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    Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Science

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  1. I'm a Fulbright scholar from Germany, but we can actually apply to our preferred universities individually. And our stipend does not vary with the state you'll be living in, but is fixed at $21.500. Some people get better stipends at about $30.000, but they are very, very rare.
  2. The Internet people: "No offense, but I don't think you should do a PhD after a Bachelor's, you are not educated enough. Too many people here [my home country] are getting a PhD at the moment anyway. I think it is good that it is harder in [my home country] to get a PhD" 1. Well, all the universities are happy with my education, so shut up. 2. It is much, much easier to get a PhD in my home country. All you need is an advisor.
  3. msafiri As an L2 learner, I would like you to list the rules. All of them. Then I can happily learn them all. What bullshit. Sorry, but you have no idea about language and linguistics, so please do not assume stuff that is clearly wrong. It is a mystery to me how people, and for that matter, supposedly intelligent people, can boldly talk about language just because they happen to speak that language. I don't claim stuff in physics, even though I am obviously subject to certain physical rules such as gravity. Armadilla: thanks for your more eloquent answer. I am too angry to give a more substantial reply at the moment....
  4. God, I hate the ups and downs of this whole process. One day I think I'll have too many options, the other that I won't have any. Seems like UCSD have made their decision in Cognitive Science as well, at least that's what the survey says. Guess I'm rejected there as well. Argh.
  5. Somebody posted that they heard from Cornell already. Anybody want to claim it? Haven't heard anything since the interviews, looking like they might reject me after all.
  6. I really did not find it awkward at all. The profs were supernice, and it never really felt like a proper interview. Then again, they mostly knew how to use the webcams I had mine in my bedroom as well, right in front of my book shelves, and threw all my crap on my bed beforehand...hoped it was okay!
  7. As I am an international, I left the GPA blank most of the time, or put something like 00 in it. Not that it necessarily helps in your case, but I assume that the GPA is not that important if you send in a transcript.I agree with sareth though, you'd better ask the department what they want you to put in.
  8. You might want to talk to current graduate students, they will probably know and are more likely to tell you...
  9. Sorry, but no. These are certainly very good universities, but it also depends on what you study. It's like saying that only Harvard, Princeton and Yale are competive universities in the US... Apart from UCL, none of these even offer what I want to study, so why should I go there? And the people in my field know this. When you do a PhD, the important thing is not necessarily WHERE you do it, but with WHOM. I don't think that doing your PhD abroad will be the reason you will not get a professorship in the US, provided that look carefully which university would suit you and your interests best.
  10. Be confident, but make sure that you don't answer questions obviously directed at others. Don't push it too hard. If a question is adressed at everybody, it is good if you answer first, but make sure you first wait a little to see if anybody else wants to jump in.
  11. Sorry, maybe my post sounded too harsh: Obviously there still is a chance - they haven't made any decisions yet!
  12. Graduate Student. And I'm using Fulbright only as an outside source, i.e. I'm planning to stay in the US after the one year funded by them, which is no problem.
  13. I got the e-mail on the 20th. But we are both in the PCD track, so the other two might be different? I wouldn't get your hopes up though, sorry The e-mail was true, but a bit confusing. They haven't made any definite decisions yet, just invited for interviews. I was told that final admissions will be made mid Feb. after the interview weekend on the 9th and 10th...So unless the people invited for the interview all suck, I guess there is not much to hope for. But this is only my interpretion, I have no idea what they are actually doing
  14. Are any of you actually Fulbright Scholars going TO the USA? Or am I the only one?
  15. Same situation, however, I can't really help you. I have absolutely no idea, why they want to talk to me. But I think you prepared well, at least that's what I did as well. I guess it's important that you know what research they're doing, but apart from that, I have no idea what to expect.
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