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Everything posted by anthropologygeek

  1. Max- I've given you everything I have applied to and or received. Yes I left some leg work for you but that's to make sure you want it bad enough
  2. Department fellowships, other department funding, national fellowships, region specifici fellowships
  3. Max- be careful most schools limit it for four or five years.
  4. I don't get upset at this site, I get upset when my real friends complain about things and try to make up excuses why they are slackers
  5. Can you afford to? If you can then sure but most stipends are barely enough to live on.
  6. Mocking- I did this and everything was fine. My advisor was the one who recommended to the CC so they were on board. Also, I was TAing three labs that semester too. But then again the busier I am the better I do in everything. If I'm not busy I just push things off to the last night but when I'm super busy, I must stick to my schedule to a T. So I think this is up to the individual and only you know how you operate. And to carry this on I taught at the CC all four years I'm here and the CC even let me teach the classes online when I was out of the country doing my research for a semester. And I am graduating in two weeks and finished in four years. So if you want to do it do it if not don't do it
  7. Reason it is bad is most likely you are being taught by the same profs in similar classes thus only getting what that prof deems important. If you go to a different school you get new classes with new profs with different ideas. I know in my field this is career suicide and you can kiss any academic job good bye.
  8. Why didn't you get the money before you turned them down?
  9. If your not gone for research, it is very valuable to stay at the university. The success rate goes from 50/50 to only 10/90 that you will finish.
  10. Academic imbreeding is what this is called and is frowned on in only academic careers. My advice go to a top school outside your current university
  11. Life outside of school is a tenure job in a university so ill still be in academia
  12. You stress out about getting into grad school. Then you stress about the classes. Next up is some form of comprehensive exam at the end of your classes, about 2 years in. Then you stress about your research for your dissertation. After that you stress about writing your dissertation. Then comes the defense. As your writing you better be looking for a job thus added stress. With that comes the interview process stress. Then about the time you finish writing your dissertation a job offer comes through stress. Negotiation brings even more stress. Then a month or so after agreed upon terms it becomes official which brings even more stress. If its a tenure job, how many publications do I need? Where I'm I going to live? How I'm I going to support myself during the gap of moving there and getting my first check which will be a month after you start? I am to the point of waiting to graduate, job is official as of three weeks ago when I signed my contract and I have found a place to live but how can I afford it until the first check comes. I'm graduating shouldn't I not have to worry about being poorer than when I was in grad school for the first month? As you can tell I'm at the end stage. I figure I have three years to publish like a mad person and hopefully score multiple grants. Plus I have to negotiate the department politics which are unknown to me currently. Is all this stress worth it? I calculated I have been in school 23 years of my life. What's life outside of being in school? I'm just reflecting and wondering is it worth it? I hope and believe it is since I love what I do. What's everyone else's thoughts on this matter?
  13. Most people have no clue due to the specifics of your post. Do your research is my best advice
  14. AK- congrats. I know that's where you wanted to go.
  15. King- that's awesome. See patience paid off
  16. Hopeful- my mind blanked. Your right why put courses on your cv?most schools make you list the relevant courses in the app itself so why waste the space on your cv?
  17. King- I meant had you already accepted the LSU offer?
  18. King- what was the offer? And did you accept the offer already?
  19. It never hurts to ask them for one. Worst they can do is say no
  20. I would do it maybe mid April, end of app season but your app will still be fresh in their minds
  21. Some courses that would help is anatomy, osteology, and entomology. Besides those I doubt you need anymore classes
  22. You could always email them and ask ways to improve your application or ask what your weaknesses are. Also, do you have a masters? If not you may need to go that route
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