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    Community Health PhD

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  1. Howdy all! Putting some final touches on my application now that we're all waiting around for the system to start working again. Figured I'd start this thread early and see who else is in the same situation!
  2. At my school they've made their decisions and should be announcing publicly early next week
  3. Did the same, the whole process was pretty quick, about two days between me sending the email and getting results. If other people are looking to get this (limited) feedback, I'd recommend shooting off an email and you should hear back soon.
  4. Did you email them for feedback? How long did it take for their response? You should have an email with a subject starting with "Competition Results - Doctoral Awards", in the email there should be a link to set your password, and you can use that to log in, with your username being your email. Once you're logged in, there should be a letter with your results
  5. Just received my email about 15 minutes ago. Rejected with 14.02, committee 4. No idea what to make of the score without any kind of breakdown, but it's higher than what I expected for not having much at all published! For anyone (like me) who wasn't sure what committee they were in, check here: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/apply-demande/background-renseignements/doctoral_committees-comites_doctorat-eng.aspx While it's tough right now, I'd also like to remind everyone of the below:
  6. Going to disagree with you there, based on how you're describing the experience. Not every lab or research environment is like this, I'd say most aren't.
  7. The important thing to remember is that if you do get accepted, it's merit-based and you absolutely deserve it. If you're rejected, it's just luck, arbitrary, political, etc., so don't worry about it!
  8. We're (maybe) in the month where we're going to get some results! I'm only waitlisted for OGS at my school, which is making me less optimistic about my CGS-D/fellowship chances, but I'm still holding onto those good vibes. How's everyone doing? Did you apply for any other awards or funding? How did that go?
  9. Better luck this year! Speaking of fingers being crossed, I'm doing it. I'm getting friends, family to do it too. I'm grabbing strangers off the street and crossing their fingers. Got a good feeling about this group right here.
  10. Waitlisted for OGS at Ontario Tech! Good luck everybody!
  11. As someone who just barged into this thread, I am officially allowing you to join. Welcome! And good luck!
  12. CGS is offered through the three parts of the Tri-Agency, one of which is the SSHRC. When you apply for Doctoral awards through SSHRC, your application goes into both the CGS-D and Doctoral Fellowship competition, if you're eligible. If you want to quote someone to reply to them, click the "quote" button next to the plus sign under their comment, and their message will be included as a quote in your reply like I've done here.
  13. Everything I've read says these two bad boys of the scholarship world are joined at the hip, just didn't want to harsh anyone's mellow by talking about CGS when nobody else had brought it up yet. Hope I'm not setting the bar too high for luxury by suggesting I might also spend this sweet sweet cash on heat.
  14. am I allowed here if I'm waiting to hear about the CGS-D more than the doctoral fellowship? my frivolous purchase: rent, maybe a little food if I'm feeling crazy
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