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Everything posted by skeedy

  1. Hey all! I'm a second year at the La Follette School of Public Affairs at UW Madison, and if you're searching for strong social and education policy programs I would check it my school. It's not hard to get funding (through assistantships) and it's #12 in the public affairs rankings (and #3 in social policy). Feel free to ask me questions.. I figure I'd put in a plug
  2. I'm currently a La Follette student (first year MPA) - feel free to message me with any questions. I didn't apply to the Humphrey school, but I did weigh GW (for the "DC experience") vs. La Follette, and I'm so happy with my decision to go with UW Madison. In terms of loans - since our program is small, there are ample opportunities to find a PAship/RAship with full tuition remission and a stipend in your second year, so keep that in mind. I believe 75 - 80% of the second year cohort found such opportunities. I would also say that you find the "ultra ambition folks" EVERYWHERE in policy schools - but if you are looking for folks with specific social policy-minded interests, La Follette's your school. To conclude my (merited) plug for La Follette, I'll add that all are great schools, and most public policy/affairs programs are similar in design, structure, and basic tools that you will gain. Money is definitely important - not everything, but important - and if you are passionate about certain policy areas, I'm certain you will find avenues to pursue those interests at any of your options. Congrats on your admissions!
  3. Same email, same award! I wonder if we ALL are on this "waiting" list for more funding
  4. I received my email scholarship offer - did you guys? I have yet to get the snail mail version, however. I can't make the open house and I am BUMMED because my decision is nowhere near to being made. I'm hoping that if I visit during the first weekend of April, I will be able to still get a feel for GW!
  5. Me too! Congrats to those who got in!
  6. My letter says "per semester": You have been awarded the following merit-based financial support for your first semester. The financial support below is renewable for your remaining semesters of study, contingent on your continued high academic performance.
  7. Just got mine too! Now I have a *little* more faith about U Mich taking their time with my letter as well... Heinz's $8,000 a semester is awesome, but with La Follette covering all of my tuition, I'm not sure that I can turn them down! DECISIONS!
  8. Received the same email - I think you're right, all applicants received it
  9. I was one of the forum posters - I received a La Follette fellowship letter attached to my application status email. I don't know if they have contacted all accepted students about funding, however!
  10. ME TOO!!!!!!! I caved in and called... And received the kind-but-generic reply that they have started notifying applicants about their statuses, but this process continues through March. I asked "March when?" (I know - so annoying - thank goodness it was an anonymous call so I didn't hurt my acceptance karma) and the reply was "through the end of March." I thought I was the only one who didn't receive notification at the end of February, and had almost given CMU up as a lost cause (rejection)... I'm glad I'm not alone in WAITING!
  11. Fadeindreams, you are AWESOME. Thank you. Question - following your decision to attend Ford, when did you start looking for your Assistantship (timeline-wise)?
  12. I thiiiiiiink the 15th, according to past results! NEXT WEEK!
  13. Ruh roh, who was the email specifically "from"? I received an email saying my application was complete back in December, so I *think* I should be good, but of course I'm stressing that I haven't gotten that specific email. Ohhh this time of year.
  14. Well, my username is just a variation of my first/middle initials and my last name... It sounds cool, like the name of the best friend in a kid's TV show (okay fine, I'm thinking of Skeeter from "Doug".) I finally got around to changing my avatar to honor my one and only love: Hyperbole and a Half. Also - this is what I picture how I look when I'm up in the wee hours of the morning checking the results page and Googling my fingers off.
  15. Maybe you're onto something. I should visit a pet store and give my rejection letter to a litter of puppies... Not only will I be smiling and chuckling the whole time, but I'm sure the letter will look a lot better post-ripping-and-defecation. Hurray!
  16. What an amazing and positive way to put it, dendrogirl!!! This is different than undergrad, and I want my grad schools to really look at if I am the right fit. Sure, waiting is the WORST, but it's so much better than a quick rejection where I wonder "did they even take the time to see if I am right for the program?"
  17. I don't have a top choice in terms of my schools/programs, so I'm not sure how to process acceptances & rejections. Needless to say, this experience is bringing back some conflicting emotions from my youth: I'm five years old and grocery shopping with my mom. It's been a long and agonizing process of watching her debate over store brand vs. name brand, and I just HAVE to have a cookie. Mother dear says that I can only choose ONE kind. What?! One cookie? But there are so many amazing options - chocolate, snickerdoodle, white chocolate with macadamia nuts... What if I choose the wrong one?! All of the sudden a customer comes up and buys the last snickerdoodle. I watch him walk away, and start to salivate... And all of the sudden, I want that freakin' snickerdoodle. SO what about the fact that I was truly undecided before? Sure I have my pick of the others, but I'm only five years old and I freakin' want that cookie that I can't have. How did it end? I threw a tantrum on the floor of that Vons supermarket. Am I too old to do this now??
  18. Thanks -It was time to make the change. And I already posted the Alot image in another forum topic, so this made the next best sense. Glad to cheer some of y'all up! I have been having some high "highs" and low "lows" this past week... And I have to keep reminding myself that the experience itself is worth something.
  19. And, of course: If you wish to reattempt to make the top posters list, we suggest you wait until August to start the, ahem, posting process all over again.
  20. Thanks mppgal!! I haven't received a decision notice yet but I do have have a question for you - does Heinz notify on rolling basis? I've noticed that many people heard back yesterday, and I was wondering what that time frame for notifications usually looks like (i.e. if all admits have been sent out.) I'm not sure if you can answer this as an "admissions ambassador" but I thought I'd ask
  21. Shashakoe, I regret to inform you that this list of top posters was difficult to make. There were many outstanding posters in the month of February, and unfortunately there was only room for 10 posters on the list. I wholeheartedly wish you the best of luck with you future posting endeavors.
  22. Energizer - that's incredible! You must be excited. I'm hoping an email from Carnegie Mellon comes for ME soon... My GSPP rejection has me spiraling into self-doubt.. Congrats to those who got in AND got funding - clutch!
  23. This - both parts
  24. There is good in every situation. No matter what happens over the next month or even the next week(s), remember that this hair-pulling, teeth-grinding, death-glaring-at-the-results-page experience isn't in vain - no matter what the outcome. So many people live their lives without taking chances, and as grad school applicants every single one of us has proven that we are courageous, driven, and willing to take (big) risks for (big) rewards. This whole process has been an exciting/nerve-wracking/humbling experience but interacting with all of you grad cafe users has shown me that the journey really is as important as the destination. Cheesy? Yes. True? You betcha. Basically: Be proud of yourself for what you are doing. You're kind of awesome.
  25. Le Sigh - got the rejection email too! GSPP wasn't my "top choice" (actually, I suppose I don't have one?) but it never feels good, right? Even though I *thought* I'd be leaving California, this guarantees it (Cal was my only West Coast school)... SO even this rejection has been exciting/life changing! AHHH! I am so proud/excited for all of you that got in, and let me know if you have questions as I've been in Berkeley for almost 2 years
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