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Everything posted by 1Q84

  1. I always say go with your gut in these cases! Fit, of course, is one of the most important aspects of succeeding in a program. The program seems to think you'd fit, but if you had the feeling that your interests wouldn't be nurtured as much as you want at that school, then take it as a sign! Maybe not the only determining factor, but one of the more important ones. Good luck! Sounds like a really tough choice you're making.
  2. I actually don't often see people carry any type of bag nowadays... just books/laptop in hand. Strange. Although I do see those who teach use those backpacks that can turn into something like carry on baggage, where a handle extends and you can wheel it on the ground. I hate those things!
  3. Thanks for making this distinction. I think you're absolutely right. As far as I know, however, most schools (even Ivies) don't allow Ph.D. students to teach anything but the most hated composition courses. Most of the full-freedom type courses happen in the last year or during an actual TT position. I would agree that then those full-freedom courses can really work in tandem with research, allowing one to workout concepts of interest with one's students for the writing of one's first book, etc.
  4. Indeed, Iha is severely underrated (I will maintain to my death that his b-side Go is fucking fantastic!). As Appp mentioned, he co-wrote Soma but also Mayonaise, and I Am One. Mellotron was used extensively on MCIS too, wasn't it? Another piece of alt-rock trivia: Trent Reznor purchased Lennon's old mellotron and used it on Broken, Fragile and Manson's Anti-Christ Superstar. Super cool that you got to (almost?) tool around with one!
  5. 1Q84

    Los Angeles, CA

    I live right off Santa Monica Blvd right now, around Barrington. This neighborhood is extremely walkable, with two indie movie theaters and restaurants and bars up the wazoo. There's going to be a new Pavilions up soon as well. Since you're into biking, it's a great area. If you have a car, you'll find out that it's a traffic hellhole. The same few blocks up to Wilshire are also very walkable with a Ralphs and tons of bars and restaurants too.
  6. Actually, Rhinoceros is my all-time favorite song by SP. Cannot beat that mid-song breakdown and solo. I'm a pretty big Machina apologist, especially considering how amazing Machina II was. Man, things would be very different right now if we had II as the official release in place of the original. I was so disappointed with Iha's 2012 solo album since his 2008 one was SO AMAZING. I love that album from front to back. Maybe the schmaltzy country pop thing just doesn't age well...
  7. There's a difference between admitting physical attraction (which, I believe, every single person in the thread has done) and this:
  8. Finally! We agree on something But yes, I heartily maintain that Pisces (on the strength of Obscure, Pissant, Frail and Bedazzled) should've been a full on release. Just goes to show what incredible artistic energy Billy had during those couple of years.
  9. Oh man! I'm saddened to hear you say that. I consider Adore my absolute favorite album, despite some of the clunkers. I mean I love MCIS and Siamese Dream as much as the next guy, but I feel like Adore was Billy at his maturest.
  10. I come from a teaching background so I'm of two minds on this: after teaching 2/2 at my MA school, I firmly believe that such a heavy teaching load is detrimental to my development as a researcher. The course has been so poorly planned and administered (we are mandated to stick to their "common syllabus") that it's just been a nonstop headache of planning and re-planning from Week 1, grading and actual classroom time aside. On the other hand, I don't think I'd mind a 1/1 to keep my mind sharp, as CarolineKS mentioned, but I think I would really only be able to make leaps and bounds in my research with no teaching load. I'd much prefer any school that was able to offer that to me for at least 2-3 years.
  11. It also depends on your own personality, too; that is, whether you tend to place a lot of emphasis on physical beauty (however you define such a trait). For example, I know some people who truly don't care about looks in any traditional sense. I also know people who won't even want to talk to an "unattractive" person.
  12. So exhausted. I just want to KNOW! Very envious of all who have accepted and finalized their schools for Fall.

  13. This one was the "oh fuck" quote for me: Jesus. Is UNC East Germany now or something?
  14. Hi there! You're right that the 2.9 might keep you out of the Cal State system and others would probably have more to say about it than me. I know this has been a wonderful resource for those in your GPA range, though: Lots of inspirational stories of success in there!
  15. 100% agreed. I think, even more troublingly, the "I disagree with the standardized testing industrial complex!" sentiment has contributed in the same way to the "GRE doesn't matter at all!" vibe around here. Just because you hate something doesn't mean it loses its power to hold you back in life. Generally, it certainly is a less important portion of the app but it can also certainly matter quite a bit to some adcomms (at different schools, from year to year). I fully support folks who want to put some more effort into their GRE scores.
  16. Hmmm I'm always paranoid I'll offend a professor with this kind of gift (along the lines of accidentally getting a Yalie alum Princeton merch). I figure I can't offend with alcohol, although I'm not sure if my third recommender drinks...
  17. Yeah, kind of funny that it's being billed as the most comprehensive Nirvana documentary ever when the trailer basically only shows personal footage of Kurt. I don't really like Grohl though, so I'm okay with it. And I never really liked Nirvana either... was always more of a Pumpkins fan
  18. I'll add to this: I mentioned in passing to a POI during a visit that I was at the top of the wait list for another school (re: not an actual other acceptance) and an hour later, the secretary approached me and said that I should let them know when the offer comes in and they'll try and match it. Hopefully not coming off as braggy but just want to note that it's certainly very possible for increased funding without negotiation. As in, I didn't even try and push for more funding, they just did it of their own volition when I mentioned the other possible offer. Anyone thinking about it, go for it!
  19. A lot of people will tell you to "unfollow" that colleague on FB so that you're still friends but you won't see any of their updates. That never works for me, because I'm not one of those "out of sight, out of mind" folks. Either way, you can flip the script by thinking of this colleague as insecure in some way and thus boasts to impress a specific person (maybe family or friends who look down on his or her decision to pursue a Ph.D.?). It might help you empathize with your colleague more in some way. Of course, if that's not the case with your colleague's life, I'm not suggesting you should fabricate a story to make you feel better.... but I think often such unmitigated braggadocio behavior is due to that kind of insecurity.
  20. Hopefully to alleviate some of that fear and focus solely on tears and laughter, this is basically how I think I sound when I talk to POIs:
  21. Thank you and that would be awesome! Do you know if there's a close relationship between AmStu and English? I recall reading about how taking courses in either department is allowed.
  22. This http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/03/18/dr-pepper-the-doctor-of-choice-for-a-104-year-old-woman/
  23. It's probably not necessary to create a thread on this if you already posted about it in the wait list thread.
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