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Fall 2019 Statistics Applicant Thread

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4 hours ago, hnn12 said:

I think they mean only PhD applications. Given that Penn State is a popular school, I am not surprised that they receive that many applications.


That's really impressive. I heard that UNC Biostats is over 300 applications so far but that is including masters

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2 hours ago, SkyHighway said:

International applicant here. Just discovered this forum and wanted to share my Stat. Ph.D. application results with you.

Since I am in the waitlist, do you guys think that I have any chance of getting in Duke? My idea is that most applicants that were accepted in Duke were/will also be accepted in Harvard/Stanford/Berkeley, so I think that I still may have a chance.

My status:

Accepted: VT (funding), ASU, UCSC (funding) 

Waitlist: Duke

Rejected: UW, CMU, Chicago Booth(Econometrics)

Pending: UCI, Harvard, Berkeley, FSU, Columbia, UPenn, TexasA&M, and OSU (which is strange, since most applicants already received a response)

May I ask when did you receive Duke's WL notification?

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@CavaleriusI have already set-up a visit with TAMU for March 1. No idea how many other prospective students will be there. The grad student coordinator is very nice and easy to set-up a visit with.

@Robatum I was at the accepted student's day for UNC biostat last week and I got the sense they weren't done yet making offers so don't assume rejection yet!

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On 2/19/2019 at 9:20 AM, bayessays said:

In my experience, one exception is Ohio State, which in two separate years offered me admission in April after I had already accepted other offers.

Do you know if Ohio sends out another round of decisions after the weekend visit? I still haven't heard anything.

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Stayed off of this forum for the past month while I waited to hear back from schools. Now that I've heard from most of my top schools, here are my acceptances (for Stats PhD)UNC Chapel Hill, Rutgers, UCLA, and UPenn Wharton.

Now comes the hard part--the decision. Completely torn between UNC, UCLA, and Wharton, though I'll be visiting each of these schools over the next month, so hopefully that'll help to get a better feel. If anyone here got accepted to any of these schools, please feel free to reach out and message me; I'd be interested to hear others' thoughts on their decision process and learn more about the potential cohorts.

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How do you interpret this? Do I still have a chance for funding? This is a top 50 school (excluding Biostatistics), top 70 if including Biostatistics. Do highly-qualified students usually reject offers from this tier of schools?

You were one of the top applicants to whom no assistantship was offered, though, so there remains a chance, as offers are turned down, that a position could open up for you. We would probably not know this until mid-April, and we will inform you if such a situation arises.

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@Bayequentist As an applicant, I'd consider it a waitlisting, and probably move on if I had solid offers of similar stature.  One of my professors mentioned that it's not all that rare for departments to throw a few unfunded offers out, although I gather from the forums that becomes more common as you go down the rankings.  It's hard to guess the applicant and admit pools without knowing the school, though, considering its location (e.g. if it was UC Santa Barbara vs. Indiana) and its research/professor profile.

@SkyHighway It's hard for me to know about how waitlists work with international vs. domestic students, but I got into Duke on Feb 7, which seems to be a week+ later than anyone else who got accepted, and perhaps not-so-coincidentally is a couple days after both Stanford and Cal statistics released.  As such, I'm guessing I was on the waitlist, and just got accepted since they hadn't decided to release waitlistings yet.  If so, that'd suggest both that several students may have already declined Duke, and that Duke might be pulling from the waitlist now.  It's hard to know how much that would help your odds, though.  Also, this is pure, pure conjecture, so on the whole I'd trust the actual veteran posters' comments about the likelihood (or lack thereof) of getting off waitlists.

Edited by Geococcyx
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@Geococcyx The school is Oregon State University. What do you think? Honestly I don't understand why they are sending out some unfunded offers. Do they really expect me to pay for grad school? Geez. Luckily I got accepted into my safety so this won't hurt too much if I'm rejected here.

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