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well, i think this round is totally off because the panels were so late. but, usually the successful applicants hear first because they want to get the ball rolling on the administrative slog that funding disbursal requires....

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Following Elk4's suggestion I also contacted Jeff Mantz and was told on the 11th that he didn't have enough information about my results. He said they would need a couple more weeks to finalize the recommendations and it's unlikely that they would be able to send us results or review comments quickly enough to permit the January 15 resubmission. 

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Following Elk4's suggestion I also contacted Jeff Mantz and was told on the 11th that he didn't have enough information about my results. He said they would need a couple more weeks to finalize the recommendations and it's unlikely that they would be able to send us results or review comments quickly enough to permit the January 15 resubmission. 


Thank you MW06. I was just curious if Jeff Mantz also told you that your proposal was rated competitive? A colleague of mine received a response that was almost the same as what you have mentioned, except that her's also said that her proposal was rated competitive. Thanks!

Edited by bipedalcycle
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Does anyone know what it means if your proposal has disappeared from Fastlane? I just checked my page today and there is no indication that I ever submitted a proposal--I tried searching by proposal number and date submitted. Is this a good thing, bad thing, standard thing, or administrative hiccup? 

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Thank you MW06. I was just curious if Jeff Mantz also told you that your proposal was rated competitive? A colleague of mine received a response that was almost the same as what you have mentioned, except that her's also said that her proposal was rated competitive. Thanks!


bipedalcycle, no, Mantz didn't mention rating. Perhaps mine wasn't as competitive as your colleague's.

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Hi fellow nail-biters,

Waiting on a cultural anth ddig and haven't heard anything yet.  Checked fastlane today and my proposal is also temporarily missing.  I'm trying to figure out funding for next year and was thinking of contacting Mantz.  Those of you who have done so, was he receptive to being contacted individualy?  I know POs often get besieged at this time of year...

On another note, it is frustrating to possibly miss an entire six month (re)application cycle.  And I imagine, because most of the rejected proposals won't be eligible for resubmission in the Jan 15 round, that the spring cycle will have less competition due to no revised proposals. 

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bipedalcycle, no, Mantz didn't mention rating. Perhaps mine wasn't as competitive as your colleague's.


MWO6, I received the same response from Mantz as you, with no mention of proposal rating. I have been trying to decipher what it might mean that we did not receive a rating and another person did. I suppose it is this long drawn-out wait that is prompting all these speculations. And yes, it is a bummer that we cannot re-apply in January. As ADDABD has said, it might be a good time for first time proposals, as indeed our revised proposals are not going to be possible. arrrghhh!  

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MWO6, I received the same response from Mantz as you, with no mention of proposal rating. I have been trying to decipher what it might mean that we did not receive a rating and another person did. I suppose it is this long drawn-out wait that is prompting all these speculations. And yes, it is a bummer that we cannot re-apply in January. As ADDABD has said, it might be a good time for first time proposals, as indeed our revised proposals are not going to be possible. arrrghhh!  

My guess is that those of us with no mention of rating are not in the "must fund" category and placed somewhere down the ranking.

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My guess is that those of us with no mention of rating are not in the "must fund" category and placed somewhere down the ranking.

hmm, any idea when were are expecting to get the official emails? This coming Friday will make it two weeks since the review panels met, right? 

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incredibly, last round i had a 2 month gap between when the review panel met and when i got my official results... i imagine it'll be rushed bc of the panel delay... but i have to guess not too rushed. i have been bracing myself for silence until after the new year.

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I emailed Jeff Mantz again to see if there was any update on my proposal. I received a reply today (12/19).  At least in my case, NSF has not received all the reviews and it will take another week or two before they make the final decision. I hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

any other anthros going crazy about the wait / as frustrated as i am about missing the 1/15 deadline? (from the august round)

Surely this must be the week when we hear the results...I can't believe how Mantz's "two weeks before we get the results" have extended into almost 4 weeks now!!  

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Yeah, still haven't heard anything.  I haven't talked to Mantz, but it is frustrating that, having put this much energy into a grant, we wouldn't get a chance to re-submit.  I wonder if there's any precedent for allowing applicants who receive late notice of rejections an extended deadline to reapply.  After all, this is supposed to be an iterative process, right? Seems like the NSF would lose out on some good reworked submissions by kicking us potential re-apply-ers out of the running...(just in case you're listening, Dr. Mantz....)

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