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The professor really should have contacted the authorities, getting her off the streets and away from the internet would have been doing society a service.

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And it looks like Gradcafe removed her latest "submission" from the results page, a few people responded to it but her post is gone...wonder if that means she's been banned.

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Apparently this woman even went so far as to buy the professor a $400 dollar watch in return for a recommendation letter. Bizarre if its true.

I didn't see that in any of the links. Do you know that from one of the links attached recently?

It would have been remiss if the prof hadn't at least contacted someone in the hierarchy regarding the contact from this woman. The more people you have on your side, the better the case against her for pestering/stalking later on. Witnesses are a good thing.

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Hey flotsam,

I will see if I can find that post again...I think it was a rant she did on Yahoo...she was surprised that the professor wouldn't take a $400 dollar watch.

I thought she said $800, not $400.

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Anything is possible with this woman, you know for someone who claims that this single professor ruined her professional career, she sure has had a lot of teaching jobs at a lot of schools...what's strange though is that for most of the schools she taught less than 6 months, not sure who common that is, to hop around from school to school...maybe it's normal, but it's very odd that she claims she was "illegally" fired from Houston Community College because of this professor right after getting the job, but yet according to her profile, she actually taught there...


Her resume says "earned her Bachelor of Arts in American History from Yale University in 1990 and a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of London in 1990."

Two degrees in different fields from two different schools in two different countries in the same year?

Possible? But not likely?

Who knows, maybe this woman was super smart in her classes? She is a Yale graduate... Most people can't even get into Yale, and she managed to graduate from Yale?

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I'm sure she is smart, but nothing she says about herself can be trusted, the only person who really knows what she's done and hasn't done is her.

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I'm sure she is smart, but nothing she says about herself can be trusted, the only person who really knows what she's done and hasn't done is her.

Don't be so sure that even she knows what she's done. There seem to be some discrepancies, as shown in her correspondences.

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Don't be so sure that even she knows what she's done. There seem to be some discrepancies, as shown in her correspondences.

That is true indeed, when you make up that much information and post it all over the place I'm sure some of the "facts" get a little blurred.

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  • 7 months later...

Reality TV, but better!

I can see it already... Desperate Grad Students, or Grad Students gone Nuts! The plot thickens....

But on a more serious note, poor professor! This woman needs to see a mental health professional and stay on her meds or something.

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Maybe you should refrain from making those kind of comments then. There are thousands of universities in the United States, and many of them are very specialized and prestigious in certain fields and unknown for others. It doesn't mean that they are not worth going to just because you haven't heard of them and because you don't know what their strengths are, especially when your knowledge is limited to so few US institutions in the first place. Your comment is unnecessary and irrelevant, and just comes across as ignorant and elitist.
he never said that it wasn't specialized or prestigious. get over yourself. are you just bitter? maybe you go to a no-name school...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone see the movie Catfish?

Seems like this woman is living it -- except stalking/defaming people instead of online-dating them

It does give me hope, though. If this piece of work ever actually had a teaching appointment at a university, that bodes well for the rest of us who are even 10% sane.

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Catfish is epioch. AMAZING.

I don't think that the grad school process is anything like that, but this thread certainly brings a lot of the nonsense of that movie to life. The premise of the thread, not the replies, that is.

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  • 11 months later...

Hey guys, just wanted to revive this old post.

First off, I'll update you by saying that I finished my first year in the PhD program and then passed the Comps on my first attempt to be admitted to Candidacy.  I'm now nearing the end of my second year and everything seems to be going well.  In the almost two years I've spent here I've not heard any stories of the now infamous Ms. Cohen.  Of course, I haven't explicitly asked any of the older students or professors either.  I might just do that...

To DamianD,  I would ask how he hasn't heard of UH if he was looking to apply to Rice?  The Departments at UH and Rice work extremely close with one another.  We share a weekly seminar series where visiting professors alternate between the two campuses to give seminars in Macro, Micro, and Econometrics.  And our students are able take classes at either campus.  True, Rice is more theoretical which may make it more prestigious but the distinction between theory and applied work is quickly fading and now many of the best economist are empiricists   Furthermore, while Rice may have a better reputation for being a private school, UH benefits from public funding by having a much bigger department and many more funded graduate students.  This in turn means more publications, citations, and placements for the department.  I would strongly encourage any perspective student to apply to the program as it is very well respected in the field and Houston is a great place to live!

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this is the greatest revived thread ever. it really is like catfish for grad schools! i got a much-needed laugh out of it... either way: congrats, jblsmith! very cool to hear that universities make a point of sharing resources. good luck with the rest of your studies!

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Hey folks,

Found this link online apparently written by one of the professors to scrdbyhouston


Thought this might be interesting. And it seems like the poster has even harassed this professor's family, which is why he took it upon himself to finally respond to her accusations.



Oh Ok, right, she actually posted the name in the results page, I haven't looked at that in a while. I googled her name and came up with more...I was greatly disturbed to discover that she taught or still teaches at the same undergrad institution I attended. She has claimed to be associated with many schools including Yale, Johns Hopkins, Columbia (this one must be true since that's where the professor teaches), U of Houston, and University of London. I don't recognize her and I guess she was there at a later time...thank god.

Here she is in all her glory: http://img23.imagesh...8119/cccpyv.jpg

I got the link from this thread in which she claimed that the FBI sends men to get involved with her so they can report back to them: http://www.autoadmit...0619&forum_id=2


OMG, you can't be too careful... Spooky. Do be careful when you are out on the net guys...

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I'm not going to link it here because it contains his name about 3 dozen times (in the form of, "The Firstname Lastname"), but her invective about this professor on Yahoo Answers is epic. By her own account, she called his mother years after the fact to complain about him not writing her letters of recommendation.


Edit: Also, there is a wedding registry entry under both their names.

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