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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. oh shit! is that true?!?!?! phew.
  2. haha, well clearly you're not in *my* program if you're doing so well. we're having the worst year on record ;_; glad it's working out for you, though, you deserve it for your all the work you've done for us this year!
  3. A lot of schools will give you recruitment fellowships for the first year (an extra 5k etc) to get you to choose them, so it's not necessarily annual.
  4. In just the first year? Or annually? That's the most I've seen for a yearly amount, but i guess it's proportional to their teaching load.
  5. Of course this is an excellent sum to be a philosophy grad student! To be fair and charitable to dgswaim, however, he or she was clearly referring to the fact that 30k a year is considered a rather low income across almost every category for those with bachelor's degrees. Most college graduates will immediately making more money than we will even five years from now -- that's the depressing part, and why it's a bit laughable that we drool at the idea of 30k a year. (I think I speak for dgswaim when I say that those who work hard for low sums to support their families are admirable, and no one was trying to say otherwise).
  6. That's all I see too. I imagine that's because it only has six responses.... and I imagine my results will only post pending approval.
  7. Good luck! You're in an enviable position
  8. Just out of curiosity, which offer are you leaning towards?
  9. FYI I contacted U Mass Amherst. They've informed me that they'll be having their finalization meeting tomorrow and be contacted first round applicants tomorrow (thursday) afternoon/evening, Friday by the latest.
  10. Excellent. I'm feelin' that UCLA limbo rn.
  11. hey Jac, were the UCLA declines distinct from the ones mentioned in the threads? (I think someone got an offer on March 1st and declined after posting in the venting thread? and the other was an international student who's going to hold off until visiting, but will probably decline?)
  12. Absolutely, plenty of excellent programs out there.
  13. Columbia's got a WL. There's hope until there isn't!
  14. If you guys have questions, feel free to DM me.
  15. It varies widely from student to student. Some are funded only through TAships, where others are almost completely covered + TAships.
  16. They have about a 10% acceptance rate. There's no official GRE cut off. Apply to multiple MA programs in order to avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket.
  17. I haven't had any news from UT Austin or UCLA, so I solicited and got very prompt replies from both departments. If you haven't heard from UT Austin, you're likely a rejection, but they're holding off to see if they go through their first round accepts/wait lists. If they get through those lists, they'll dig into the pile of those who they haven't responded to yet. If you haven't heard from UCLA, it's "unlikely" that you'll get an offer, but it's "still possible." Hopes this helps out others in limbo!
  18. Hey folks, so I emailed to ask and this is what they said: "We had a very strong applicant pool this year and we have a limited number of openings. Thus, competition for admission was very keen this year. Unfortunately you are not among those being admitted or on the wait list at this time. Things could still change in the next couple of weeks, but for now we cannot admit you." Seems like we're in the rejection pile, but they're holding off to see if their first round of accepts/wls fill their open slots. If not, it seems like they'll reach into our pile.
  19. Same. I'm considering soliciting... just for my sanity.
  20. think you're going to visit? I'm super curious about their rolling admissions deal... let us know if you're considering declining!
  21. I'm visiting 3 schools in one week over my spring break (none of them direct, so 10 flights! :X)... and another the week before or after. It's the considerate thing to let them book it asap other wise it will be more costly for them. You shouldn't bank on getting into other schools. If you do get in, you can always visit a different time... many schools don't have specific visiting days anyway.
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