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Status Replies posted by Neuronista

  1. done with my last undergrad final ! :D commencement this weekend.

  2. Yay! My research for this summer got fully funded!

  3. Interview today. Any positive vibes to spare?

  4. Fall seven times, get up eight. Or in this case, fall twice and get up a third time. I'm not dead yet!

  5. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

    1. Neuronista


      Thank you so much for your support. It really means so much to me. I'll try my best!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. Studying for the GRE..

    1. Neuronista


      I got Princeton Review and Kaplan too+ the Princeton books with only verbal/math questions.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

  8. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

    1. Neuronista


      I agree with you people. I have to convince them somehow and explain it to them. Although I'm not so sure how. They get upset easily which discourages me to discuss further.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. Studying for the GRE..

    1. Neuronista


      what books are you using, if you don't mind?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

    1. Neuronista


      My dad is offering to pay because he says I don't have an established career yet etc. Very nice of him. They want me to apply to places in Texas because I have an uncle living there. They think I'll be "safer" (!). But that approach did not work. I really need to go for schools in other places that better match my interests.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. @PhD Pharm, why do you need your parents permission? Just go for it!

  12. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

    1. Neuronista


      exactly! So what should I do? I don't want them to be angry with me, but I really do want to get going with my own life.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. i think I need a smart phone. Apple or Android?

    1. Neuronista


      Thanks iPhoners! Several of my friends outside the forum also recommended the iPhone. Each seems to have their +s and -s. This makes me even more indecisive. Which one?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. I took so much from thegradcafe, now I want to give back.

  15. i think I need a smart phone. Apple or Android?

    1. Neuronista


      so most votes go to the Android! Thanks guys :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. fingers crossed to meet with potential POI on Friday! :D

  17. They eat peanut butter burgers here in the midwest...

  18. Officially an Auburn alumnus. WDE!

  19. Going to transform into a GRE zombie during the next few months! Whoo-hoo!

  20. got an A in her first graduate level seminar course!

  21. Going to transform into a GRE zombie during the next few months! Whoo-hoo!

  22. I gradumatated!

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