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  1. I have a friend who got rejected from all 22 schools last year because and only because he had one B, sooo imagine....
  2. Because it's just clutter. We're here to read valuable information about the admission process. Tell me if this is wrong.
  3. I think you're all aware that there's a messaging function in this forum. People do not have to know what games you're playing or what series you're watching. We're all here for our PhD applications, not reading how boring your lives are.
  4. Trying to pass time should not be spitting out speculations that have no bases.
  5. I don't understand why EVERYONE is trying to figure out if the decisions will come out today, tomorrow or Friday. We all have access to the past years' decision dates. There is no reason to speculate. It helps no one.
  6. I got accepted to the phd program at OSU but I have not heard anything about funding yet. How can I approach to the institution?
  7. I got accepted to a phd program at OSU but I have not heard anything about funding yet. How can I approach to the institution?
  8. I did not put down a deposit yet but I literally rejected all my offers for this school. They did not give any explanations whatsoever for the reason why they rescinded the offers. I contacted the school and they did not help much with it.
  9. Mate, you ask for help. When I objectively tell you how grad school system works, you object to that (as if you know how things go). You apparently do not. Because if you do, then you would not be like I got 149 on Quant GRE but hey, I'm also super intelligent, I pass my courses on Calculus etc. It just does not make sense. I don't know what kind of university you attended but you have way too much self confidence for a person with low stats. You hurt yourself more than people would hurt you. GRE Quant is an EASY math test. It tests your BASIC math skills in which you apparently do not do well. You have to accept the facts and work towards it rather than finding excuses and believing that you are the most intelligent so it cannot be your fault but ETS'. As I said before, take people's suggestions because you will keep hurting yourself with so much self-confidence and not so much potential.
  10. I am not sure where you are coming from but a CS student with %85 success in their classes MUST be able to score at least 160 in quant section of GRE. Quant section literally evaluates basic math skills, nothing advanced. CS departments have a lot of math courses in their program, I am surprised you could actually pass those courses. It makes no sense. I have friends who studied history and gender studies etc that score 155+ in GRE. And they had their last math related courses in HIGH SCHOOL. Also, You have waaay too much confidence, mate. I am not saying it's a bad thing but a CS graduate who can't even score 150 in quant should not say they are too intelligent. Come down to earth! If you do not want to go for academia, try lesser ranked universities in Canada. UofT and UBC are way too ambitious for people with low stats. KNOW YOURSELF. If not, ask for help but be honest and objective. Question why you can't succeed, is it something you caused or is it not in your hands? I know I sound harsh but someone has to. You can not continue believing you are the most intelligent person when you are not. This causes more disappointments and pain. Stay safe and healthy.
  11. @lexuwhit Good luck with that!
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