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Fall 2012 Chemistry


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I ask her when they will notify International physical chemistry applicants about admission decisions. Her email says by the middle of February.

really? her e-mail says the department "will announce its decisions no later than the middle of February".

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Once I had emailed Susan Brighton, I didn't receive a response. Then I e-mailed Lynn Marie Guthrie and received an immediate reponse. I suggest you to send your inquiries to Lynn in the case you need info. :)

Thanks - Lynn says "The admissions process is still ongoing. It may be another few weeks before all of the decisions are finalized." So i guess there's still hope for us...!

twb your acceptance status is almost identical to mine.. except Scripps. I guess we probably would meet a lot during March :)

haha i'm not sure that i'm going to all of them but maybe :)

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Got rejected from Stanford today, which was a bummer. But I finally got a call from Caltech! So that definitely took the sting away, especially since I had kinda given up on them.

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Got rejected from Stanford today, which was a bummer. But I finally got a call from Caltech! So that definitely took the sting away, especially since I had kinda given up on them.

Same here. rejection from stanford. And I am wondering whether the prospect of receiving acceptances from other schools I applied is still promising...

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So one of my graduate programs misplaced my GRE scores, and the Adcoms have been reviewing my profile with my previous scores (which were abysmal). It wasn't until today that they got the most up to date version (which were substanually better than my previous effort, +100 points in the Q section), although the scores were sent directly, as requested, to the program on Dec 18, 2011. I guess I will be geting a rejection e-mail from that program. Why in the hell are these programs so poorly administered. It always seems as if someone is misplacing something that should be a couple of mouse clicks away; or, someone is always loosing documents that should be readily available in a database for the adcoms to review.

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So one of my graduate programs misplaced my GRE scores, and the Adcoms have been reviewing my profile with my previous scores (which were abysmal). It wasn't until today that they got the most up to date version (which were substanually better than my previous effort, +100 points in the Q section), although the scores were sent directly, as requested, to the program on Dec 18, 2011. I guess I will be geting a rejection e-mail from that program. Why in the hell are these programs so poorly administered. It always seems as if someone is misplacing something that should be a couple of mouse clicks away; or, someone is always loosing documents that should be readily available in a database for the adcoms to review.

which university it is ??

same thing happened to me at Utah.... fortunately the graduate adm. assistant asked for my GRE score report via email ........

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@ah233. It was Univ of Michigan for Applied Physics. They have their own GRE code and everything, but they told me that they didn't have my most recent scores until I called them about decisioins, which have started to come out as of yesterday. I e-mailed my new scores to the department, but they were "lost" since December 18th when I was told they arrived to the program, buy one of the program's administrators.

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Does anyone know how funding works at UCLA? I received the offer letter about the "minimum" $27500 but no information on extra fellowships. I thought this was a little strange because UCLA would be the most expensive place for me to live and mostly everywhere else offered additional fellowships straight away. I believed it was pretty common in chemistry programs; a couple of them were just for the first year but that would help a lot with moving.

I don't know if I should e-mail and ask if there are possibly other forms of aid given + stipend or sit tight because maybe that info is still to come?

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Does anyone know how funding works at UCLA? I received the offer letter about the "minimum" $27500 but no information on extra fellowships. I thought this was a little strange because UCLA would be the most expensive place for me to live and mostly everywhere else offered additional fellowships straight away. I believed it was pretty common in chemistry programs; a couple of them were just for the first year but that would help a lot with moving.

I don't know if I should e-mail and ask if there are possibly other forms of aid given + stipend or sit tight because maybe that info is still to come?

Not an expert but UCLA does offer a number of fellowships that they offer to entering students; but I don't believe they receive significantly more money than anyone else. After a year you are actually eligible to become a teaching fellow though, which does include a raise (brings you closer to 30k). But generally one of the complaints of graduate students at UCLA is that they don't have a lot of money to live, which is true because Los Angeles is flipping expensive

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The guy (International) who got accepted in Notre Dame and posted result, mind sharing the stats and what in type of chemistry got the acceptance ??

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Not an expert but UCLA does offer a number of fellowships that they offer to entering students; but I don't believe they receive significantly more money than anyone else. After a year you are actually eligible to become a teaching fellow though, which does include a raise (brings you closer to 30k). But generally one of the complaints of graduate students at UCLA is that they don't have a lot of money to live, which is true because Los Angeles is flipping expensive

Thanks for your response. I am trying to work out my cost of living there but it's not looking too great. It's too bad because UCLA is a great mix between having my specific research interests and being a highly ranked school, but it seems everywhere has their faults. (some of my other favorite schools are one that has just the research I want, but is not well known overall, and another that is highly ranked and has a lot of awesome research but doesn't have anyone in the niche I like the most).

I'm still hopeful there may be available fellowships, but I wonder if because I haven't heard back yet I'm not in the running. I looked up the teaching fellow thing and that seems to be only for students who have advanced to candidacy although maybe I was looking at the wrong thing.

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I'm looking to do natural products synthesis/organic.

Applied: KU medchem, Northwestern, U Minnesota TC, U Wisconsin Madison, Tx A&M, Vanderbilt, UCSD, Penn State, U Pittsburgh

Accepted: Northwestern, UMinn, UWisconsin, Tx A&M, Penn State

Interview: KU


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I was wondering about U Michigan myself. They are still sending out offers, even thought their deadline was so early.

Yeah I was wondering the same, they have some interesting research there I would like to be part of but still waiting :(


when did you heard from Notre Dame ??

I heard back in first week of January, since my research experience completely aligned with one of my possible PI's research intersects. Don't lose hope though!

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for all interested:

I just called Columbia's Chem Dept and was told that offers will still be made through the end of this week. I was also told that there could be a waiting list, but that the length of the list and the names of applicants on the list have not been decided. FWIW

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