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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. There is one of mine that has been less than communicative too. At this point since I got in somewhere else I'm pretty much "whatever."
  2. Cost of living is probably going to be very different in those places. Don't know your field, so can't be more help - good luck!
  3. From what I understand, graduate student funding comes from both the department and the graduate school at large. They are probably working out which students get which and how much, and this takes a while because the graduate school funding is divvied up between other departments (so I imagine they will have to wait to see who the other departments admit). It's great to get early acceptances, but I think the later ones are more apt to have the funding info come at the same time...
  4. Did nobody apply there? Come on, you can break bad news to me if you've got it.
  5. Sorry, that's my fault. I asked the mods for that section as soon as I had my first acceptance, which bolstered my hope that there will be more. I wouldn't worry though, everyone on this board seems to be a super star (or close to it), so I'm betting you will have plenty of decisions to make since you were obviously smart enough to find your way here!
  6. I wish I could! and I totally would be, but my field doesn't really have that info readily available.
  7. You are both rock stars! go out and celebrate!
  8. ok, I took a look at their conference room schedule (as someone last year suggested, lol). Two big faculty meetings last week and this week (that don't appear to be usual end-of-the-month things), and then 2/27 cognition and cognitive neuroscience recruiting room reservation. Who knows if this means anything.
  9. yeah, I saw that, but clinical usually has an earlier cycle... any non-clinical news?
  10. It was meant to be read lower ranked than 50, so I just wrote that out to clarify
  11. For those of you who don't care about rankings, how do you judge a school's prestige and your chances of finding a job afterward?
  12. I didn't apply there because they don't really have an Ed. Psych program. I would have loved to apply there because my main LOR writer is now there and I imagine going there would totally rock.
  13. any word but the real one that evokes the real one will do
  14. Anyone else get similar marketing? Dh suggested maybe ETS sold the list as I did order a score report to be sent there, but that seems weirder...
  15. Just thought we could amuse ourselves w/more polls...
  16. that's awesome magic! I feel as proud as if I actually knew you
  17. It would be nice to know for every program how many applicants, how many spots, etc. Can we all chip in to hire a Private Investigator?
  18. So, I just got a postcard from an apartment complex that serves FSU students... Do you think they sell the list of applicants or admitted students?
  19. I think it's the sweats/pony combo that's an issue. You can certainly dress up a ponytail... Guys have it so easy...
  20. yep. that's the reason - you mean it's not a good one? :mrgreen:
  21. Part of the reason I'm not a lawyer is I'm not a makeup and polish kind of girl. I thought I could find a happy home this way among academics? Am I wrong?
  22. so, Friday visits then nice jeans...dark, modern, no holes, no frays.
  23. I know there have been some threads on what to wear for interviews, but when you arrange a private visit (not part of any formal admitted students weekend or anything), what do you wear? I'm a mom of young children (one an infant), so aside from still carrying baby weight, I'm an extremely casual dresser. All my currently-fitting clothes are casual casual, so I'm going to need to buy something - unless nice jeans and a long-sleeved collar shirt will work? Suggestions? Are sneakers ok? Thanks!
  24. Anyone heard anything? What area? Are they doing interviews? Thanks!
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