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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. I got in! I got in! Never thought this would come. I am on my way to a PhD! Good luck to everyone else waiting.

  2. Decided! Going to Kent State :D

  3. Should I ask for my admission status or wait some more?

  4. Should I ask for my admission status or wait some more?


  6. Should I ask for my admission status or wait some more?

  7. Should I ask for my admission status or wait some more?

  8. Got into GMU!

  9. I need this to be over and a decision made!

  10. Great news two days in a row! I can hardly believe it, but I got an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

  11. just finished my interview with my safety school. And it ended like every other interview: you will hear our decision "very soon". How long is "soon"?

  12. Finally made a decision! Yay!

  13. Still waiting~~Good luck!

  14. M. O. N. D. A. Y.....

  15. It's finally over. I can't wait for September! Good luck to all of those still waiting.

  16. Got a Kleinman Grant for Volcano Research for field work this summer! Hopefully this bodes well for all of my other applications floating around out there!

  17. I am putting in an offer on a house today! AH!

  18. another day of anxiety and crossing fingers. Waitlists are so stressful!

  19. accepted! wOOt!

  20. guess im a longhorn. feels weird

  21. hello everyone.

  22. Am I the only one getting way more rejections than acceptances? I feel like shit.

  23. just finished my interview with my safety school. And it ended like every other interview: you will hear our decision "very soon". How long is "soon"?

  24. Somebody pinch me!

  25. Somebody pinch me!

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