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To the person who posted in the results section that their app wasnt reviewed yet and Miami wants another essay, can u provide more details? I sent an email request asking when decisions would be made and never received a response. Was this in response to an email you sent or just randomly arrived? Did they provide a decision timeframe? Why would they want a second essay, that sounds kinda weird, no?

University Of MiamiCommunication, PhD (F11)Other via E-mail on 7 Feb 2011I7 Feb 2011My application wasn't even reviewed yet. They want me to write another essay.

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That was me. The thing is: I'm a Fulbrighter. We were only allowed to write two essays (SoP and research interests) for our applications. We weren't allowed to write "specialized" essays for each school. So we couldn't mention any details about a program or any names of professors we would like to work with or projects we would like to participate in. That's unfortunate. So UMiami contacted my contact person at the Fulbright Commission and she forwarded an e-mail to me just saying that they want a Letter of Intent (what is this exactly, by the way? Google tells me it's basically the same as the SoP, but I don't want to repeat myself) explaining which faculty members I would like to work with in the course of my thesis.

I already started writing. I'm mentioning three faculty members - is that common/okay? Am I supposed to "rank" them, beginning with the person I would like most to work with? (Now I just listed them alphabetically and explained my reasons for each name in a short paragraph).

The email did not state any deadline. It just said "as soon as possible".

I hope this helped and I hope nobody of UMiami is reading this forum. But I'm not at all familiar with the application process at US universities and so with every step of the process many many questions arise...

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That was me. The thing is: I'm a Fulbrighter. We were only allowed to write two essays (SoP and research interests) for our applications. We weren't allowed to write "specialized" essays for each school. So we couldn't mention any details about a program or any names of professors we would like to work with or projects we would like to participate in. That's unfortunate. So UMiami contacted my contact person at the Fulbright Commission and she forwarded an e-mail to me just saying that they want a Letter of Intent (what is this exactly, by the way? Google tells me it's basically the same as the SoP, but I don't want to repeat myself) explaining which faculty members I would like to work with in the course of my thesis.

I already started writing. I'm mentioning three faculty members - is that common/okay? Am I supposed to "rank" them, beginning with the person I would like most to work with? (Now I just listed them alphabetically and explained my reasons for each name in a short paragraph).

The email did not state any deadline. It just said "as soon as possible".

I hope this helped and I hope nobody of UMiami is reading this forum. But I'm not at all familiar with the application process at US universities and so with every step of the process many many questions arise...

That's interesting about the Fulbright not allowing individual essays. I'm no expert and could only speak from my experiences, but I think you are going about it the right way. I would read up on the professors, choose a few, research their backgrounds and then write arguments highlighting your research background and interests and how they closely match the professors areas. I did this as part of my SOP for each program that I applied, but due to length limited it to only 1 prof for most schools. I think the terms Letter of Intent and Statement of Purpose are used by different schools but basically mean the same thing. I would focus on answering any question(s) they asked, make sure it is well written (dont rush too much), and also focus on why you would be a good match for not only the profs, but also the program. Also, you mentioned above your "thesis." If this is for a Masters program, you will write a "thesis" but for a PhD, you will write a "dissertation."

Maybe someone else has some insight too?

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UMiami contacted my contact person at the Fulbright Commission and she forwarded an e-mail to me just saying that they want a Letter of Intent (what is this exactly, by the way? Google tells me it's basically the same as the SoP, but I don't want to repeat myself) explaining which faculty members I would like to work with in the course of my thesis.

I already started writing. I'm mentioning three faculty members - is that common/okay? Am I supposed to "rank" them, beginning with the person I would like most to work with? (Now I just listed them alphabetically and explained my reasons for each name in a short paragraph).

To my understanding, a letter of intent is what it sounds like: a description of what you intend to do as a graduate student, should you be accepted to the program. In a letter of intent, you can tell the adcom about topics, methods and theoretical orientations you want to pursue as a Ph.D. student, as well as what you plan to do with your Ph.D. once you earn it. While the letter of intent is chiefly a place to talk about what you want to do, it can also be a great place to demonstrate your attitude toward your work. Adcoms love to see someone with a passion for a particular topic, but they also want to see flexibility and willingness to grow and change as you learn. Let them know that you're open to creative and intellectual growth as you move through the program.

It's also a great place to show your familiarity with the unique resources available at that school- perhaps they have a particularly great research library, or a good record of encouraging interdisciplinary work, or what have you.

Three faculty members is a good number. You want to demonstrate to the adcom that you could, if accepted, put together a dissertation committee of faculty members. Committees usually have at least 3 members, so you're good there. If you can find folks who share topics of interest with you, great. Methodology is another good way to demonstrate a good fit. It's ok to mention that you can learn from Faculty Member X because s/he uses a methodological approach you like, even if you have less in common topicwise.

I see no need to explicitly rank the faculty members you mention. In terms of persuasiveness, though, I suggest you open by discussing the faculty member whose interests have the strongest fit with your own. Be as specific as you can about why you want to work with that faculty member, and tie it to work you've done up to this point. EG: "Given my interest in small-town newspaper practices (see CV), Professor Genius' expertise in the political economy of rural news coverage would be a fantastic resource for further studies."

Good luck!

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Just got an email from a PhD student at Temple saying congrats on acceptance. 1st acceptance! Whew! Said to expect an official notification in the mail.

Happy to have finally heard something from someone. Takes some pressure off, but of all the schools I applied, I felt this was my best chance of acceptance so this is more of a relief than excitement of getting in where not expected, but I will take it for sure. No word on funding yet, so I will keep my fingers crossed on that one because during interview they said they expect to only have limited funding opportunities.

This may be a great excuse to visit philly soon and grab a cheese steak rolleyes.gif

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Just got an email from a PhD student at Temple saying congrats on acceptance. 1st acceptance! Whew! Said to expect an official notification in the mail.

Happy to have finally heard something from someone. Takes some pressure off, but of all the schools I applied, I felt this was my best chance of acceptance so this is more of a relief than excitement of getting in where not expected, but I will take it for sure. No word on funding yet, so I will keep my fingers crossed on that one because during interview they said they expect to only have limited funding opportunities.

This may be a great excuse to visit philly soon and grab a cheese steak rolleyes.gif

Hooray!! Congratulations, TVPhD!

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Just got an email from a PhD student at Temple saying congrats on acceptance. 1st acceptance! Whew! Said to expect an official notification in the mail.

Happy to have finally heard something from someone. Takes some pressure off, but of all the schools I applied, I felt this was my best chance of acceptance so this is more of a relief than excitement of getting in where not expected, but I will take it for sure. No word on funding yet, so I will keep my fingers crossed on that one because during interview they said they expect to only have limited funding opportunities.

This may be a great excuse to visit philly soon and grab a cheese steak rolleyes.gif

Congrats. it's awesome.

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yeah I felt the same way about my first admit (to KU, American Studies). Regardless of how excited I am to live in Lawrence (not very) it's pretty fantastic to know I'll be enrolled and studying what I love next year. It's a perfectly decent program and a good fit for my interests. As for Temple, great school and Philly's a great city! Congrats to you!

Just got an email from a PhD student at Temple saying congrats on acceptance. 1st acceptance! Whew! Said to expect an official notification in the mail.

Happy to have finally heard something from someone. Takes some pressure off, but of all the schools I applied, I felt this was my best chance of acceptance so this is more of a relief than excitement of getting in where not expected, but I will take it for sure. No word on funding yet, so I will keep my fingers crossed on that one because during interview they said they expect to only have limited funding opportunities.

This may be a great excuse to visit philly soon and grab a cheese steak rolleyes.gif

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Thanks all. First one is a relief. Takes off a little pressure. Not much, but a little. At least it confirms all of my apps havent fallen off the face of the earth. laugh.gif

Hopefully we will all be hearing lots of info from all of our schools in the near future. Then, we can figure out a way to get together for a virtual beer to celebrate, hmmmm wink.gif

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Ok, now I am accepted to Temple as well! And I was also informed by a mysterios first-year grad-student... I will PM you, mediahistory and TVPhd, just want to know what grad student have YOU received your acceptance note from ;)

Now I am waiting for news about $$$, there is a good chance I will get some, the professor I talked to was very interested in my app and said they would recommend me for funding.... Oh well, I won't let myself be too much happy until I am certain I will get this money.

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Skype, anybody?

And many congrats on the Temple acceptances, folks!

April 15th, we'll have a comm forum skype beerfest 2011....Unless some of us are too busy trying to get taxes in under the wire. laugh.gif

Also, congrats to all who got into Temple! Makes you realize how many of us there are on this site when 3 or so people get admits to one program since there aren't too many spots.

Edited by communications13
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Hi! Congrats to all who already get acceptance! Is anybody heard from Syracuse? I applied for their Ph.D program and also received a message saying that they will notify the person who in the list of interview at end of Jan. But it's almost mid of Ferb.! I only know a person who just received the interview notification last night from Syracuse, but she is apply for master program in PR.

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A similar thing seems to have happened with the American Studies program--they accepted one person, like 2 weeks ago (or one person who posted on the results page). Several people doubted it, but others said that they thought it could be legit because apparently USC (or the ASE program at least) has a history of notifiying somewhat sporadically. Not sure if same applies to Annenberg, but it seems like it could be the case.

But a fellowship nomination is not an admissions offer... Maybe they do those first?? I would say that USC folks shouldn't lose hope yet!

Anybody claiming the USC Annenberg results post? Apparently, a fellowship offer went out via email? sad.gif

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A similar thing seems to have happened with the American Studies program--they accepted one person, like 2 weeks ago (or one person who posted on the results page). Several people doubted it, but others said that they thought it could be legit because apparently USC (or the ASE program at least) has a history of notifiying somewhat sporadically. Not sure if same applies to Annenberg, but it seems like it could be the case.

But a fellowship nomination is not an admissions offer... Maybe they do those first?? I would say that USC folks shouldn't lose hope yet!

Historically, that hasn't happened with Annenberg or hasn't this early (the earliest posts from years past are from the last week in February), but things could always have changed. There's also somebody on the results board who's called bullshit on the fellowship post, due to the fact that the deadline has been extended until today. Who knows. At least with Annenberg, you're fully funded no matter what, so any old spot will do for me—fellowship or not.

Edited by maximalist
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Hi! Congrats to all who already get acceptance! Is anybody heard from Syracuse? I applied for their Ph.D program and also received a message saying that they will notify the person who in the list of interview at end of Jan. But it's almost mid of Ferb.! I only know a person who just received the interview notification last night from Syracuse, but she is apply for master program in PR.

Nope, nothing from Syracuse. Actually, I emailed their grad secretary asking if no interview invite means I was rejected or waitlisted. She said that such decisions will be made by March: "However, the admissions committee has not rejected any applicants yet, but will make final decisions likely by the end of February."

Edited by Strangefox
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Nope, nothing from Syracuse. Actually, I emailed their grad secretary asking if no interview invite means I was rejected or waitlisted. She said that such decisions will be made by March: "However, the admissions committee has not rejected any applicants yet, but will make final decisions likely by the end of February."

Thanks a lot for the information, I send to the secretary too, but there is no reply yet....And just heard that Stanford has sent out the admission....so said cause I received nothing....that's my dream school....although the result is as expected.....

anyway,,,,good luck for you! Hope the good news are on their way to coming......

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