Linko Posted April 13, 2011 Posted April 13, 2011 I was so sad thosedays. I got rejected from option number 2 (LSE) and my "backup"!. SoI was in the mood: "everything is wrong, I suck, my cv, PS, grades,everything is crap, All the universities are going to reject me.... Anyway, it wasfriday, an suddenly I woke up very early (I think it was 7:30 am), and i feltsomething, I knew it!. I rush to my ipod and opened my mail and there it was,the mail from Uni #3 "An update onyour application" The first words: We have the pleasure.... My heart was beatingsooooo fast, I thought: This is it, pleasure is always good (LOL), continuereading and the tears start coming out. Started jumping and doing my victorydance. The funny part: immediatelyI called my dad and told him "Me aceptaron" (I got in), I'm fromMexico and "Me aceptaron" sounded like "Me asaltaron" (I'vebeen robbed) hahaha so he was very worried. Finally he understood and congratulateme. Nothing comparesto the feeling =D I'm still waitingfrom Oxford (choice #1), they will make a decision in may. Hope I get in. Alyanumbers 1
thesnout Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 I was sitting in the Bay Street Greyhound Terminal in Toronto waiting for my bus to go home and called the school to find out when decisions would be made. The admin. woman told me I was unofficially accepted. I wanted to jump up for joy but people would've looked at me funny so I found a quiet spot on the lower level, bought myself a pack of skittles and smiled from ear to ear (and jumped a little ). Today I got my official acceptance email so I'm off to Calgary in the Fall. So excited. This was the only school and only program I applied to. If I didn't get in I would have applied to Landscape Arch. programs but now I don't have to.
jaxzwolf Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 (edited) I love this thread. As in LOVE. It has made me smile so many times over the last couple months-- it's so heartening to read other people's stories of success and happiness. I feel as if I get to share a little bit in every celebration. So I'm a little sad that it likely won't be updated much anymore (although I'm holding out hope for those of you on waitlists!). My acceptance was nothing as I'd imagined it would be. This was my second time applying. So after two years, I'd envisioned every form of celebration from grandiose nights on the town with family and friends to quite, secret dances after receiving an email on my phone. In the end, all my dreams about acceptance ended up being a little self-defeating. The actuality was much less exciting than my imagination thought it would be, and I think that, after two years, I was so relieved to finally be accepted somewhere that I forgot about it being an actual accomplishment. This fall I received an email from a POI in which I was interested informing me of a potential job opportunity. I took the brief job over the winter at his recommendation. The supervisor for the position is good friends with the POI, and I knew that the combination of the recommendation for the position and the feedback the POI would get from my supervisor would likely go a long way towards an acceptance at this particular school. So I was pleased, but not particularly surprised, when the POI emailed me in early January and informed me that he liked the looks of my application. It was the middle of February before I heard from him again. I received the email while at work. It was pretty straightforward, and just said he'd recommended me to the graduate school for admission. I read it briefly and cannot honestly remember doing anything other than breathing a sigh of relief before immediately returning to the job at hand. I didn't want to tell anyone because I knew until I got the official letter it was just that-- unofficial. So I kept it to myself. It was two weeks before I received the official offer from the graduate school and details on funding. At the time, I was sitting in my favorite pizza place waiting for my order to go. I had made a deal with myself that I wouldn't get a pizza (a special treat for me) until I received official notification, but that day I'd had to have my pet rat euthanized unexpectedly for an aggressive tumor that I never saw coming. I was depressed and unhappy, and decided to screw the deal with myself and get pizza anyway. Ironic, then, that I should receive the official offer right then. I sent a text message to my mom and went home and ate my pizza. It was all a little anticlimactic, but I'm sure dealing with the fallout of sudden-loss-of-pet didn't help matters. I didn't really celebrate at all afterward. I kept waiting to hear back from other schools, and was disappointed not to have received an offer from my top choice school after having interviewed and having become emotionally invested in the program. When people asked about the offer I'd received, I'd brush it off. "Yeah, I got in there. Still waiting to hear back from other schools." It took accepting the offer on April 15th to finally make it real for me. Everything now is concrete-- I can start making plans and moving on. Last night I went out to a nice restaurant and celebrated with my family. This morning I updated my Facebook status for the first time ever, and called all of my closest friends to tell them the good news. Now I'm pleasantly surfing the internet looking at housing options and thinking about moving to a new place. Intimidating, but exciting! So I certainly don't have the best or most memorable acceptance story, but it's interesting nonetheless. For me, it was accepting an offer, rather than receiving an acceptance, that was the most meaningful! Edited April 17, 2011 by jaxzwolf jaxzwolf and Alyanumbers 2
renster Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 For three of four acceptances, I was sitting at my desk at the lab. For the last acceptance, I was in the library and walked into the hallway to take the phone call - it was my top choice school and I was jumping up and down like a nutter.
everygirl Posted April 18, 2011 Posted April 18, 2011 I finally get to post on this forum! First admit. I was at work and doing something so inconsequential I can't even remember it -- probably filing my latest expense report. I saw my blackberry blinking and the source of the email was "artsgrad" and then I looked at the subject line: "OFFER OF ADMISSION." It happened so fast I didn't even have time of process it, I just opened the email automatically and saw the best word ever..."CONGRATULATIONS!". I celebrated by getting hives and throwing up in the bathroom. I'm not kidding. I had five twizzlers, an apple at lunch and two bottles of water throughout the day and throwing that up was horrifying, but I had a smile on my face the entire time... Mwing, space-cat, gellert and 1 other 4
Bumblebee Posted April 25, 2011 Posted April 25, 2011 This is from last year's application season, but I wanted to share anyway. I was supposed to go on a field trip to Ottawa accompanying the French department of the school I was working on. The day before leaving for Ottawa (a Thursday) I was rejected from a school and the trip was cancelled because of a snow storm. So on Friday I was feeling a little bit depressed with the rejection and my cancelled trip. I started cooking lunch (curry chicken - I will never forget) and went to check my e-mail for the 187th time in the day. I had received an e-mail that read something about admissions and thought it was a mail from the school that had rejected me (they said they would send an official notification). But then, I saw it was from a different school. The first too lines said something about me getting a hard copy in the next days. And then... the magical word: CONGRATULATIONS!!! My heart stopped for a few seconds. I started screaming out of excitement. Then I started reading the e-mail and had another mild heart attack: full ride. But that was not all, the third heart attack came when I read that I had the opportunity to teach in my own home country during the summer. I had to run to turn off the stove so that I could start calling my family and sending e-mails to my recommenders and friends. Two hours later, I could finally finish cooking and had lunch (although I was not hungry with all the excitement).
wings of bone Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 i woke up late and casually went to check my mail i got a small letter from the university. As i opened it the folded letter flipped up and it said congratulations! in boldness. I smiled hugely and jumped up and down screaming. then i read in their letter that their out of state tuition rate was cheaper than the other school i got into by 50%. 50 F****ing percent less than!!! that saves me so much money! that made me happier and i danced around some more. then i called my family sayig I GOT IN!!!! I felt relieved and noticed how stressed I was for the past 6 months. i read over my admission essay that i killed myself over and said to myself "you worried for nothing! they loved it and that is why you got in!" I then took myself out to lunch and watched a horror film
princemayurank Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 Ok, true story. Applied to 7 schools and had 5 rejections at that point. I had totally given up hope and was already making plans to talk to my boss about staying on for another year. On top of all the stress of the rejections, my doctor had decided that a funny looking bump needed to be removed, so after work I went for the procedure and came home with stitches in a place that made it difficult to sit. So I'm freaked out about stitches (I'm a pansy) and worried about the labwork (it was either nothing, or melanoma, fun choices!) and when I walk in the door my husband hands me a skinny envelope from Temple. I was so emotionally exhausted I nearly threw it in the trash unread. Thankfully, I opened it anyways and had to read the first sentence 3 times before it clicked. I laughed for 5 minutes at the irony and then cried for 15 from all the stress lifting. And the bump turned out to be nothing. So happy for u ..... cheers.....that was emotional.....
Langoustine Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 I haven't been here in a while!!! Well, I've been working in a place where I get no cell service and no internet unless I take myself to the local library and hook up to their wireless. My job however always got out late and I was usually hungry and so did not check my email for a while. Then one day in April we had a short day and I head over to the library. I see emails from my POI and in Gmail you can see the first few words of the email and it said something like 'I want to officially offer you admission to out graduate program etc etc' and I was freaking out!!! On the inside though beside there were people around. I did a little happy dance once I got back to my house and called my fam and everything Many of you probably share the feeling of excitement, relief, and sheer joy at this moment (esp since I got a rejection before :/) And it really was the best program for me I applied to! Great lab, great POI, great research direction. I couldn't have asked for better!!!! I'm so used to things not working out it's crazy and surreal to have this happen!!! Even typing about it weeks later makes me giddy! Ahhhh I was wondering if I would be able to post in this thread!
Ellie Masterson Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 I was on vacation. I brought my laptop because I was terrified I wouldn't be able to respond to any last minute requests from the dept for whatever they may have needed if I didn't have it with me. I was in the hotel room when I logged onto my application status acct. Instead of seeing "No decision at this time" I saw a line beginning with the word "Congratulations!" I began squealing and dancing around. My DH started to smile and hug me. He didn't even need for me to tell him why b/c he knew what was going on!
princemayurank Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 Well finally...i can post in this topic....its 5:33am here in India and i have been drinking whiskey with friends since i got my first acceptance (after 3 straight rejections) at 9:25pm last night. I had just returned from office and had a bath. So i was in almost no clothes and logged into my Gmail. I was expecting a reply from the University since the Program Co-ordinater told me so. I saw the mail-id and the starting letters of the mail which are displayed in Gmail ----we are pleased to inform u------ that sent a chill down my it the moment.............? That big fat sweet email was sitting in my Inbox since 6:45pm and i checked it at 9:45pm.....sweet as it gets man..! Details of Admission...fees...etc......i cried......ya i did.....after a long time and that was so satisfying.......! Called Mom, that state..MOM must have cried (judging by her voice)....Dad must be proud.......and i was on cloud seven........after that string of phone calls.....and sleep time nearing....gonna sleep in office also...and hug all my colleagues...... Awaiting 2 more results from Germany....lets c.....but the first acceptance letter is the first tym u .....? Wana finish the drinks and gonna live the moment.... ALL THE BEST TO ALL.....BE +VE..... HUM HONGE KAMAYAB (WE WILL OVERCOME...SOME DAY) EnviroEngg19 1
Sashide Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 I can post here now too! <3. Am visiting my boyfriend in Canada ( I live in the US), and got up, did chores, then logged on his computer to check my mail. I had sent an email yesterday inquiring about the wait-list ( to someone I had spoken to a month ago), and was told that because I was persistant he checked my file, sent it to the admissions committee, and they decided to accept me! ...i then had a breakdown of joy and called my mother and father crying, as well as my aunt. Yea! \o/ namarie 1
Melchior Posted June 20, 2011 Posted June 20, 2011 When I got my admission letter from Cambridge, I had just gotten back from a rehearsal and saw this excellent email waiting in my inbox from my soon-to-be supervisor!
So Slothrop Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 I was at my favorite coffee shop checking the Grade Cafe results posts, and saw a Yale admit in my program. My heart sank as I prepared myself to accept the fact that I must not have been a preferred candidate. Then I received an email about 10 minutes later, informing me that the admissions office had not received my GRE, and suggesting I check the contact information on my application to make sure it matched the contact information on my GRE test. Turns out I had used my formal name on my test, but not on my application. I emailed the admissions office notifying them of the mix-up, and left the coffee shop to go to school. 30 minutes later while sitting on the bus I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. It was the head of the department. "Do you have a moment?" he asked. I told him I was busy and that we should talk in about 45 minutes. "It's good news," he said, "we are offering you a spot in the program." Best bus ride ever. Phoenix88 1
ktel Posted June 24, 2011 Posted June 24, 2011 I applied to three MASc programs, all in Toronto. Aerospace Engineering at U of T and Ryerson and Mechanical Engineering at U of T. My experience was a little different, as I met ALL of my potential supervisors. When I met with a few professors from Ryerson in December I was basically guaranteed acceptance. I met an awesome professor in MechE at U of T, and I could tell she also was very interested in me, and recommended to the department that they bring me to their open house in March, which they did. I think that was the most exciting part, that a university would want me enough to fly me to their open house, and I received several offers from several professors in the Mechanical department. I had only spoken with one professor at U of T Aerospace, and he seemed very aloof about my acceptance. All he said was that he liked my application but the process was very competitive. So I was in a weird situation. I had several offers from several professors and was unsure which to accept. What finally swayed me was an e-mail from the aloof U of T Aerospace professor, informing me that my offer was the only one he had sent out. Despite him seeming less excited about me than the other professors, it seemed he was indeed quite interested in providing me a spot in his lab. That fact, coupled with his amazing experience, the advice of someone I really respect, and the fact that his research fits my interests the best, led me to accepting his offer.
kaykaykay Posted June 27, 2011 Posted June 27, 2011 This is from last application season. I got a flyout for a workshop which was pretty exciting. The email must have come during my presentation because it was there when I got back to my hotel. I was so excited I went to my room and I dived and rolled on the bed. I called my parents. I wanted to celebrate but I knew nothing and nobody so I was running up and down trying to find a shop which was selling alcohol asking people about it. I must have looked like an alcoholic on a withdrawal and some people refused to talk to me. I could not explain why I act like a maniac I was just grinning with some crazy in my eyes. I got two bottles of beer (I wanted champagne or some fancy stuff but I realized I could not drink a whole bottle alone) and I drank it watching stupid TV, totally stoned (of the news). The next day I had a full day of visiting the city before getting back to my university, it was my best weekend really.
princemayurank Posted June 30, 2011 Posted June 30, 2011 I got another acceptance yesterday. And most probably i will be joining this university coz of the content of the degree program and the good ranking, review about the University, What actually happened was kinda strange. It was raining heavily in the morning during my office going tym, so i decided to take a leave (i am lazy and a sleepoholic). I kept on sleeping and woke only at 1 pm. There was nothing to eat at the flat so i went to a nearby restaurant. I had gone there for eating but since happy hours were going on (1 + 1 on drinks) i ended up drinking beer and whiskey and getting myself partially drunk. Finally came back home and out of habit logged in to Gmail. There was a mail, from an unknown person regarding admission. I opened and its wording were lyk --"" the decision is final and if u r not happy with the decision you can appeal within 4 weeks"". I said to myself....well another rejection . There was a letter attached......Reluctantly i opened it and and and and and ---- "We are pleased to inform you the..............accepted in the Master Program.............". I started laughing non stop and felt of the world. My girlfriend was in front of me.....she thought that the drinks have taken the better of me.....she started cribbing that i should have not drunk so much.......and when i finally was able to tell her the reason of my sudden madness..! She joined the celebration....! We were soooooo happy ! Gosh---such moments in life are rare ! Phoned mom and dad. Then my boss. He has helped me a lot, was one of my Referees for the application process. He said "Congrats, celebrate and would you like a day-off tomorrow ?" Gem of a man i must say ! Ecstasy, Bliss
indigocat7 Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 SO happy and relieved to *Finally* be able to post in this thread! Got my first acceptance today! I had just eaten my lunch and was in the middle of drinking a root beer float, lol, when I randomly checked my e-mail on my Blackberry. I knew it was good news when it said "Welcome" to the University in the subject line, but wanted to read the whole thing, all the way through, to be sure. It's just such a happy relief, both because I really wanted to get into this program and because this has been such a process for me. I know it is for everyone, but I was, quite frankly, very spoiled in my admissions process during undergrad because I had done my first two years at a Community College, so I didn't have to take the SAT, etc. I don't even remember there being that much or long of a waiting period. This time, it took me nearly 5 months in total..and this is only the second school I have heard from! (The first was a rejection--which felt like a slap in the face, though I like this program I got into much better anyway). I am still waiting to hear back from one other school in particular (luckily the admissions papers are still coming in the mail, which buys me a little more time at least, lol), but am feeling pretty psyched! Congrats to all! And to those still waiting--keep the faith!
psyched for psych Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 I remember the moment very vividly in my mind (it happened last week). I was on yahoo messenger chatting with my best friend. I was pretty much complaining about not getting a response so I decided to get up to check the mail. I was so glad I did because there was a letter from the school. I opened it and at first I thought maybe I hadn't gotten in since my grades weren't the best during undergrad but low and behold the first line read: "Thank you for your application. I am pleased to announce that you have been unconditionally admitted...."I actually dropped the letter and cried.... What I did after? I told my mother and best friend and got back to chatting...
CitizenHobbes Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 I was in class with five minutes left in lecture. I was going to close my computer until I saw the Apple Mail logo with the new mail badge. I looked at my inbox and saw a new email from a top 10 school; I figured my undergrad screwed up something with transcripts and needed them sent. But then I took the time to read it and saw the "Congratulations!" It weirded me out because I didn't expect a response until February or even March (as I've read in another area on these forums). I was in such disbelief that I actually waited a full 24 hours before I told anyone! I only believed two days later when a professor got in touch with me... I didn't even realize how they got my cell #!
northstar22 Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 I was at a coffee shop working on a project for my job, and I stopped home to check the mail. I saw a letter from the university, thinking it was a rejection letter. I opened it up, and scanned the first paragraph, which looked like standard rejection letter content ("thank you for your application, we received a lot of qualified applicants . . ."), and my heart sank. I kept reading, expecting to see that dreaded "r" word, but instead was shocked to read " have been admitted." I let out a "yes!!" and then I called my mom and told her the good news.
katerific Posted September 3, 2011 Posted September 3, 2011 I don't remember what I was doing when I found out my acceptance to my current grad school (which wasn't my first/second/etc choice), but I do remember being rejected by all the other schools. (I should have been more excited about that acceptance, though, because it's really freakin' sweet here.) northstar22 1
maath805 Posted September 11, 2011 Posted September 11, 2011 My acceptance was kind of two tiered. Back in late March I got an e-mail saying that there was good news and that I would receive a call the next day. Turns out I was waitlisted. Got an e-mail as I was sitting in class on about April 13th saying I was accepted
Crystalline_Sunlight Posted April 14, 2015 Posted April 14, 2015 I had gotten to class early, no one else was in the room, I looked at my phone to check my email, saw my acceptance letter and began jumping up and down like a crazy person, doing the happy dance. Though I was alone in the room, the door had a window and a few people walking by definitely caught me in the act Luckily I managed to regain my composure before any of my classmates walked in porcorosso 1
Mwing Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 I was watching netflix and decided to check my email.
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