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About PickleJuice_Aly

  • Birthday 09/07/1996

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  • Interests
    Anthropology, Museums/Museum Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Native American Culture, Medieval Times, Digitizing, Research & more!
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    Heritage & Museum Sciences

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  1. Hi All! I was admitted into a program on a 'probationary period' .... basically if I didn't get all As and Bs after the first semester they would kick me out. Well I did awesome BUT my program can't even guarantee myself and my friend (who was also on probation) funding. They already told my friend there's no money left for spring students, and I'm currently waiting for my email back. Basically we're extremely upset since we worked our butts off for this... Does anyone in the Museum Studies/Sciences realm know where we may be able to get some funding? Neither of us really get anything besides the general grad school waiving out of state tuition (which definitely helps!!) but of course, we still take out loans etc etc. If you have any recs of where we can look or specific places we can apply to please please let me know! We're now scrambling during the holiday break to find as much money as we can. I personally am interested in Archaeology and there's a large site near by I plan to work at in the summer and my friend has a zoology/natural history collections background. If you'd like to message me as well please do! I appreciate your time for reading this!
  2. Hello all! I'm in my first semester of a graduate program... right after classes started my boyfriends dad passed away. (We are currently about 16 hours away from his family and 20-23 hours away from mine) and we did the drive back to his hometown etc. That was really hard for us and we were just wanting to be with family and live closer, especially after that, but not wait 2+ years till that MAY happen after graduating. So I've continued with the program. WELL, we just found out that my moms boyfriend of over 2 years just passed away unexpectedly this past weekend... With it being the end of the semester and almost finals and COVID... we can't even go home to my family for this. We hate being so far away from family and it's been super hard on us especially since this entire year has been insane to begin with ( and for everyone else for sure). I met with my advisor today to see if transferring programs is a possibility or taking a semester off and then transferring in the fall is something they could help facilitate in the sense of writing letters of rec. and all that. She had rave reviews about me and they'd be more than happy to help me especially given the circumstances. I already know which school/program I'd pursue in which the advisor has a contact there which is a plus! Basically... I'm wanting to see if anyone has been in this similar situation (in terms of transferring) before and has been able to go about it successfully or not and what came with it before and after? My family is concerned I'm giving all of this up 'just for my mom' but in reality it's so early and I still have options and we both just need to be closer to family. Thank you for your time!
  3. Hi All! I tried searching for this question before posting here, but I couldn't find a recent post regarding this. I'm wanting to get an Ipad for grad school and I'm unsure of what size would be best? I was hoping to get an idea of what other people have had in the past and which they liked. I was planning to get the 10.2 basic Ipad with the pen and keyboard, but my family asked why I wouldn't get the pro. I didn't really think of it honestly. I have a laptop now that turns into a tablet, which is why i'd like to just go full tablet. I'll be in school for Museum Studies so I also feel like the Ipad will be way more portable for me to carry around the museum, do research, take notes etc.Any thoughts or opinions on the reg. Ipad vs. the other ones?
  4. Thank you so much for this advice! I really appreciate it. I'll definitely look into critical heritage studies and methods.
  5. Hi All! (Entering 1st Year Museum Studies Program) I reached out to my grad department last week to inquire what our classes would look like and if the apprenticeship we all get will be affected. Thankfully that won't be affected and our classes are super small so we'll be face to face, but university requires mask and I'm sure the room will be social distanced. How or what should I be doing at this point in time to prepare for the start of classes? I'm a bit nervous that I'll be behind because I took a gap year and worked after I got my undergrad. I recently found this website called Alibooks (I think?) and found some different museum studies/anthropology books for CHEAP to start my library of those. Should I start reading journals and things like that as well? I'm nervous about figuring out a thesis ALREADY. Also, I feel like I'm already feeling Imposter Syndrome:( Also, how do people dress for grad classes? In my head I see grad school as this like way bigger deal than undergrad and that I need to be extra presentable all the time. I'm sure nike shorts and a big tee aren't acceptable in classes. But I'm unsure if I'm just putting too much pressure on myself already. Any advice or guidance for preparing before classes start would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Heck yeah!! My previous roommate just finished up her first year at UW and she loves it!
  7. Oh no!! I'm so sorry! It's the worst feeling. I actually had initially thought I would get in there and it was super dissapointing to find out I was rejected. Hopefully you get in to another one ofyour top schools! (sorry for the late reply)
  8. Thank you so much! I keep seeing all this great stuff about TTU museum and such and I'm super excited. Still haven't heard from Boulder?? That's crazy.. I feel like everyone should've hear back by now. Especially with this pandemic happening. It's like... everything is coming to a halt but some people still have to move or what not.
  9. I finally heard back from CSU late last week, I got refected. Which is okay since I got into Texas Tech instead
  10. You could totally reach out the the schools directly and ask them about when students are notified!
  11. For those that have viewed this, I finally got in contact with someone at CSU and the museums specialist professor accepted a job in Europe so they're completely suspending the Museum track
  12. I accepted my offer for the Heritage and Museum Sciences graduate program at Texas Tech University!! I'm so excited for this next chapter in my life. It's meant to be!

  13. Hopefully we hear back before their spring break! That seems the most ideal
  14. I was told by the academic coordinator, earlier in Feb., that students would be notified about acceptance or rejection for the public history master's by the end of February. I know it's only March 6, but I still haven't heard anything back yet. I reached out last friday and haven't gotten a response... am I waitlisted? I'm unsure if I should try to get in touch with the professor that I have previously spoken to.. or if I should just sit and wait... Please help or any advice is greatly appreciated!
  15. Also! I applied to Texas Tech program last minute for a backup just in case. I submitted the app on Friday and they've already gotten back to be about being accepted. Exciting! BUT, I did not have an overall GPA of 3.0, mine was 2.7 but my major gpa was 3.2 (too bad that doesn't count for anything).. so they can't offer me funding the first semester. I'm going to wait to hear back from other schools before going forward with anything
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