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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. Officially employed as of last week, and the best part is the fact that my new employer is going to pay for my master's degree! Eeeee!

  2. I'm back for round two. Yay? Ugh.

  3. lost, anxious, and exhausted.

    1. Neuronista


      oh it's just application season stress + some personal relationship stress. I hope both work out this time!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I got a late acceptance! I'm going to grad school! YAAAAEEEY!

  5. ♫Leaving on a jet plane♫

    1. Neuronista


      my heart is fluttering for all you ppl traveling. Hope I'll follow you in a year from now!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. heading to my dream school this week for a meeting with the department head! This will either be amazing or a disaster!

  7. Need eight more negative votes for an even -60 community stat. :)

    1. Neuronista


      WTH? That's weird. but anyway, who care about the point system!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Woooo! I'm an espresso shot! Movin' on up!

  9. pre-panic panic

  10. GRE in T-minus one hour...

  11. so strange how life works ... as of yesterday I had no real plans or offers, and now today I have one offer & one really exciting lead ... never lose faith!!

  12. Anyone else beginning applications for Fall of 2012?

  13. Anyone else beginning applications for Fall of 2012?

  14. Another Acceptance 2day.....4 in a row now....!

  15. has returned to dispense advice and entertain all and sundry...! ;op

    1. Neuronista


      heyyyyyy welcome back! Hope everything is going well :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. I have an interview with UC Davis - Office of Research next week. Wish me luck.

  17. what are the best US cities for an international female student?

  18. studying for biology GRE even before my book arrives...

  19. Studying for the GRE and dreaming about all the schools that will probably just reject me. Still excited, though?

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