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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. Acceptance to RISD w/ funding!! WTH?!?! OMG!!!

  2. and it's APRIL!!!

  3. visas and plane tickets and apartments ... oh my!

  4. i feel like i write and write my thesis but am still somehow stuck on the same page ... if that makes sense.

  5. What would you do if a current MS student asked you to send them a copy of ur MS thesis defense presentation? Is it OK to do that in ur opinion?

  6. accepted to USC today!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeekk!!!!!!!!!

  7. If I keep hitting "reload" on my e-mail will an acceptance appear?

  8. i feel like i write and write my thesis but am still somehow stuck on the same page ... if that makes sense.

  9. I'm really hoping for good news this week...

  10. If I keep hitting "reload" on my e-mail will an acceptance appear?

  11. And off I go to ASU to start on a PHD...Woooooooooo!

  12. Officially accepted an offer at UCSD! It's finally over!!

  13. officially accepted an offer today! Off to London this fall :D

  14. Admissions, let me in!

  15. Just being admitted to illinois state university i applied for graduate assistanship not yet out

  16. taking a deep breath. IT'S MONDAY!

  17. Woo hoo, an assistantship! Thank goodness for funding! I'm so grateful!

  18. Decided! (and having accompanying heart palpitations)

  19. taking a deep breath. IT'S MONDAY!

  20. AHHHHHH OMG It was suppose to be a good news DAY WHAT HAPPENED

  21. i'm an idiot for applying to only 2 schools.

  22. can has good news soon please?

  23. I just want one acceptance. Just one. Please?

  24. Admitted to law school!! Stoked! Now to finish the MA... :)

  25. i'm an idiot for applying to only 2 schools.

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