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Status Updates posted by cogscipixie

  1. survived my first semester of grad school!

  2. first time having a mental breakdown in front of my advisor. :( not a fun day.

    1. cokohlik
    2. Neuronista


      I know what u mean. Happened to me!

    3. newms


      Hang in there!

  3. got an A in her first graduate level seminar course!

  4. potential advisor from one of the schools I rejected is speaking with his grad student today at my current research center.

    1. neuropsych76


      lol :) good luck!

    2. imwright


      You know, I almost thought I heard awkward crickets playing yesterday... Did you go say hello?

  5. feels like "I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't" with either of my two choices.

  6. So is MSU in your future? I'm still having a tough time deciding between my top two options!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday MoJingly!

  8. just sent a "regrets" email to one of my schools. It sucks right now, but I will feel better about my decision later on.

    1. neuropsych76


      the feeling sucks initially but the more you learn about your top school, the better you feel about it :)

  9. sitting on a big decision for a few more weeks till I feel more than 95% confident of my choice for jumpstarting my scientific career

    1. beanbagchairs


      take your time!

    2. neuropsych76


      gotta make sure you have alpha! lol good luck!!

    3. newms


      Good luck with your decision!

  10. Hey! I might be at Kentucky next fall too for cognitive psychology. Are you taking their offer? Message me when you get a chance!

  11. Heyhey! How are you? Have you heard back from Iowa yet?

  12. more than likely waitlisted at UIC. Reaction: meh

  13. still no word from UIC....bleghhhh. Should I email my contact or wait it out another day?

    1. Zouzax


      *try* to wait, if you can. no news is good news, as they say.

    2. beanbagchairs


      I'll wait around.

  14. oh god, apparently some of the other UIC prospectives are getting word today. Impulsive email checking starts...now.

    1. newms


      Fingers crossed.

    2. DrPepper-olic


      f5 f5 f5...good luck!

    3. Zouzax


      good luck!!

  15. would like to hear back from UIC and Kentucky soon so the real decision-making can commence!

  16. had a great time at her Kentucky interview. Very different from her other schools, but still exciting!

  17. Hey! Are you the same GR/GVSU guy I met at UIC's interview weekend??? I'm the Albion alum you met. -Christina

  18. official Kent offer letter and Pitt psych rejection in mail the same day. A blessing in disguise?

  19. UIC interview starts tomorrow. Leave for Chicago in the afternoon. Hella nervous.

    1. newms
    2. Argonaute
    3. PschVeg


      You are going to rock it. Enjoy Chicago!!!

  20. Congrats on your acceptance! :) Where do you think you might be headed this fall?

  21. well, hey =, OSU thank for your brief rejection via mail. I didn't really want to be a Buckeye anyways, or live in Buckeye territory for 5 years.

    1. imwright


      Hahaha This cracked me up! Much of my extended family lives in Ohio thus they also tend to support the "mighty" Buckeyes. From visiting family up there, I can assure you that you will not be missing a lot, as much of Ohio is very insipid and cold :-P

      I am still waiting to hear back from more schools. Only two so far!!!

  22. holy crap! 4 student visitors are also being interviewed with me for a single spot in Stellan Ohlsson's lab at UIC. @#$%!!!!

    1. PschVeg


      No worries... you will do great!

  23. accepted to Kent State! YAY

    1. newms


      Woohoo! Congratulations!

    2. imwright
    3. PschVeg
  24. received an official letter for full-funding from Purdue!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. newms



    3. MoJingly


      Hoooray! Congrats!

    4. imwright


      Yay! Congrats all around! You are really hitting them out of the ballpark.

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