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Everything posted by 1Q84

  1. Nope, to your first question. But you're probably going to get a more straightforward answer from them compared to folks here, especially now that several important dates have come and gone. Good luck!
  2. If School A is part of the CGS funding agreement, they shouldn't be pressuring you to accept within the next 15 days. Check here: https://www.cgsnet.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/CGS_Resolution.pdf
  3. This may interest some of the folks who just received offers from Toronto: http://www.thestar.com/yourtoronto/education/2015/02/27/u-of-t-teaching-assistants-strike-late-night-deal.html TAs and instructors on strike (despite what the URL suggests) as of last night due to near-poverty level stipends (15k when the official low-income line in Canada is 23k for single workers in large cities).
  4. That's amazing! You lucky duck. I kind of hyperventilate every once in a while when I remember that I might possibly have the chance to take one of her classes!
  5. I'll say this much: this one is definitely true for me! Haven't ever really heard that notion articulated before so thank you to your advisor for that. (Not that I'd even have that much as a stipend, but a yearly salary approaching that would make me happy.)
  6. Your best bet is to call the DGS or grad admin for an update.
  7. Not sure what it is about that place that always inspires those responses... it's amusing! (I say this being one of the NYU rejectees, by the way.) AND CONGRATS! I remember you being very nervous for the interview and that it was one of your top choices. A great way to start (or end) your Friday
  8. final destination
  9. Ah, it's okay... I guess we can't always think rationally when we get a rejection. Sorry if I was a little too snarky.
  10. I think it might help to recognize that just because you have great numbers in your app and that you've received acceptances from very reputable schools does not mean that you should simply be handed an acceptance to an MA program. Perhaps chalking the rejection up to the school being turned off by your "Ivory Tower" interests isn't the best way to think about it either, if you're concerned about why people are interpreting your post as entitlement. Not to mention, on the whole, it's just very insulting to the people at UCSC.
  11. You were saying?
  12. So this is how I'm feeling about my constant wait listing: https://vimeo.com/120993210
  13. And the winner is...
  14. I teach a 2 sections this semester and it's a real grind, especially combined with work at the writing center on campus and two grad courses. Oy. Would love if people who received funding info could update the spreadsheet! I see most of them are from Fall 2013.
  15. Thanks, all Congrats to windrainfireandbooks on the full admittance and awesome fellowship! (Frankly, I'm a little torn about UT anyway... not sure how I feel about returning to the land of ice and snow...)
  16. I have been placed on wait list at U Toronto! Edit for a little more info:
  17. Just wait until the official NYU rejections come out!
  18. So close I can taste it.

    1. MidwesternAloha


      Manifest your destiny. Keep thinking those positive thoughts!

  19. Congrats! A colleague from my department matriculated at Brandeis last year! She's loving it.
  20. Ah, thanks! I only remembered it being in the mid-late 20s of February. Well, any second now, folks!
  21. I'd definitely find the retake policy. Since you said that most of what you studied didn't appear on the test, I'll offer an unrelated piece of advice that I've offered in other GRE threads: maybe look into studying some rudimentary Latin. Knowing common prefixes, suffixes, and recognizable etymological origins can help you to puzzle out and "study widely" for vocabulary and reading comprehension questions that might otherwise make you panic or stump you. Obviously, not saying you should learn how to translate all of Cicero but some rudimentary knowledge may help. I don't know about this. Obviously WS and SOP are far more important pieces of the puzzle but what I've noticed this cycle has been how quantitative aspects of one's app seem to make the difference between acceptance/wait list and wait list/rejection (not to mention funding). Not at all negligible, when it comes down it. If OP has the time to re-study and re-take, I'd say go for it.
  22. First of all, I'm hoping that the $1000 you paid for Manhattan prep included a "improved score guarantee" clause. I know that Princeton Review has that, so if your scores are unsatisfactory after going through their program, you can retake for free. That might be something to look into so that you won't have to pay as much for this new round of test prep that you're about to undergo. As for your psychological issues, have you sought treatment? Blacking out and being hospitalized because of test anxiety is not something that any prep program can or should handle. Maybe seek therapy and find medication that might help you approach the test in a focused and calm manner.
  23. I'm beginning to think Apppplication has Camille Paglia'd us all and is just saying random, fallacious crap for the sake of pushing buttons.
  24. Great to hear and best of luck to the movement at your school. I think national solidarity through awareness is so important in order to get the gears of progress turning. I was bitterly disappointed by the intense opposition and campaign of intimidation that the administration waged against adjunct unionization at my school last year. I won't be here after this year but I'm hoping the existing adjuncts will regroup, strategize and launch another campaign soon.
  25. Argh what's the deal with the U Toronto radio silence. Historically, they've notified within these past two days. They're the only school I applied to that haven't sent out anything yet. Edit: oop, didn't see this edit. It better be coming tomorrow!
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