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10 hours ago, ZemoSLP said:

I'd be down for a McMaster group! And yeah big ups to everyone who applied this year; especially during COVID this was a super stressful process and everyone here deserves a pat on the back for giving it their all :) 

Hey, for those accepting offers to McMaster I created a Facebook group for us ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/1127460201364602 ). I have never made a FB group before so hopefully this works haha

Edit: If Facebook doesn't work for everyone we could make a group chat on discord or some other platform instead  :) 

Edited by HanktheTank8
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Hi guys!! This is kind of a random question and definitely me overthinking lol, but are people sharing on their social medias where all they have been accepted? I'm not sure if this is something that is super braggy to do, but I was debating posting on facebook for family friends a little post about how I'm so honoured to be accepted into X and X, these two incredible schools, thanks to everyone for their support, etc. I guess I was just wondering if it's tacky to post that you've been accepted to multiple places and better to only post where you'll be attending, or if really this doesn't matter at all. Thank you so much lol 

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1 minute ago, hopefulslper said:

Hi guys!! This is kind of a random question and definitely me overthinking lol, but are people sharing on their social medias where all they have been accepted? I'm not sure if this is something that is super braggy to do, but I was debating posting on facebook for family friends a little post about how I'm so honoured to be accepted into X and X, these two incredible schools, thanks to everyone for their support, etc. I guess I was just wondering if it's tacky to post that you've been accepted to multiple places and better to only post where you'll be attending, or if really this doesn't matter at all. Thank you so much lol 

Hello! Personally, I don't think it matters at all! Its an accomplishment that you've worked extremely hard towards and one you should be proud of. I don't think sharing that news with friends/family online should be something one should feel shameful about doing :) 

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10 minutes ago, s-l-eep96 said:

Who's waiting to hear from UBC? Does anyone know when they're going to send decisions?

They say early April but the timing seems to be different every year.  For reference, I was waitlisted at UBC for Audiology on April 5th last year.  I think the SLP decisions came out a few days later.  My guess would be early next week ?

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1 hour ago, s-l-eep96 said:

Who's waiting to hear from UBC? Does anyone know when they're going to send decisions?

Last year UBC was quite a bit later than other schools. I believe I got my waitlist email on April 7 for SLP!! Hoping they’ll be a bit sooner this year. The wait is killing me!!

Edited by wannabe_SLP
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10 hours ago, speech_cat said:

Received a rejection letter of U of T via email today at 9:57 AM. Not really surprised; my sGPA wasn't outstanding (3.6-something from an American university with a different grading scale). I'll provide my stats for future applicants to reference -- 500+ volunteer hours, almost a decade of clinical research experience, author on multiple publications, lots of scholarships, a STEM master's degree, yet I don't think I'll ever be able to escape that 'C' grade I got in a theatre elective my senior year of undergrad haha :') 

Thankfully, I was accepted to both of the American schools to which I applied (Northwestern University and Boston University). These schools seem to have taken a more holistic approach to applications, as their applications gave me more opportunities and space to explain my journey to SLP. I'll be accepting my offer to Northwestern and moving to Chicago this fall. 

Congratulations to all who were offered admission! And to others who are also receiving less-than-ideal news, I stand in solidarity with you. Your stories and your potential are worth so much more than 2 years of grades and a 3,000-character summary, and I'm sure you will go on to do amazing things! ❤️ 

Congratulations on getting into those schools ?

I realize that this is no longer super relevant to you, but did you consider applying to Western? Based on other posts and talking to previous students, it seems like UofT and Mac greatly value sGPA over everything else. Mac you need usually at least a 3.8+ to have a chance and at UofT at least a 3.7+ WITH research and volunteer experience. Western appears willing to take students with ~3.5 sGPA with good references, SOI, and experiences. There are people within this and previous threads that have super high sGPAs and got into UofT/Mac but rejected at Western and if my memory serves me correctly they were usually people with less extensive volunteer experiences.

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Hi everyone! I found this forum kind of late in the game after I already applied, but reading through all these posts have helped so much! I applied to UofT (rejected), McMaster (rejected), and Western (waitlisted). I still have my fingers crossed for Western and hoping things turn out, but if not I'm starting to plan some courses to take over the summer to boost my sGPA a bit. Does anyone have any recommendations for classes at other universities to take via Open Studies or something like that? I'm graduating from my undergrad this semester so I was hoping to find some interesting classes relating to the field of SLP. Thanks in advance and congratulations to everyone, wether you got accepted, waitlisted, or rejected, we made it through the application process! Be proud of yourselves no matter the outcome ? Wether it takes 1 year or 5 years, I am confident we all have the ability to be amazing SLPs! Your time will come! 

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54 minutes ago, issaSLP said:

Hi everyone! I found this forum kind of late in the game after I already applied, but reading through all these posts have helped so much! I applied to UofT (rejected), McMaster (rejected), and Western (waitlisted). I still have my fingers crossed for Western and hoping things turn out, but if not I'm starting to plan some courses to take over the summer to boost my sGPA a bit. Does anyone have any recommendations for classes at other universities to take via Open Studies or something like that? I'm graduating from my undergrad this semester so I was hoping to find some interesting classes relating to the field of SLP. Thanks in advance and congratulations to everyone, wether you got accepted, waitlisted, or rejected, we made it through the application process! Be proud of yourselves no matter the outcome ? Wether it takes 1 year or 5 years, I am confident we all have the ability to be amazing SLPs! Your time will come! 

When I didn't get in last year, I took extra courses in the fall, but if you can summer courses would have been smarter, just to give yourself more time to move that sGPA. I took 3 courses; not all relevant tbh tho. I took a first year physics course (as a pre-req for another program I wanted to get into), a course called English words (basically etymology of English) and intro to microbiology. None had really anything to do with my program, but they were courses that I knew that I could do well (was worried about physics but that went well!). Importantly, take a lighter course load so that you can put in the extra work and get those really high grades. Ideally, I think it's always smart to take SLP related courses, but if you can't if you don't have prereqs, just take whatever you can excel in.

Specifically some interesting SLP related courses (sorry they are uoft course codes)

- JLP315 Language Acquisition (Offered in the summer too at UofT and it's basically development psych but a focus on language)

- JLP374 Psych of Language 

- LIN203 English Words (Wasn't personally a huge fan, but you can do well... only thing that is SLP related I guess is natural sound changes over time which was interesting)

-JLS473 Adult Speech Disorders (Did not take it, but the prof as of the last couple years is good and she is very interesting)

-JLS472 Child Speech Disorders

Also, finally if you do well in your current semester, that will likely bring up your sGPA quite a bit for next cycle.

Hope this helps


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Hey! I received my offer from McMaster and want to accept it but it is not showing up in ORPAS yet. Is this the same for anyone else? Do you think ORPAS has just not received the submission from the university yet? Very eager to accept!

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1 hour ago, AtBatts said:

When I didn't get in last year, I took extra courses in the fall, but if you can summer courses would have been smarter, just to give yourself more time to move that sGPA. I took 3 courses; not all relevant tbh tho. I took a first year physics course (as a pre-req for another program I wanted to get into), a course called English words (basically etymology of English) and intro to microbiology. None had really anything to do with my program, but they were courses that I knew that I could do well (was worried about physics but that went well!). Importantly, take a lighter course load so that you can put in the extra work and get those really high grades. Ideally, I think it's always smart to take SLP related courses, but if you can't if you don't have prereqs, just take whatever you can excel in.

Specifically some interesting SLP related courses (sorry they are uoft course codes)

- JLP315 Language Acquisition (Offered in the summer too at UofT and it's basically development psych but a focus on language)

- JLP374 Psych of Language 

- LIN203 English Words (Wasn't personally a huge fan, but you can do well... only thing that is SLP related I guess is natural sound changes over time which was interesting)

-JLS473 Adult Speech Disorders (Did not take it, but the prof as of the last couple years is good and she is very interesting)

-JLS472 Child Speech Disorders

Also, finally if you do well in your current semester, that will likely bring up your sGPA quite a bit for next cycle.

Hope this helps


Thank you for being incredibly helpful! The reason why I mentioned classes related to the field is because I saw somewhere on this forum that some schools don't acknowledge supplementary courses that aren't psychology/linguistics/anatomy etc etc related courses? I guess I should do more research regarding the specifics but I totally would be open to taking other classes that are not necessarily relevant to SLP. Anything that'll bring that sGPA up! 

Thanks so much again and I will definitely look into those courses! Congrats on your acceptance as well :)     

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I plan on applying next year for SLP. I was wondering if anyone could share their stats with me (you can message me privately if you're more comfortable). I'm trying to figure out how to really boost my application and stand out. Thanks! 

Has anyone gotten accepted without research experience? 

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2 hours ago, ElsaNotFrozen said:

Congrats to everyone who got in! For those who have re-applied, did you guys ask the same profs to do the references again? Maybe it's silly, but it was hard for me to ask the first time, can't imagine bothering them with it again :S

This was my second year applying, and I did ask the same references! Once I received all my rejections last year, I sent them emails to let them know that I would be reapplying the following year. It was difficult for me to do and I felt bad, but honestly profs are used to it and they were all really kind about it. 

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Hi everyone, I was refused admission to Western's SLP program, both through email and on their student login portal. I went to remove the choice from my ORPAS account and was given a message of warning that removing the choice would "automatically cancel my offer of admission." Has anyone else who was rejected experienced this? I am quite positive that it doesn't mean Western made a mistake or anything, I am just curious because when I went to remove Mac's SLP program the list of choices the message of warning did not appear.  

Screen Shot 2022-04-03 at 12.20.24 PM.png

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2 hours ago, ElsaNotFrozen said:

Congrats to everyone who got in! For those who have re-applied, did you guys ask the same profs to do the references again? Maybe it's silly, but it was hard for me to ask the first time, can't imagine bothering them with it again :S

I don't think it's silly, it gave me a lot of anxiety to ask again lol. I applied 3 times, one of the referees was the same for all three applications. I also attended a workshop offered by York U on graduate admissions and SOI, I think the speaker prof was the coordinator of Graduate Studies or something and he said most professors are eager to help and just reach out, that gave me a lot of confidence to ask for new and old references!

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Has anyone heard back from Dal? 

I know some people in this forum have but was just curious if anyone else has. I called on Friday and they said offers will be sent out from now until mid-end April..LOL 

Just so curious because it is kind of a rolling acceptance, not a set date. 

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