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It's Monday!


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I have waited the whole weekend for this moment, Monday and 9 am in my school's time zone. I have hope a happy email is on its way to my inbox...

During this weekend I have resorted to all kind of crazy procrastinating things. My latest is horoscopes. I now, silly and naive... but, I AM getting crazy. So far it says that today I will receive good news (according to a Sun sextile Jupiter thing O_o)

How crazy are you by now?

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I have waited the whole weekend for this moment, Monday and 9 am in my school's time zone. I have hope a happy email is on its way to my inbox...

During this weekend I have resorted to all kind of crazy procrastinating things. My latest is horoscopes. I now, silly and naive... but, I AM getting crazy. So far it says that today I will receive good news (according to a Sun sextile Jupiter thing O_o)

How crazy are you by now?

Ahh! I was just thinking that same thing :D It's almost 10:30 in my school's time zone. Hoping for my first acceptance this week.... The first thing I did was check my email when I woke up, which was easy since I sleep next to my phone and it links to my email account. Dangerous, but useful! laugh.gif

Here's to good news for us this week! (wish they had a crossed-fingers emoticon.) :)

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During this weekend I have resorted to all kind of crazy procrastinating things. My latest is horoscopes. I now, silly and naive... but, I AM getting crazy. So far it says that today I will receive good news (according to a Sun sextile Jupiter thing O_o)

How crazy are you by now?

Um, I've gone quite nuts. In order to stay away from my computer all weekend (but I did still have my phone nearby), I cleaned the floors of my apartment WITH CLOROX WIPES. The Swiffer just haven't been cutting it, and the linoleum is at least 20 years old (as is the spruce green, maroon and wheat paisley wallpaper). I felt a little like Cinderella, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. It kept me "sane" though. And now maybe the 5 second rule can apply inside my apartment. :P

I'm also irrationally convinced that since I did something to tidy up my house, I'm sure to get some (good) news from grad programs this week. I hope an email comes while I'm in class!

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I woke up this morning excited about the final day in February, only to receive a blow to the gut. My first rejection...

I must say, it didn't sting as bad as i thought it would. Mainly because the program was a stretch and my fit was suspect at best. I'm still confident though and looking forward to more Mondays! :)

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Um, I've gone quite nuts. In order to stay away from my computer all weekend (but I did still have my phone nearby), I cleaned the floors of my apartment WITH CLOROX WIPES. The Swiffer just haven't been cutting it, and the linoleum is at least 20 years old (as is the spruce green, maroon and wheat paisley wallpaper). I felt a little like Cinderella, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. It kept me "sane" though. And now maybe the 5 second rule can apply inside my apartment. :P

I'm also irrationally convinced that since I did something to tidy up my house, I'm sure to get some (good) news from grad programs this week. I hope an email comes while I'm in class!

I also cleaned my house. My floors are spotless, all the laundry that was piling up is done, folded and put away, a year's worth of magazine subscriptions have been sorted, interesting articles torn out and filed, and the remainder in the recycling bin. My bathroom is sparkling in such a way that I never thought was possible! I mean, I'm generally clean, and do a basic clean at least once a week, but WHOA! The amazing cleanliness brought on my my neurotic worry is truly something to behold. My laptop stayed in it's case all weekend long (though my phone was handy), and I got SO much done! But now I'm back to incessantly checking emails, and since bad news came by mail last week, I'm sort of worried about checking my mail when I get home tonight.

Good luck everyone!

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I woke up this morning excited about the final day in February, only to receive a blow to the gut. My first rejection...

I must say, it didn't sting as bad as i thought it would. Mainly because the program was a stretch and my fit was suspect at best. I'm still confident though and looking forward to more Mondays! :)

I hope next Monday treats you much better. Actually, I hope the rest of the week treats you better!

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I don't know how I'm going to cope with waiting until mid-late March. I guess take it one Monday at a time. So far I have been very patient and semi-relaxed, but for some reason, seeing that March is so close I just want to scream, and dance, and call my #1 and tell them to please let me in with funding!

I've been on their website so often I feel like a program stalker or something. I just want to fast forward to March 15.

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During this weekend I have resorted to all kind of crazy procrastinating things. My latest is horoscopes. I now, silly and naive... but, I AM getting crazy. So far it says that today I will receive good news (according to a Sun sextile Jupiter thing O_o)

This gave me the terrible idea do look up my horoscope for today: "Today, Aries, you may think about competition and possible future goals. Imagining and dreaming can serve you well. What did you dream about as a kid? Who did you want to become? Are you close to this in your life now? If not, is this all right for you? Take time to think such things through and, if need be, get back on the right track."

WHAT!!! When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. Too little too late, horoscope!

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I also like Monday's. Everything (grad school business) freezes on the weekends so every Monday I hope I hear something nice back from a school. I was hoping I'd hear back from a school I interviewed at today but no such luck :/

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How crazy are you by now?

let's see. I started a twitter account last week because I coudn't take living with my thoughts anymore. I'm up to 56 tweets already. Oh, and I've started a twitter-fight with a midget/actor because, for some reason, his tweets were really p*ssing me off.

Does that sound crazy to you?


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Um, I've gone quite nuts. In order to stay away from my computer all weekend (but I did still have my phone nearby), I cleaned the floors of my apartment WITH CLOROX WIPES. The Swiffer just haven't been cutting it, and the linoleum is at least 20 years old (as is the spruce green, maroon and wheat paisley wallpaper). I felt a little like Cinderella, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. It kept me "sane" though. And now maybe the 5 second rule can apply inside my apartment. :P

I'm also irrationally convinced that since I did something to tidy up my house, I'm sure to get some (good) news from grad programs this week. I hope an email comes while I'm in class!

lol. i did the dishes.. a whole sink full of them. and then i've just been playing a whole load of games on my iphone. (instead of studying for a test i have on thursday.) no replies yet. dry.gif

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I don't know how I'm going to cope with waiting until mid-late March. I guess take it one Monday at a time. So far I have been very patient and semi-relaxed, but for some reason, seeing that March is so close I just want to scream, and dance, and call my #1 and tell them to please let me in with funding!

I've been on their website so often I feel like a program stalker or something. I just want to fast forward to March 15.

At least we can assume that your program's website is up to date. The program I'm applying to hasn't been updated since 2009... -__-

...but supposedly it's still a good department

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At least we can assume that your program's website is up to date. The program I'm applying to hasn't been updated since 2009... -__-

...but supposedly it's still a good department

I would bet 10000000$ its the New Paltz website ... (that's where I grew up tongue.gif)

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yeah, we ARE getting crazy!

The graduate coordinator of my program of interest leaks info towards me in a great/maddening way. I mean, she is awesome for answering my emails and being so patient, but today I was told I would receive an answer "any minute". Which minute? of which day: :( I have been driving myself even more crazier today, and nope, *my* minute has not arrived yet.

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My TOP choice programs are finalizing their acceptance lists THIS week and will (e)mail them next week. So yeah, next week is either I will be over the moon or mourn endlessly . Check back how I'm doing next week, will ya?

As for helping myself to get through this week is by going to the gym a LOT. Colleagues even noticed that I lost some pounds (yayyy! very nice side effects) :D

Also,retail therapy helps. I just got myself a year worth of stationery supply. Let's hope I dont end up having a decade worth of stationary supply by April :unsure:.

Edited by shashakoe
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The dream I had last night confirmed that I am seriously going insane.

In my dream I received an email rejection from one of my top choice schools which outlined, in detail, their reasons for rejecting me. The only two reasons I can remember are (1) the writing sample I submitted was incomplete and incoherent, and (2) my pillow was not fluffy enough.

When I woke up I immediately checked my inbox (I too sleep with my phone right by my bed) only to find that there was STILL no word from either of the schools I am waiting to hear from. I also took note of the fact that my pillow, in fact, is not very fluffy.

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Here's how to beat the system:

My time zone is 10 and 7 hrs ahead of the schools', and my weekend is Fri and Sat (not Sun).

So it works out that I have almost 24hrs a day and 7 days a week of possibly receiving some updates...wacko.gif

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