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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. I somewhat did that with my schools. There are a few programs I'm applying to that I didn't look at that because I want to go to that program regardless. However, for the other couple, I did try to see how many, if any, candidates were working in my field in that department. Departments want to diversify their portfolios, so that was a contributing factor to how I narrowed down my list.
  2. LOL last time the lead fell out of both of my pencils. I was like WTF. And I'll be bringing my own earbuds this time because those huge ones were more distracting than anything else. 2 days - ah!
  3. I just finished taking a GRE prep course, and the instructor told us that the schools take the highest scores from each section (if you've taken it multiple times). Or course, these need to be within the period in which the school will accept scores (2 years, 3 years, 5 years...depends on school). So, yea if you rocked math 3 years ago and the school says they want the scores from the last 5 years, then they will see that math score and use that.
  4. Is it wrong that I think 2 hours of studying tonight is being lazy?
  5. I've been relatively lazy the past 2 days. I studied with my boyfriend tonight for the GRE for about 2 hours, but that is all of the work I've done in the past 2 days. Well, I've looked over my vocab app on my phone during my breaks at work...not sure how much that really counts. I haven't touched my SOPs or writing sample since Sunday. I'm pretty sure I'm going to kick myself for this, but I really just went into shut down mode. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend though, so I'm going to get some rest and revamp!
  6. Oh my gosh. I hope you are all sleeping right now!
  7. All 3 of mine were 100% positive I would get in....and then had a full blown conversation with me about it and how shocked they were when I got rejected across the board when I went to have my thesis signed off on. They meant well, but it was some serious salt in a serious wound.
  8. I have no balance. It's pretty much a sh*t show over here right now! Good luck, cquin!!!
  9. Thank you! This will be my 3rd time as well. Took it once for MA in old version, once in September for new version, and need a higher score. I'll take all the good vibes I can get. Best of luck to you on Tuesday!
  10. Light the fire!!!
  11. Last year the LSU apply yourself recommender app said it didn't receive one of my recs even though the prof got confirmation. I emailed and called and emailed and called...no one could find the information - not even IT dept. I wound up sending him a paper copy and having that sent in. Then magically the day after I mail him the paper copy, it shows up online. The program seems to be plagued with problems. Call the school and see if they are showing it posted because that is very odd.
  12. The sample has been published and edited by a peer-review committee...it is done. I won't touch it in fear of messing something up.
  13. It's my achilles heel, arch nemesis, SATAN...I feel like it is what stands between me and my dream.
  14. I wouldn't recommend sending 2 samples unless the school asks for 2.
  15. The wait has just begun, friend. The anxiety only gets worse. I recommend stashing up the wine for February. It's brutal. I'm always having one of these days. It teeters. 1/2 the day I'm great, I'm getting in, this is my year -- and then I remember the 10th rejection last year and am so paralyzed by the fear of it happening again, I don't know what to do with myself.
  16. As well all go into serious crunch mode, I am still studying for my retake on Monday. Although I want to put as much time as possible into my applications right now, I'm having to devote time to studying for this thing. I am sooooo ready for it to be done and over with. I'm glad that I had enough time to take it agian, but at the same time, I am just ready to move on.
  17. I don't think the address will matter.
  18. Last year I didn't apply to some programs based on location. This year I realized that I will be spending most of the next 5 years in a library, so does location really matter? Nope! I'm with you on going where accepted.
  19. They don't indicate a specific page length on either. The program just indicates to send 2 writing samples.
  20. I am only sending 2 to one school, and that is because the school asks for it.
  21. I'm very lucky that one of mine has absolutely no editing needed.
  22. Bleh. I like Kansas...give us 2 writing samples...no length requirements. Just show us your best work. Genius.
  23. Damn! I worked on that writing sample for 5 hours yesterday and that did not even occur to me!! Oh well, it's done now. Well, the textual evidence part.
  24. Applying to one school each? I want to live in this mystical, magical land.
  25. I also have a similar question. I have one program that states they want a 10-15 page writing sample - would 15 and 3/4 pages be unacceptable? Do I need to cut 3/4 a page for that program?
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