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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I'm afraid further Columbia acceptances are probably unlikely — the department sent out an email earlier in the week with information about the visiting day on March 2. The email was cc-ed to all of the accepted students. The total appears to be 34. Pretty strange that they're not doing a waitlist, though.

Thanks for that info! Although I am disappointed, it's good to know now rather than waiting for however long it takes them to send out rejections.

Congrats on your acceptance!

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re: pitt,

congratulations, teachgrad!!! if i remember correctly, you're a latin americanist. so am i. feel free to pm me with any questions you might have about the program.

i feel like i gave some people bad information now... i asked around on monday to see how far into the process they were, and it definitely didn't seem like they were ready to make offers yet. also, based on when they've notified in the past, i had no reason to believe they were doing things on an earlier schedule this year. if they are ready with decisions this week, i have an idea of why that might be... but i'll keep that to myself. anyone curious can pm me.

i am so unreliable. sorry, people. :lol:


PS, i will ask tomorrow and get what info i can. it's genuinely hard to gauge if pitt gives notice in one day or 5 days or whatever because in past years, not that many applicants posted on the board here. don't give up yet!

PPS, pitt doesn't accept students for a terminal MA (unless it's the joint program with the education department), but when students apply to the PhD program and don't have an MA already, they're admitted to the MA. that admission comes with 5 years of funding (usually), and the admission into the PhD program happens after the defense of the MA. all that is to say that admissions to the MA and PhD happen at the same time and are seen as part of the same applicant pool. it's just a formality that non-MA holders are admitted officially to the MA instead of the PhD.

Edited by StrangeLight
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Congrats teachgrad!!

Is anyone here one of the Brandeis waitlistees? I'd love to know your impression of Brandeis and I'm interested to know why they started with waitlists, not admits.

Edited by uhohlemonster
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What's the consensus on visiting a school that you probably won't attend? Waste of their time and resources, or an opportunity to network with others in your field at a different school? Under some pressure by my profs to visit a certain school before declining the offer, they seem to believe that you should *always* go to visits so you know what you're turning down. I defer to the Grad Cafe...

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The Pitt admissions are worrying me somewhat...

So, we have one on this board for a PhD and one on the results board for a Masters?

What time were your notifications sent (if you don't mind my asking)?

I got into the MA/Ph.D. - you can't apply directly to Ph.D.

I got the email like at 4 PM Pacific time.

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Thanks all :) I just want to thank everyone again for their support on here... I honestly didn't think I'd get in anywhere... I'm older than most of you (35 in a couple of weeks), have been out of school for a long time, and I don't have coursework in the field I'm going into. Plus my undergrad GPA is...ehh. You guys gave me the confidence to push forward and try and sell myself despite those "flaws," and focus on the positives. :)

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What's the consensus on visiting a school that you probably won't attend? Waste of their time and resources, or an opportunity to network with others in your field at a different school? Under some pressure by my profs to visit a certain school before declining the offer, they seem to believe that you should *always* go to visits so you know what you're turning down. I defer to the Grad Cafe...

I'd say that if you're sure you don't want the school and feel real confident for another one of your choices, pass it up. Let the school in question get in touch with someone on their waitlist so that they can go visit. From what I remember Harvard is your #1 and the school that you are questioning visiting is Princeton right?

As far as the whole networking thing goes, I'd think that you'd be better served in making connections with faculty at Princeton at conferences and the like and you'd probably feel a bit awkward in having discussions with the profs there about the potential of you attending.

I will say though, if Harvard meets after Princeton it might not be bad to go visit Princeton. I say that because what if you to visit Harvard and the profs there are kinda douchey, or you get a real bad feeling? Then you might regret passing up the visit to Princeton.

Sorry... I don't think that this was much help. But if you're sure you don't want any program I'd say follow your gut, not your advising professor, and pass up the visit.

Edited by Veilside1
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What's the consensus on visiting a school that you probably won't attend? Waste of their time and resources, or an opportunity to network with others in your field at a different school? Under some pressure by my profs to visit a certain school before declining the offer, they seem to believe that you should *always* go to visits so you know what you're turning down. I defer to the Grad Cafe...

Well, one question is: How is this going to impact *your* schedule? If it is a quick in-and-out, then maybe not such a big deal... if you are in a place with your workload where a longer visit won't make much of a dent in your ability to achieve what you must, then also probably not a big deal. However, as Veilside pointed out, you'll definitely have opportunities to network with these folks later on, and under circumstances where it won't feel awkward about visiting when you know that you aren't attending.

Your mileage may vary on this -- but I wasn't comfortable with the idea of visiting the school that I knew I was going to decline -- For one thing, the visit was a fairly long one -- four days(!) -- and it felt like I'd be going under false pretenses as well as keeping people who are on the wait-list waiting around longer when they could take advantage of that visiting window. On the other hand, you've been accepted and those who are wait-listed are wait-listed -- you're in the catbird seat and you get to decide what's best for you because the school chose you and would like you to attend, so if you decide to go and visit the school, that's certainly your prerogative! You certainly don't owe it to a stranger whose application wasn't as well received as yours to decline an offer precipitously.

Lots of factors in play -- only you can make this decision. My advisor told me to go and visit all of the schools too, but I have a master's thesis to finish and I also need to visit the schools that actually *are* seriously in contention... so I declined an offer from the one school that I knew I wasn't attending and they were cool about it and it wasn't a big deal. Just make sure that you do what makes sense for you. Don't visit and jeopardize your productivity because your advisor told you to do so. Don't NOT visit because someone on the wait-list (such as myself, for instance) tells you to decline in a hurry. Why not sleep on it, or flip a coin, if it is really up in the air? :)

Edited by virmundi
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Thanks virmundi and veilside, that's what I needed to hear. Just declined Princeton's offer!

NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o You have to see their gorgeous libraries and go up the towers... No, seriously, what if Harvard disappoints you?! *sigh* I hope that you will forge great networking connections with those Africanists though. :)

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I wonder how many people have ever said that they have "Just declined Princeton's offer!" I think you're a member of the 1% Safferz- tehehe.

Congrats again on getting into the program you really wanted to get into and getting a lot of other amazing offers!

Edited by wikichic
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Wait... wait... is that an Indiana acceptance up there?! Oh man. I guess, maybe they really didn't make a mistake. Congrats to whoever it is!

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I'm getting nervous. I haven't heard anything yet (except for Princeton's rejection) from anyone. I have a publication in a top tier journal in my field, national conference presentations, and plenty of language training. If this doesn't work out this year there's really nothing I can do that would significantly help my app (I already applied to phd programs before and took the time off to do everything) and I'm not getting any younger. Gah! The only thing I have no idea about are my letters of rec's! I wish I could read them!

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Hi everyone, just wanted to share this here before posting on the results page. I just received an email from my POI at Rutgers, with a fellowship offer. I'm ecstatic and now have some serious thinking to do. My top 3 (excepting the possibility of Yale) were Northwestern, Rutgers, and UT Austin. I realize how lucky I am to have this decision and I am certainly not complaining. I'm hoping that those of you still waiting on good news hear something positive in the upcoming week.

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