southern Methodist University, Kent State University, University of North Texas, and Washington State University ("pre" interview). 








    Congratulations!  You are slayyyyyiing!!

  8. 9 hours ago, DigitalBuddha said:

    Got my first rejection! Obviously it sucks but also feels like... a release of anticipation? Like I can process it and move on, which somehow feels a bit better than feeling completely in the dark about everything.

    Can anyone relate to this feeling?


    I felt the same relief when I got a rejection from U of Oregon Counseling Psych program! Bummer, but I sure appreciate knowing.

  9. 7 minutes ago, plantgirl96 said:

    ugh, i'm just really stressing out. after not getting in my first round of applying, i was really heartbroken. I spent the last 2 years working my ass off in psych research/getting publications and have made my way up to lab manager in my current clin psych lab. I feel like I'm a really strong applicant this second round of applying but i'm feeling discouraged from not hearing anything yet : / trying not to catastrophize just yet 

    It will happen!  I am a second time applicant too and it is so hard.  Hang in there --- a lot of interviews have not been extended yet!

  10. On 3/18/2020 at 2:24 PM, Psyche007 said:

    I've taken online classes before and it really depends on the subject. Personally, I thrive in the classroom, debate and discussion being one of my favourite activities.

    This semester, three of our classes are heavily reliant on roleplay: Adult Intervention I, Diagnostic Interviewing, and Pre-Practicum.

    Pre-practicum is a Pass/Fail class that is based ENTIRELY on working with simulated patients. It's to get neophyte clinicians comfortable working with people face-to-face. Many of the 1st years, especially the PsyDs who are often young and either directly or recently out of undergrad, have never done so before. This boggles the mind. I don't think you can know how much you'll enjoy clinical practice if you haven't worked with people before. It's a little less relevant for the PhDs because you can forgo licensure and practice to stay in research, but you still have to complete 2 years of practica and a year in internship to graduate.

    I'm hoping they don't try to run the roleplay sessions via video conferencing. I hate talking on the phone as it is.

    I thought I would chime in as I have just completed a Psychology MA through Pepperdine, which was entirely online.  I feel that it is important to note that my experience was my experience, but hopefully this will help to instill some hope about what may become more normal for future learning. 

    If the professor was committed to an interactive, enriching environment, then the online classroom afforded that. (side note: we were initially using Adobe Connect and switched to Zoom a few semesters in, I believe)  We as students were able to not only learn a great deal, we were also able to truly connect with our fellow classmates and professors.  When the professor crafted this type of learning environment, we were able to debate and discuss fairly seamlessly.  For some specific insight: the first day of each course, the professor, if fostering an interactive room, typically outlined how they preferred us to interact.  Some professors utilized the hand-raising tool, some preferred we physically raise our hands, and some just paid attention to when we would unmute ourselves, taking it as a cue that we would like to share.  I was especially (happily!) surprised by the bonds that were able to form given the medium.  We forged meaningful relationships with each other, bridging age spans (I am 45 and most of my classmates who I consider close friends now are in their 20s and very early 30s), differing locations (we were spread all over the US and also had a handful of over-seas classmates), and more. 

    I also wanted to share my experience with role-playing over the online medium.  Because it was our normal, role-playing felt very comfortable on Zoom.  Sometimes we did this in the main classroom with all of us and sometimes we were grouped and assigned to break-out rooms.  That said, even thinking about it now, I think I would be more intimidated to role-play in person, but again, I attribute that to my version of normal.  Similar to how it will be for me when I need to adjust to role-playing in person, I would guess there will be some awkward, potentially uncomfortable moments as those of you transition from in-person to online.  Not to be too rah-rah over here, but I know we will all be ok.  (at least this is what I keep telling myself ?)

    If anyone has any questions, please feel free to message me directly.  Stay safe out there.

  11. Hi Clinical Psych Ph.D.  community,

    There were two posters on the results page who have Zoom interviews at Washington State University and one who received a rejection.  If any of you see this, I would be very grateful if you were to feel comfortable DM'ing me your POI initials.

    Sending everyone positivity during this stressful time!

    Thank you! ?

  12. 2 hours ago, bruno516 said:

    Incase anyone is wondering, I emailed University of Denver and they should contact everyone by tomorrow 1/23. Eeeeek ?

    Is this for the PhD?  --- Please disregard!  I just saw your response to another person that it is for the PsyD program.  Apologies!


  13. On 1/19/2020 at 4:51 PM, psychfanatic said:

    Has anyone heard anything from the following PsyD programs?

    Palo Alto University PGSP

    Xavier University

    Florida Institute of Technology

    The Wright Institute

    and PhD programs:

    University of Cincinnati  

    Florida State University


    *Thanks in advance :)

    I have a classmate who was invited to interview at The Wright Institute today in an email.  

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