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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. this endless finger-crossing is giving me hand cramps...

  2. how do u reply to a rejection letter? :"(

  3. how do u reply to a rejection letter? :"(

  4. Finally we interview a candidate that doesn't suck or have redonkulously ludicrous notions of what grad school is.

  5. How do you choose? :(

  6. why why WHY did I procrastinate and not start working until Sunday at 10:30 pm on a project thats due Monday at 10 am? UFF.

  7. appreciates SPSS and Excel so much after doing 12 ANOVAs by hand.

  8. Just finished working on my bi-lingual conference paper! yayyy! party tomorrow!

  9. why why WHY did I procrastinate and not start working until Sunday at 10:30 pm on a project thats due Monday at 10 am? UFF.

  10. my MS commencement is on Monday. I really don't know how I'll be able to show up and smile and enjoy it while my brain is so occupied with my PhD admissions. I hope I hear some good news before that (I know, I know. before Monday?) Sorry for the too much ranting. But I feel like I'm falling apart.

  11. Still waiting... I can't believe they keep me waiting until the very last week. But I guess it'll be bad news: There's just no funding for international students at state and not even at private schools :-(

  12. Decision made.

  13. waiting on waitlist

  14. Just realized my wait list letter says Autumn Quarter 2010. Did I get in last year and didn't even notice?

  15. trying to concentrate on writing my manuscript for publication but all what I'm doing is surfing thegradcafe forum and results page! My mind is really distracted by this waiting process.

  16. wish me good luck for getting ad...

  17. important presentation tomorrow. good luck to me!

  18. Got in! Finally!

  19. The real estate process moves like a glacier. Or molasses. Or a glacier of molasses.

  20. I am confused. Do you choose schools based on fit or prestige? I want "fit"; one professor chose "prestige".

  21. I am confused. Do you choose schools based on fit or prestige? I want "fit"; one professor chose "prestige".

  22. I am confused. Do you choose schools based on fit or prestige? I want "fit"; one professor chose "prestige".

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