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  1. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to BeltwayBob in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I was admitted to and have accepted an offer from Vanderbilt Health Policy.
    For posterity's sake, here are my results and their dates:
    Wisconsin Population Health Sciences PhD: Acceptance, January 5.
    Johns Hopkins University Health Policy and Management PhD: Waitlist, February 9.
    Michigan Health Services Organization and Policy PhD: Rejection, February 9.
    Vanderbilt Health Policy PhD: Acceptance, February 21.
    UNC Health Policy and Management PhD: No response.
  2. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from disab in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    Ok. I got my last decision for this cycle
    WashU accepted, U Chicago & Berkeley rejected. Columbia waitlisted. 
    Undergrad 3.5 & Grad 3.97 GPA. GRE 163+170+4.5. 5 yrs full time research experience post masters at school of medicine. Several peer & non peer reviewed pubs. Very strong letters from faculty who knew me for several years. 
    I have a MSW/MPH dual degree so disciplinary boundaries are really blurred to me. I am a bit but not really surprised by the results. This is probably an indication of my interests fit better with the public health side. But social work is where my heart is. 
    Congrats to those who got in! You will be doing amazing and important work no matter where you land. 
  3. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from disab in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    It's much better than I imagined. I have a connection who got admitted last year and it was $29k. 
  4. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to aca105 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just got notified for my Berkeley acceptance.
  5. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to decolonizehealth in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just got an interview invite from Drexel’s Community Health and Prevention PhD program
  6. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to PhD2022Fall in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I received my first acceptance from Tufts ( Food and Nutrition Policy and Programs) last Friday ?
  7. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to bbrwin in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Official rejection from Johns Hopkins on Wednesday (Health Policy PhD, Health and Public Policy track).
    Official Acceptance from George Washington today (Health Policy PhD).
    I knew the GW acceptance was coming as I have been in discussions with the GWU admissions team about funding for the past few days because I have partial external funding (GI Bill) available and they wanted to make sure their offer would cover the difference.
  8. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to CL1234 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Got accepted to the University of Maryland, College Park for their Health Services Research PhD program today. Probably will attend the school since I didn't hear back from JHU and GWU.  Got rejected by University of Minnesota a  few weeks ago. 
  9. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to hsr21_ in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Got acceptance from UIC HPA PhD
  10. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from publichealthPhD in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Last year I applied to UW Implementation Science and didn't see anyone receive interviews/acceptance in this track (there were a few in the methods track). I also emailed the Phd admissions generic email regarding international student funding and correcting one of my letters and never received any response...So, this program/track feels like a mystery ? This year I didn't bother applying. At least this year someone is accepted in the track (and congrats!)
  11. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from globalPHphd in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Last year I applied to UW Implementation Science and didn't see anyone receive interviews/acceptance in this track (there were a few in the methods track). I also emailed the Phd admissions generic email regarding international student funding and correcting one of my letters and never received any response...So, this program/track feels like a mystery ? This year I didn't bother applying. At least this year someone is accepted in the track (and congrats!)
  12. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to CamilleBackman in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just got phone offer from Hopkins for PhD in health policy. Seems like more offers would be coming through in next few days or weeks with the possibility of more as people accept or decline their offers. 
  13. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to epi_queeen in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just got the official invite to the NYU GPH Epidemiology interview day on Feb 14th
  14. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to medception in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Rejections, Confirmed: UPenn Wharton Health Econ Ph.D
    Rejections, Silent: Harvard Health Policy Ph.D, Yale Health Policy Ph.D, Michigan Health Policy Ph.D
    Interviews, In Running: JHU Health Econ Ph.D
    Interviews, Withdrew: Brown HSR Ph.D, BU HSR Ph.D
    Acceptances, Withdrew: GWU Health Policy Ph.D
    Acceptances: UMN HSR Ph.D
    Down to two programs: UMN and JHU. Confirmed I'll likely hear about JHU sometime this week.
    *Crosses fingers*
  15. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to aca105 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    There are so many risks to this approach that would make this an immensely risky/downright bad decision compared to just waiting for the rest of the cycle to pass and seeing what other schools get back to you/reapplying next year at worst (which would cost another ~1K USD if applying to 7-8 schools):
    In the best case scenario, you actually do get the funding next year from the PI, but then you're saddled with a 40-50k loan with four years of interest accrued to pay off immediately after you graduate. Given slim chances of anyone getting a tenure track position immediately after graduating, you're going to have to start making payments on your loan as a postdoc, reducing your already slim earnings at that point.  Filed under "horrible but realistic", we have a scenario where you do get the funding next year from the PI, but something happens to you and you're unable to finish the PhD. This means that you will have taken out 40-50k in debt to receive, at best, some skills training but no real credentials, which also limits you from various job opportunities. This is an immense burden on your future. In the worst case scenario, you start your PhD but your PI doesn't actually have funding to give you next year. This means that you either a) have to take out another loan of 40-50k or b) withdraw from the program because you just simply do not have the capacity to take on further risk. This is a tremendous drain on your future finances. I don't really know what your current life status is, but saying yes to this opportunity is very much a shot in the dark hoping it all works out when there is a tremendous amount of harm that could occur to your future livelihood. It sucks to potentially have to go through another PhD cycle, but that level of pain is nowhere near as bad as the potential financial impact that going into an unfunded PhD in one of the most expensive cities in the country could have on your life.
  16. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from phd_2022 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I'm in a same situation. I also heard that someone got accepted to the biostats track this past Thursday. Given how small their population health cohort has been, I am assuming I am out. 
  17. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Confusedkitty in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    Received acceptance via email to WUSTL Social Work (interview invite 1/14, interviewed 1/26-27). Annual stipend $30k (12 month basis) for 4 years. 
  18. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from beloved_child_of_God in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    Received acceptance via email to WUSTL Social Work (interview invite 1/14, interviewed 1/26-27). Annual stipend $30k (12 month basis) for 4 years. 
  19. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to publichealthPhD in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I was just offered admission to the University of Washington, Global Health PhD program (Implementation Science Track)! 
  20. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just received interview invite via email to NYU Social and Behavioral Sciences. Interview orientation day is Feb 14. (Do not know if they send out interviews in different batches)
  21. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from NervousPotato in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    By the time I knew about this program it already passed the deadline ;-;. Otherwise I would have applied to it. It looks like a really exciting program. 
  22. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from A0315 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    By the time I knew about this program it already passed the deadline ;-;. Otherwise I would have applied to it. It looks like a really exciting program. 
  23. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from FuturePhDPls in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just received interview invite via email to NYU Social and Behavioral Sciences. Interview orientation day is Feb 14. (Do not know if they send out interviews in different batches)
  24. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to NervousPotato in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Guess they were quite thrilled to have me. I received an offer of admission today.
    Stats, FWIW:
    Undergrad GPA: 3.25, Masters GPA: 3.75 (WES assessment, though they looked at my actual transcripts from my country, which is a scale of 1 to 5, 1 highest) 5+ first author publications in local journal, 2 co-author publications in mid-tier international journal 10-year research and practice experience Funding is guaranteed for the whole 5 years (with a fairly generous first year stipend) but they encourage you to apply for scholarships/grants, which I am happy to do anyway. I will wait for results from the other institutions, but definitely excited with this offer.
    Rooting for everyone here! Looking forward to your success stories.
  25. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from publichealthPhD in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just received interview invite via email to NYU Social and Behavioral Sciences. Interview orientation day is Feb 14. (Do not know if they send out interviews in different batches)
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