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    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from jp212 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Oh, I'm so happy for you love. ❤️ Congrats!!!! 
  2. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Oh, I'm so happy for you love. ❤️ Congrats!!!! 
  3. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to inotherwordz in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just wanted to chime in and say that I absolutely don't think that is the case! I was accepted to UMass for fiction earlier this week (still reeling) and had included a flash piece.  When I was admitted the person I spoke to quoted a sentence from my flash piece as something that they liked--so, if anything, the flash I included was super important in my portfolio.  I'm sure the same is true for you! 
  4. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I received an acceptance for poetry (my first!). She said they are accepting 5 applicants in each genre, and all applicants would be called today. She also told me to expect follow up calls from Natalie Diaz and Solmaz Sharif! 
    I am dying!
  5. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from arden in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  6. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from largeheartedboy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  7. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from catastroph in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  8. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from pattycat in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  9. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to babypoet2k in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  10. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Blackhole in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    thanks for writing this. I submitted my applications at the last moment and my recommendation letters reached late. I hope everyone makes it. I was a bit worried but now I feel maybe next time I will be more prepared. 
  11. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  12. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  13. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Blackhole in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  14. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to catastroph in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I also figured I might as well say hi to you all, since I'm refreshing this page every 20 minutes or so during work anyway! This is my first time applying and my confidence is pretty low after reading through this forum (I found it last week) and seeing how competitive things are. But I also decided to apply last-minute, so I'll be ok either way. If I don't get into any, it was definitely a learning experience for future attempts.
    The only school I applied to that has sent out results so far is University of Oregon. I didn't hear anything, so I'm scratching it off my list. Nine left to go! Glad this forum is here, bc I'm trying not to rant to my friends too much-- I'm sure they're all sick of hearing me talk about it. But this process is so all-consuming. Anyway, thanks for all your posts. It's nice to help pass the time when there's nothing to do now but wait. 
  15. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Friends, I believe Marshall/gustav has made another appearance. Panglosian, he's been a troll on here popping up under different usernames--pay no mind. Hope you're doing all right, and I hope you got waitlisted, too. Keep us posted. ❤️
  16. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Friends, I believe Marshall/gustav has made another appearance. Panglosian, he's been a troll on here popping up under different usernames--pay no mind. Hope you're doing all right, and I hope you got waitlisted, too. Keep us posted. ❤️
  17. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Friends, I believe Marshall/gustav has made another appearance. Panglosian, he's been a troll on here popping up under different usernames--pay no mind. Hope you're doing all right, and I hope you got waitlisted, too. Keep us posted. ❤️
  18. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from dreamx in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Friends, I believe Marshall/gustav has made another appearance. Panglosian, he's been a troll on here popping up under different usernames--pay no mind. Hope you're doing all right, and I hope you got waitlisted, too. Keep us posted. ❤️
  19. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from susweekly in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hello, am new here and this is my first time applying. 
    So far, I've applied to UOregon, Vanderbilt, Syracuse, UMichigan, and UMaine - Orono (Poetry and Poetics) - and will likely apply to more places with later admissions/lesser funding. Are there any updates from any of these schools? Do all applicants get the same thing in the Applicant section of Syracuse's myslice portal (it says "admission acceptance form" but when selected, it takes you to a page saying "this page is not currently available for your use")? Going mad here and I have no "Plan B" if I dont get in anywhere.
  20. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats babe! Also, y'all, have some faith in yourselves. All you need is one school to say yes. You can do it. ❤️
  21. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    With you on this. It’s my first application round and I *know* to more or less expect rejections across the board, but it’s a hard thing to actually internalize. 
    My probable rejection from WUSTL is making me nervous for the more popular / ‘prestigious’ programs, but trying to remind myself that 1) yes, it’s all subjective, 2) it only takes one acceptance and 3) life goes on. 
    All the news on Draft today gave me a minor anxiety attack, but it’s honestly soothing to have a broader community full of people going through the same thing and getting the same rejections. We’re in it together!! 
    Anyway, trying to distract myself and get excited for the future, whatever that may look like. Best of luck to you and everybody else.
  22. Upvote
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from susweekly in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I know there's been a lot of acceptances and waitlists for WashU over on Draft and the "results" page here on GradCafe, and I know there are a lot of you here who applied to it. I'm sending prayers, hugs, love, and encouragement, and don't give up. Wanted to pop this meme in here to remind y'all of something important: 

  23. Upvote
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from susweekly in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    P.S. St. Louis is a pretty great place. WashU has a beautiful campus (it can be a little hoity-toity, IMHO), but there are TONS of cool little places and neighborhoods to discover. I'm partial to Dogtown, Central West End, Forest Park, Tower Grove, South Grand (that's THE place to go to try new international restaurants), and the Shaw Neighborhood. Sometimes, you have to look a bit, but St. Louis is a really beautiful city and the rent here is bomb compared to other places, haha!
  24. Upvote
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from susweekly in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats babe! Also, y'all, have some faith in yourselves. All you need is one school to say yes. You can do it. ❤️
  25. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I know there's been a lot of acceptances and waitlists for WashU over on Draft and the "results" page here on GradCafe, and I know there are a lot of you here who applied to it. I'm sending prayers, hugs, love, and encouragement, and don't give up. Wanted to pop this meme in here to remind y'all of something important: 

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