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MSW13 last won the day on September 2 2013

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  1. Thanks Jenste, you are too kind! and thank you for the encouraging words regarding the job search. I've had a few interviews and a job offer (which I declined) so I'm not too worried (yet! ) Regarding job finding for new grads, I'm not sure I'd say that advanced standing students have an easier time of finding jobs than 2yrs. After all, if the graduate is young, chances are that they haven't had that much more time to accumulate paid experience that many employers want. I know plenty of 2yrs who graduated with me that are already employed while I'm still looking. If you aren't too picky, you are likely to land a job quicker. Also, a lot depends on where you are applying. If you are sending your resume out to jobs that you don't really qualify for, you will likely be disappointed. Enjoy your summer!
  2. Thanks Jenste! Did you graduate as well or are you heading into your 2nd year? I'm loving having some off time but now the pressure of finding a job begins!
  3. Jenste, thank you for the clarification. I don't think I've ever disagreed with you so your explanation keeps that record alive lol
  4. samn99, I would disagree (somewhat) with Jenste regarding the safety differences between York and Ryerson. Ryerson is downtown and a pretty awesome campus if you love city life, but I would not say it is exceptionally safe. People are regularly assaulted in the area and occasionally on campus as well since anyone can walk into a building (and do). There are also lots of thefts of personal belongings so you really have to be vigilant. York has different issues. The campus is so sparse (personally, I hate it) and you may not necessarily feel safe walking around at night, especially alone. This has nothing to do with being 'near' jane and finch, it is just the campus itself. But having said that, at the end of the day, you will have an MSW no matter where you go. If you are really into anti-oppression and grassroots activism, I would say choose Ryerson because no school is better at this than they are. If you are more interested in social justice, choose York. edit: I see you went with Ryerson, good choice
  5. jaylynn, I'm so happy for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  6. After the agonizing application process, the elation of getting accepted, then experiencing the crazy-heavy courseload, I can finally say, MSW complete! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MSW13


      Thank you, bluejay16! :)

    3. b39


      Congrats that's amazing! :)

    4. MSW13


      Thank you b39! :)

  7. smpalesh, For the admissions statistics that you've stated in your comments (15% for 2yr, 33%for 1yr/advanced standing) are you only referring to U of T or is this in general? Also, if you are referring to U of T, did Angela or another credible source give you this statistic or are you calculating it yourself based on the numbers you've heard?
  8. U of T is very good (dare I say, excellent ) at sending out results on time. Only the advanced standing hears back in March. 2 years need to wait until April to hear back. Good luck to everyone!
  9. mind blow
  10. I agree with Thumper86 that research experience is definitely a bonus (at U of T, they are all about research and a few students have already published)--but don't freak out if you don't have any of that type of experience because most applicants don't. My feeling is that they are really looking for maturity. Not necessarily by age (there are many younger students under 25yrs), but by attitude. Even if your only experience is working cash at the local grocery store, if you can demonstrate maturity and fit with the program, you are in a good position. The schools that give volunteer hour cut-offs are likely using those numbers to ruthlessly eliminate applicants in the early stages before the application makes it to the admissions committee. U of T gives Gpa cut-offs which are hard cut-offs (you wont get reviewed if your gpa is under a B, no matter what else you bring to the table). Everything else is balanced against each other. A strong candidate with limited experience can get in--but you have to be strong in other areas. I'm assuming that references go a long way for these applicants.
  11. I don't think anyone is going to get rejected for having less than 700hrs if they have a really strong application otherwise but if you have minimal experience, then it will be much harder to get accepted, that's for sure. The thing is, you cant come into an MSW program without having experienced the field. It is not really a place to 'explore' your interest to see if it works for you--that should have happened prior to applying. edit: for the advanced standing, everyone has experience because they've gone through a BSW program. For the 2yr, they know that you wouldn't necessarily have that same level of experience because you haven't had the chance to acquire it. That is probably why they don't specifically give a cut-off in hours. Don't place too much emphasis on it. It wasn't spelled out in the application criteria so there must be some leeway. They truly view the entire application.
  12. unfounded rumour
  13. step up
  14. @dannika_star: some of them are offered online. You need to go on the FIFSW website and check out the summer schedule under the timetables link.
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