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0% Confidence of Acceptance

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I wanted to send some good vibes to you all. Unfortunately, as I am a dope, my image says "DOOG !KCUL," which isn't comforting to anybody. But anyway: *good vibes* *good vibes* *good vibes*

Also, I know that you lovely English people will be cheered by the site of an on-campus office (meager though it may be) filled with books. I love love love mine, despite everything.

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This whole process is absolute agony. I'm not typically an emotional eater, but yesterday I polished off a pack of Red Vines without even realizing it until I was done. And today I fully intend to buy myself a banana milkshake. If only I didn't have to wait five more hours to start drinking.

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I eat whatever is fast and easy. I can't stay in the kitchen long because I might miss acceptances on Grad Cafe... and if I'm not there when acceptances are handed out, then I might not get one. That is probably how it works.

Great sign, comebackzinc! I'm glad I hadn't already reached my +1 quota, so that I could give you a 1++++++ (in the voice of Ralphie's teacher).

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I eat whatever is fast and easy. I can't stay in the kitchen long because I might miss acceptances on Grad Cafe... and if I'm not there when acceptances are handed out, then I might not get one. That is probably how it works.

I know we say this lightheartedly, but my addiction to this forum is seriously a bit scary. I (gasp) really think I would be better off if I hadn't found it.

Edit: But of course, I can't leave now, because then I won't get in anywhere, obviously.

Edited by impending
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I've been overeating as well, and my nails are totally tore up from the floor up.

My boyfriend says if I get into a program, he will buy me an expensive steak. We never eat meat. I have to get in.

My nails look like crap, too. Just send me an acceptance, already!

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Hello everyone!

I'm a longtime lurker who finally caved to the siren call of the Grad Cafe-- against the judgment of everyone I know, who seem to think this place only adds to my stress and despondency. But we all know that's crazy, because how can we feel any worse than we do?! I've already started thinking about how I'm going to tell my professors/family/friends I was rejected from everywhere and that hasn't even happened yet. I've also started to plan on Rejection Party, but I haven't gotten past the question of what liquor I should drink yet. People have also starting ask me if drinking really is the best way to cope with this process (the answer is a resounding "yes").

Yep. That's my situation. Hello fellow applicants! It's nice to meet you all officially.

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I know we say this lightheartedly, but my addiction to this forum is seriously a bit scary. I (gasp) really think I would be better off if I hadn't found it.

Edit: But of course, I can't leave now, because then I won't get in anywhere, obviously.

I've thought about that too, but I know I'd be a MUCH bigger stress case if I didn't have some clue as to when/what people were hearing back from schools. If I hadn't found this site I'd be an absolute wreck, wondering why I hadn't heard anything from anywhere and whether I was the only one.

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I know we say this lightheartedly, but my addiction to this forum is seriously a bit scary. I (gasp) really think I would be better off if I hadn't found it.

Edit: But of course, I can't leave now, because then I won't get in anywhere, obviously.

Or is it that if I sit here and wait for it to happen, it never will? Crap!

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It's the fascination of the abomination.

And sometimes it is nice to see people get into their dream schools...makes you think that one day it could happen to you too!

still hanging on it this one... as in "one day" is hopefully between now and april...

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