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    babypoet2k got a reaction from Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    do yall also have schools that you're weirdly attached to and like it would REALLY hurt to get rejected from? im AFRAID for my HEART. i mean, they're all excellent programs but my attraction to some of them is like entirely unfounded and has very little basis in objective information lol it's vibe city and im the mayor but it sure would suck big time to be inevitably rejected from at least one if not all of them. this mercury retrograde is certainly not helping matters ;_;
  2. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    do yall also have schools that you're weirdly attached to and like it would REALLY hurt to get rejected from? im AFRAID for my HEART. i mean, they're all excellent programs but my attraction to some of them is like entirely unfounded and has very little basis in objective information lol it's vibe city and im the mayor but it sure would suck big time to be inevitably rejected from at least one if not all of them. this mercury retrograde is certainly not helping matters ;_;
  3. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Phoebe R in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    do yall also have schools that you're weirdly attached to and like it would REALLY hurt to get rejected from? im AFRAID for my HEART. i mean, they're all excellent programs but my attraction to some of them is like entirely unfounded and has very little basis in objective information lol it's vibe city and im the mayor but it sure would suck big time to be inevitably rejected from at least one if not all of them. this mercury retrograde is certainly not helping matters ;_;
  4. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    do yall also have schools that you're weirdly attached to and like it would REALLY hurt to get rejected from? im AFRAID for my HEART. i mean, they're all excellent programs but my attraction to some of them is like entirely unfounded and has very little basis in objective information lol it's vibe city and im the mayor but it sure would suck big time to be inevitably rejected from at least one if not all of them. this mercury retrograde is certainly not helping matters ;_;
  5. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    First of all YESSSS @Ydrl!
    Also, at the risk of being that guy, any whisper news in Cornell? I have tried to keep this to myself, but it’s my top pick. I have believed until now that there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I might get in, but I’m starting to think I have a shot. 
    Dying to hear from them, Iowa, and Michigan. ?
  6. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    here's what i've seen on draft re syracuse: somebody said that until last monday, the admissions committee hadn't yet met to discuss apps and had only been individually reading them. a current student said a couple days ago that as far as she knew, no decisions had been made yet. i personally don't think decisions are going to happen today or like,, THAT soon;. so yeah,
    what they said ^
  7. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Ash... in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    the diversity question felt valid to me (as a brown, non binary lesbian) BUT same about the sop. i knew before i sent it in that this one AINT it. i was also VERY thrown off by the email. at first i thought that a personal email would mean that i actually have a shot elsewhere, but seeing that it's a form email, my hopes took a hit. either way, on we go waiting for other decisions!
  8. Upvote
    babypoet2k reacted to aa2427 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I got my rejection from Northwestern this morning as well, and I feel you. I left the diversity question blank (it felt wrong and unfair to people with actual diverse backgrounds to try to dig anything up as a white girl in my 20s) and my SOP just felt...wrong for some reason. Hurts, but I can see why it happened. First rejection does make me very nervous though, eep. Did anyone else get thrown off by the form email that felt personal but then realized it was sent to a lot of us?
  9. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Botanica in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    just got my first rejection from northwestern! had messed up my sop a bit and lowkey despised one of my critical writing essays so i knew it wasn't going to be a positive response. appreciate the kind email, though! 
    also, bad juju that i was listening to one of my "college rejection" playlists a few hours ago and received the rejection just now? i will be deleting that playlist now haha (edit: in my defense, it is a bangin playlist and i was feeling cinematic on a road trip dont @ me) 
    time to play the waiting game again for a bajillion years (1r/5p)
  10. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    just got my first rejection from northwestern! had messed up my sop a bit and lowkey despised one of my critical writing essays so i knew it wasn't going to be a positive response. appreciate the kind email, though! 
    also, bad juju that i was listening to one of my "college rejection" playlists a few hours ago and received the rejection just now? i will be deleting that playlist now haha (edit: in my defense, it is a bangin playlist and i was feeling cinematic on a road trip dont @ me) 
    time to play the waiting game again for a bajillion years (1r/5p)
  11. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from KZK in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    just got my first rejection from northwestern! had messed up my sop a bit and lowkey despised one of my critical writing essays so i knew it wasn't going to be a positive response. appreciate the kind email, though! 
    also, bad juju that i was listening to one of my "college rejection" playlists a few hours ago and received the rejection just now? i will be deleting that playlist now haha (edit: in my defense, it is a bangin playlist and i was feeling cinematic on a road trip dont @ me) 
    time to play the waiting game again for a bajillion years (1r/5p)
  12. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Phoebe R in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    just got my first rejection from northwestern! had messed up my sop a bit and lowkey despised one of my critical writing essays so i knew it wasn't going to be a positive response. appreciate the kind email, though! 
    also, bad juju that i was listening to one of my "college rejection" playlists a few hours ago and received the rejection just now? i will be deleting that playlist now haha (edit: in my defense, it is a bangin playlist and i was feeling cinematic on a road trip dont @ me) 
    time to play the waiting game again for a bajillion years (1r/5p)
  13. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to KZK in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Just got my rejection from Northwestern. I knew it was a longshot but it still stings to watch that door close. That brings me to 1a/2r/0w/6p. My remaining schools all tend to notify in March (Iowa, Hollins, Montana, New Mexico, and Rutgers-Camden, which has notified others but nothing for me yet). Also still waiting to hear on funding from George Mason (my one acceptance - it seems like many in draft have been offered funding already so I'm nervous). Blergh! This is the worst! 
  14. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to aa2427 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hi everyone! Just started freaking out about not hearing from schools and found this forum so thought I would introduce myself. I applied right out of undergrad - mostly on a whim - to 5 poetry MFA programs for this coming fall. I am taking a gap year and would only be 23 starting these programs if accepted, which I've come to understand might not be in my favor... I applied to the Northwestern MFA+MA, Michener, U Washington, UVA, and Brown. So far it seems like none (?) of these schools have provided any results and I've been trying to distract myself pretty much any way I can. I know Northwestern originally said early February, but they emailed in late January that it would be closer to mid-February. If anyone is in the same boat, I feel for you, waiting is incredibly rough.
  15. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    oh wow that's honestly a relief to hear! humid is where i'm most comfortable (an anomaly, i'm aware). i added places that i applied to on my weather app to keep a track of the time zone and general climate, and it has been nothing short of terrifying! why humans settled in these insane climates is beyond me. i'm a tropical child and your response has made me hopeful that the US has warm (ish?) climate that might suit me. thank you ❤️
  16. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from DeepSyntax in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    in all my obsessive searches, i seem to vaguely remember people being surprised at being accepted through an app update, but don't quote me on it. a more helpful way to see would be to search for results for the schools you've applied to and see what the general method of communication for each of the outcomes has been. you'll know what to expect that way
  17. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  18. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    oh wow that's honestly a relief to hear! humid is where i'm most comfortable (an anomaly, i'm aware). i added places that i applied to on my weather app to keep a track of the time zone and general climate, and it has been nothing short of terrifying! why humans settled in these insane climates is beyond me. i'm a tropical child and your response has made me hopeful that the US has warm (ish?) climate that might suit me. thank you ❤️
  19. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from arden in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  20. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Eeek I am only just feeling comfortable at 23C and below, haha. I grew up in Virginia though and can say it gets pretty humid, swampy, and sweltering there. Charlottesville may get somewhat cool in the winter, but the state overall is pretty temperate. Definitely not like the frigidity of New York!
  21. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to Blackhole in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    to Syracuse. I did my master's there. I applied to nyu, boston university and of course Iowa. 
  22. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  23. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  24. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  25. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from sassydragon in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
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