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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. Going to transform into a GRE zombie during the next few months! Whoo-hoo!

  2. embarrassed, very...

  3. embarrassed, very...

  4. know this is kind of funny, but is it OK to address an admissions officer in an e-mail saying, dear Ms (or Mr) LastName?

  5. i feel so alone. i want to cry.

  6. know this is kind of funny, but is it OK to address an admissions officer in an e-mail saying, dear Ms (or Mr) LastName?

  7. time to graduate!

  8. I kind of miss the hustle and bustle of February and March. GC is so quiet now.

  9. Success: Generals Paper defended and filed, no revisions required! one down, one to go :D

  10. won 1st in the symposium..woo hoo,

  11. I'm very new here... Do I just jump in and start talking? lol

  12. What is a "warn status"??

  13. keep thinking what will happen if the school sends me an email and says "oops, we are sorry, we didn't mean that you will have funding (or admission) that email was sent out bc of a mistake, nvm then, good luck with your future lol "

  14. Tired of waiting ....

  15. What happens when everybody finds out I'm actually stupid?

    1. Neuronista


      You know Zouzax, even after I've successfully completed my MS, I still doubt my "intellectual abilities" LOL. I do think that I'm not that smart to come up with new ideas or develop research techniques etc etc. So I think this "stupidity syndrome" is quite common among grad students :D

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  16. considering contacting the schools who rejected me to ask what my weaknesses were. Good idea? Will they bother to reply?

  17. What happens when everybody finds out I'm actually stupid?

    1. Neuronista


      @Waw and Tall Chai Latte: of course! every one of us has their own strengths and weaknesses and nobody is perfect. One might be stupid in one area but a genius in another. And we're all here to learn.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  18. E-mailed last program to ask about admin status. Reply: "the committee is still deliberating." Well, good luck committee!

  19. What happens when everybody finds out I'm actually stupid?

    1. Neuronista


      Tall Chai Latte: yesterday I taught my advisor a few tips and tricks for using a program that HE himself taught me how to use about 2 years ago. He was amazed. He said: it took you 2 years to get to know all this while it took me 20 :D

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  20. What happens when everybody finds out I'm actually stupid?

    1. Neuronista


      MoJingly, this article is for you, and to all grad students out there:


      It made me feel better when I was feeling stupid during my MS :)

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  21. Feels the love! thanks all!

  22. E-mailed last program to ask about admin status. Reply: "the committee is still deliberating." Well, good luck committee!

    1. Neuronista


      ohhhhh sorry to hear that :s

      But never fear, we'll get in next year! LOL

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  23. E-mailed last program to ask about admin status. Reply: "the committee is still deliberating." Well, good luck committee!

    1. Neuronista


      Of course I will! I'm really attached to my friends here now that I can never think I'll just leave them so easily. Whether admitted this season or not, we still have a long path ahead of us and we definitely need each other's support and encouragement along the way.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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